BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19830606 - 258583' . OF, THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to Amend By-law 1863 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the defined area affected by By-law 1863 is hereby amended to include the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' may be used for no other use than a 'Building Supply Centre'. 3. For the purposes of this By-law a 'Building Supply Centre' shall mean: A building used for the sale of building supplies such as lumber, plumbing and electrical supplies, hardware, household and garden equipment, flooring and other building trade supplies within a wholly enclosed building. 4. That the arrangement of parking and landscaping and the building location shall be as specified on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 5. That all provisions of By-law 1863 other than those specifically provided for by this by-law shall apply to the subject lands. 6. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such approval the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ' . • • • f -2 '~~ ,,,, __ --~'' ..... _, __ ,_, '' OF ••••• >.(~·····• 1983. ·········~#~ RE~ A SE9\0~D ~E THIS . ./ b ... DAY OF .... /(7· ...... , 983 . .... ~.~AYoR ... ~ ......... c~~ .. ~.:,...r~ AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .... ~ ....•. DAY OF 19 83 . ...... ~ ...... CLERK ' .. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REPORT TO COUNCIL Technical Committee May 12, 1983 By-law 2530-82 Home Hardware Site The above noted By-law was enacted on October 4, 1982. At that time preliminary plans had been prepared on the subject site and consequently it was determined that 5 metre minimum sideyards on each side of the proposed building would be acceptable. By-law 2530-82 was not circulated pending completion of the site plan agreement. Since then, a detailed site plan and grading plan has been prepared. The applicants have now determined that the minimum northern sideyard which is acceptable for the property is 3 metres. It is felt by the Technical Committee that the 3 metre sideyard is acceptable. A second By-law has therefore been prepared as well as a By-law which repeals By-law 2530- 82. The applicant will have the completed site plan available before the By-law comes in front of Council for Third Reading. ·0VJ~ . Seibert on behalf of the Technical Committee ·;.'' ~ }>A-RT OF LOT 84, CON CESS ION I, E. Y. S. . 'TOWN OF AURORA- Scale: I: 100 PLAN 461 LOT 10 ____.. - I ~. -''\ J ~ c. . gi "' ~ \/ THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. ~ZI5-'6 3 PASSED THIS , r{ (}, DAY OF ~-19~ Cl~~ G oi ,~ -~ ,_ w ~ w 0 a:: ~ ,_ "' ~ ~ "' ,..., "'w (!) z. ,~ 0 "' >-.,_,. \~ 0 PARKING AREA ~~ ~0 Max. 5 spaces ' \'---·-- PARKING AREA ~ OLO SiREEi SCHEDULE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT "' ~ Schedule 2 By-law 2585-83 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 1863, the part of the Town of Aurora to which are directly north of St within By-law 1863 which urban development t laJ-Iif"J'1J/)j the former Township for the development The minimum are equivalent to Front yard North side yard Rear yard South side yard 3 m 20 m 5 m = = = = the urban lands, Centre, s for the lands in standards on Schedule 'A' follows: 131.23 feet 9.84 feet 65.62 feet 16.40 feet A site plan agreement dealing with the details of the proposed development has been entered into between the developer and the Town. ;:>~ I i I BEFOREt D.H. McROBB Vice-Chaixman -and- G.M. HOBART Member R 831142 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1980, a. 379), -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2585-83 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, the 18th day of August, 1983 The objectors to approval of the said by-law having withdrawn their objections; THE BOARD ORDERS that By•law 2585-83 is hereby appx-oved. c-"~,-·_" ___ ___, ENlcRC:D 0. B. No. /f.'4? .-.~ .. · Fnl:o No ..• 3~.~ · · · · · ·