BYLAW - Sale of Lands - 19821201 - 2543821 •.. By-Law ~ 2543-82 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO SELL CERTAIN LANDS TO PRECISION SMALL PARTS LIMITED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CARRYING ON OF AN INDUSTRIAL OPERATION. WHEREAS this Corporation is now seized and possessed of the lands mentioned in Schedule 11A11 appended hereto; AND WHEREAS, by virtue of Section 210 (50) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, this Corporation is empowered to sell lands for Municipal purposes and specifically to sell lands for the purpose of sites for the establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation; AND WHEREAS, the lands mentioned in Schedule 1 ~11 are to be sold by this Corporation for the development of an Industrial site; AND WHEREAS, Precision Small Parts Limited has applied to this Corporation to purchase these lands mentioned in Schedule "A" in and for the consideration of $45,000.00 per acre. AND WHEREAS, the Municipal Council of this Corporation by Resolution dated November 11th, 1981, a true copy of which is appended hereto as Schedule 11B11 , approved of this sale. AND WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the said resolution, and at the request of Precision Small Parts Limited, part of the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" being Part 3 of Reference Plan 65R-4573, were not to be included in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between this Corporation and Precision Small Parts Limited so that the lands to be included in the said Agreement are those mentioned in Schedule 11C11 appended hereto; · AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the said Resolution, this Corporation entered into an agreement of Purchase and Sale made the 11th day of November, 1981 with Precision Small Parts Limited respecting the sale of the lands mentioned in Schedule 11C11 • NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as By-law 2543-82 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the following: (1} That the Resolution of the Municipal Council of this Corporation, appended as Schedule 11B11 , be ratified. (2) That the lands herein now mentioned in Schedule 11C11 be sold and conveyed to Precision Small Parts Limited. (3) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and execute under the seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the Agreement of Purchase and Sale made the 27th day of November, 1981 between this Corporation and Precision Small Parts Limited respecting these lands mentioned in Schedule 11C11 • ,------ -2 - ( 4) That the Mayor and CZerk be authorized to sign and execute under the seaZ of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora aZZ documents necessary to effect the saZe of these Zands mentioned in Schedule "C" by this Corporation to Precision SmaZZ Parts Limited pursuant to the said Agreement of Purchase and SaZe. Read A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~DAY OF ~ , 1982 CZerk READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~DAY OF ' 1982 -'"'--~---·---------~~------~-----·~--- SCHEDULE "A 11 All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being in the TOUJn of Aw:>ora, in the Regional-MunicipaUty of York and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot 8?, Plan 246, Town of Aurora and being more particul-arly described as Parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and ? on a Plan of survey deposited in the Registry Office in the Registry Division of York Region (!165) as Plan 65R-45?3. THIS IS SCHEUDE "B" tO BY-LAW. # 2543-82 TOWN OF AURORA ONTARIO November 11 Moved By ___ "_WE_S_T_" ___________ _ "STEWART" Seconded By--------------- RESOLVED that, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement of Sale with PrBcision Small Parts Limited, of approximately 13.627 acres of land at $45,000.00 an acre being part of l.Dt 83, Con. l and more particularly described as shown as Schedule "A" to the Agreerrent, subject to our normal terms and conditions in our Industrial Park Sales being net. I, Kenneth B. Rodger, Clerk, of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Council of the said Corporation on November 11,198:):. ~-5~1-t. /?f'z. ---------------------~--------------- DA'IE CLERK CARRIED "George D. Tilnpson" Mayor SCHEDULE 11C11 TO BY-LAW # 2543-82 AU and Singul-ar that certain pared or tract of wnd and premises being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional-Municipal-ity of York and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot 8?, PZan 246, Town of Aurora and being more particuZarZy described as Parte 1, 2, 5 6 and ? on a Pl-an of Survey deposited in the Registry Office in the Registry Division of York Region (1/65) as Fran 65R-45?3.