BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19830405 - 257283.l . . ~ .•«l ,. ___ j BY-LAW NUMBER d fi' 7;/-t2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 AS AMENDED BY BY- LAW NUMBER 2538-82 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863 as amended by By-law 2538-82 . NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. By-law 2538-82 is amended by adding the following as Clause 2. "Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VIII 8.(b) Definition, for the purposes of this by-law the uses permitted in the Open Space Zone shall be limited to landscaping." 2. Clause 2 of By-law 2538-82 is hereby renumbered to Clause 3. "~: :: k:z CLERK DAY OF .. V.J... ... ,1983. ·········~{~· REfl> A SECOND 'I:IME THIS .. /?/. . KW .A. ... Ji1: .. /.!J ... MAYOR -~LI~ READ A T~I~ TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .. ~~~.DAY OF . e· ··" Cft4 ...... "" .... ~ . ~-·. ~ .. ~-;-/4 .. . MAYOR ~"I CLERK ···v ! ·•• ~ '.,.· BEFORE• J, R. MILLS Member R 830800 Ontario Municipal Board IN TEE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (n.s .. o. 1980, 'Ci:379), -and- IN THE MATTER OF an app1ication by The Corporation of the Town :.f A1>rora fot approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2538-82 Thursday, the llth day of August, 1983 P. H. HOWDEN, Q.C. Member l l I l l l ) The objectors to approvslof By-law 2538-82 having withdrawn· ;their objections and the council of the applicant corporation havin; &n opportunity to consider csrtaiu amaname~ta to the said by-law and the said council having on the 5th day of April, 1983, passed By-law 2572-83 amending By-law 2538-32 and having caused a certified copy thereof to be filed and the Board having disp~,sed with notice and hearing in respect of By-law 2572-837 THE B~\RD ORDERS that By-law 2538-82 as amended by.By-law 2572-83 is hereby approved. SECRETARY ENTERED o. c. rlo .. 1?.a~::.:l.:-.. . ro:i~ N~ .... J3.J.. .............. .. I•UG 1 9 1983