BYLAW - Temp Close St Johns Sdrd Constr York-Durham Sewage Sys - 19821115 - 254182[ u ':;\:~:;~'\~-\~'.[ A~'(q[( "c BY-lAW #2541-82 _, t...~' OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY -LAW TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE UP TilE ST. JOHN 1 S SIDEROAD FOR THE CONSTRUCIION OF THE YORK-DURHAM SEWAGE SYS'IEM. WHEREAS pursuant to the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, Subsection 43, Municipal Councils may temporarily close any highway or portion of a highway under the jurisdiction of the Municipality for any period during the construction, repairing or imprcvement of such highway, or portion thereof or of any works under, over, along, acrcss or upon such highway or portion thereof. AND WHEREAS, the Municipal Corpcration of the Town of Aurcra deems it expedient to temporarily close up a portion of the St. John 1 s Sidercad. NOW THEREFORE be it resolved, l. That the St. John 1 s Sidercad from 300 feet east of the C.N .R. crcssing to the east limit of Old Yonge Street be temporarily closed effective November 15th, 1982 to February 15th, 1983. 2. That the St. John 1 s Sidercad frcm 300 feet east of the C.N .R. crcssing to Highway #11 be temporarily closed from January 1st, 1983 to February 15, 1983. 3 . That Samaria Construction Company Ltd. prcvide access for local residents during the construction period. 4 . That thrcugh traffic be prchibi ted. 5. That Samaria Construction Company Ltd. ensure that all necessary apprcvals , permits and the necessary construction signs , are obtained and erected. 6. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS I s'd DAY OF ~~ ,1982. Mayor READ A THIRD TIME AND TINAUX PASSED THIS J5iJ DAY OF s~ , 1982. Mayor Clerk I, Colleen E. Gowan, Veputq Cle~R, on the Co~po~at~on ofJ the Town o6 Au~o~a do he~ebq c.e~Unlf th':-t the 6Mego~ng i.-6 a t~ue c.opq ofJ Bq-law # 251j..l-82, adopted bq the Counc.~l o6 the ~.>a~d Ca~po~ati.o~·on Novembe~ 15th. 1982. ( ojlA~ NOVEMBER 18 ,1982 VATE ~~---------~ _';.__;;_~=::S-=::c::-=:~ VEPUTY CLERK