BYLAW - Amend 1863 (Vanderplung) - 19830711 - 259283·- ' ' // ff----v ~-.-.-(.:_ ·-/ .-, r' c.'-' '' ·· c_) BY-LAW NUMBER ;;_.s-Yol-fi-3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 'B' Performance Standard Chart, standard #28 the minimum side yard required for a one storey attached garage on the subject property, which is part of Lot 33, Registered Plan 246 more particular shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law shall be 1 metre. 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law take effect from the day of passing thereof. OF. . . . ; ............ , 19 83. -....... ~~--~ RE~ A SELtf~DlltME THI~ .. J.!.M:DAY ... ~.{t¥aR·¢·· OF~-·~·· 1983. ......... ;:r-2f,. . . .... CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ... !!~ .... DAY OF ... :H A:.~_:~<-.~~ . MAYOR a..,..~ CLERK .· '· . ,.· LOT 33 , PLAN 246 TOWN OF AURORA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Scale • I • 1200 KENNEDY 33.38 48.46 ~~ ~ 0 ) !:::: (\J g .,; !::: "' "" . 46.19 N72°4030'E }t ~< \::) !'> "' ~ ~ ~ "" LOT PLAN 246 -~ .. ;;:: ~ C\i " ::0: "" . .81.47 0 ' N72 15E STREET 81.65 33. . ' SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. __ _ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT I .. :-~ Schedule 2 By-law cJf"? )._ has the following purpose and effect. To amend By-law Number 1863 the By-law in effect in the urban part of the Town of Aurora to reduce the required side yard for a one storey attached garage from 15 feet to 1 metre (3.281 feet). The owner of the subject lands planned an addition to the existing dwelling comprising expanded living quarters and an attached garage. The plans for the building were based on an comply with the provisions By-law 2213-78 a new zoning by-law enacted by Council in 1980 but which will not come into force until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. By-law 2213-78 has similar provisions to By-law 1863 in respect to this area, however an exception to the interior side yard requirement is made where an attached garage is adjacent to the yard. By-law 2213-78 requires a minimum 1 metre side yard in this instance. Since that will be the minimum requirement when By-law 2213-78 is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, Council have enacted this by-law to allow the owner of the subject lands to proceed with his addition as planned, at this time. I I ,. J t t ~ :I' I v I I l f f i I I l f· ~· r l I l r I I 'f ·.···· .. · . .' .• '· { . " TOW/I "" NEWMARKET : f=t ~ 1frCij~q '·' 1' I ).:·hh!P~ I SI!<EI p I ~ .. fi ~ ~ I f f I I \ f hc~f·~ . ~ ~ f ~ ~ ... , .... 2111D 0 200 400 _@00 IQQI_ j)l!o ~-J«<I I:IQO !lOCI , ... -PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS \M. AOADS TOWN "" CON. RICHIIOND HILL TOWN OF AURORA EDULE 2 ·1 ' .<·