BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19830321 - 256283BY-LAW NUMBER c25b;J-,f.3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. The defined area affected by By-law 1863 is hereby amended to include the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' are hereby zoned S.l.16.26.37 .. 3. That all provisions of By-law 1863 shall apply to the subject lands. 4. That By-law 986 is hereby repealed insofar as it applies to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A'. 5. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. CLERK THIS .. ,.;?,/. ...... DAY OF -·--·-··~----···~··-· ·-------~--· _,_-__..:.__.·. ~~~~ .... ~>.:~---""""'·="'~=~~"'-·~' ~·~~--:.....~~---~-· _. PA.RT OF LOT 83 CONCESSION I WEST TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCALE I : 400 L 0 T ="' g., -- -"' co...: ---NN 0---i I -- IN72032'oo'E --~e1.oo I L-~-L~~~~~~~~:- I --;----:---. --1---__ , _ .... _,---, __ _ _ .... \_ ... ---, r --~.------·-----+--__ ,._ __ I --T-....,. __ ,_ ----r-- ' __ ,_ __ _ ----t--- 1 \ \ . ~ I \ \ I I \ \ I I \ \ ~--­---i ~---­----, ___ I----,_ __ ---. )-----. ---J--- 1 i 1 I ---1:,.....-/ I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I / I I 1 I I I L 0 T 82 S-1-16-26-37 --------~----.....:..:.~;..;_-----~---··-··- THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. $,6,2-f3 PASSED THIS dla:T""oAY OF ~ 19 ?'"J ,._ ,._ "' 0 .,. 0 "' "' "' 0 ., ;z SCHEDULE 'A• TO BY -LAW No. c2502-f3 . ·1 '':_\' -="--~"-"""==*'-·--~---"--· ·~· '.:_~:. '"''---~"""'~"""'''"''""''"'''"'·~~""""'=·~~~--· _:.·-....:......:_.~_·_· :_~ __ ___;..__.: ______ _ • I • .. . . Schedule 2 By-law Qs't;,J-83 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 1863 the By-1aw in force in the urban section of the Town ·Of Aurora to: (a) Incorporate the. subject lands which are within a plan or subdivision which has been draft approved by Regional C.ouncil into By-law 1863 which has standards more suited to urban development then the by-law currently in force in parts of Aurora which were formerly in King Township. (b) Zone the lands for detached Residential lots ln the area zoned S. The lots proposed for the area adjacent to the existing residential area to the east have frontages of 15.24 metres (50 feet) which are approximately the same as the lot sizes in the subdivision to the east. Minimum required house size is 1200 square feet for a one storey dwelling and 750 square feet for more than one storey. • ', ,, ~~~"> BEFOREt R 830845 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 of The Planninq Act (R.s.o. 1980, c. 37§), -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2562-83 A.H. ARRELL, Q.C. Vice-Chairman -and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 29th day of June, 1983 E.A. SEABO:RN Member The objectors to approval of the said by-law havinq withdrawn their objections; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2562-83 is hereby approved. I.!NH;UJ 0, R flo, cb,15..3 . ~ folio No •. ...1 ... ~-::fe ........ . JUL 6-t983 < <=f:rltb-- ... ~l?- ACi:r~~ S:;;::Rtl4'RV. CNT. Mlffi!'!CIPAI IJ"I!lf\ -