BYLAW - Sale of Land - 19820215 - 248281,.,~ { ' I . . · .. --. _ .. -'---.-=d=~:~~"'"'f'~~~""'''""""""""""'""~""'"'~"~=.;....;._.:_ _____ . -··-~----"-"_,-~ .. ,«M.;;,;.;,t,...;,"~'~~n~A~"~~-~--------------~----~~ • BY~LAW NUMBER 2482-82 OF THE·'•MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AUIDRA BEING A BY-LAW 'ID AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND. WHEREAS THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AUIDRA DEEMS IT EXPEDIENT 'ID AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AUIDRA ENACTS AS FCJLLCWS: 1. THAT THE LAND HEREINAFTER PARTICIJLARLY DESrniBED, NAMELY PART OF LOTS 77 AND 78, CONCESSION 1 BE SOLD 'ID ON THE EAST SIDE OF YONGE STREET, BEING DESGINATED AS PARI' 1 ON A PLAN DEPOSITED IN THE REGISTRY OFFICE FOR THE REGISTRRY DIVISION OF YORK REGION AS NUMBER 65R-43l8. CARDIFF INVESTMEN'IS LIMITED • 2. THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK ARE HEREBY AUI'HORIZED 'ID EXECU'IE SUCH DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY THEREFORE, AND 'ID ATTACH THE CORPORATE SEAL THERETO. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 1ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1982. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS I 0 d DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1982. CLERK ' ''"~-J:·.-------····~-~--_,__ .. ,_ .. ----------,....,.,...,._.,...=,==<=""""'·"""""'""<9::<~-"=--·,-==-.>==" ·jl •-••""C-. ' . 1 D<•cd-Without Spou.al Consent (A';rtt'tlfl('(/ lilly, /979} DYl-6 D~RHA'M CO. LIMITED ,URM NU. t•3 made in duplicate the 15th day of eighty-one December one thousand· nine hundred and Jln Pursuance nf tile B>llnrt Jl!nrmn nf <!lnnucnuncen 1\ct: 1!htween THE CORPORATION OF THE TOI'IN OF AURORA, Hereinafter called the GRANTOR OF THE FIRST PART, -and- CARDIFF INVESTMENTS LIMITED, a company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Hereinafter called the GRANTEE OF THE SECOND PART, WHEREAS by a Deed dated Septeml:er 15, 1981 and registered on October 26, 1981 as InstJ::urrent No. 282557, The Corporation of the To\.m of Aurora conveyed to Cardiff Investrrents Limited certain lands c".escrihed therein subject to an easement over Part 5, Plan 65R-2641. AND 1i'HEPEAS the lands are not subject to the said easerent and this Deed is given to confirm and correct the said descripti<l'l. llHtnessctll that in consideration of the sum of TWO--------;_ ___________ _ ---------------------------($2.00)-------------------DOLLARS now paid by the said Grantee to the said Grantor, the receipt whereof is hereby bY him acknowledged, he the said Grantor DOTH GRANT unto the said Grantee in fee simple THOSE lands and premises located in the following municipality, namely, in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Township of 1-lhitchurch, in the County of York) andbeingcomposedof Part of Lots 77 and 78, Concession 1 on the East side of Yonge Street being designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region as Number 65R-4328. ' ~-- li d ,, ' !. ,I r Deed -Withoi1t Spousal Consent I) aBe 2 (AmrndM July, 1979) its DV£ a DUIU·IAM'-,CO, l.IMITI:O F'ORM NO. I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee/his lt~l1S';~'X~~.xN<lilii'Atuttl~ successors and assigns to and for their sole and only use forever; SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS to the reservations, limitations, provisoes and conditions expressed in the original grant thereof from the Crown. The said Grantor COVENANTS with the said Grantee that he has the right to convey the said lands to the said Grantee notwithstanding any act of the said Grantor. AND that the said Grantee shall have quiet possession of the said lands free from all encumbrances. AND the said Grantor COVENANTS with the said Grantee that he will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite. AND the said Grantor COVENANTS with the said Grantee that he has done no act to encumber the said lands. AND the said Grantor RELEASES to the said Grantee ALL his claims upon the said lands. PROVIDED that in construing these presents the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" and the pronouns .. he". "his" or "him .. relating thereto and used therewith shall be read and construed as "Grantor" or "Grantors", "Grantee,. or "Grantees", and .. he", :'she", ''it" or "they", "his'', "her", .. its" or "their", or "him". "her", ''it" or "them.,, respectively, as the number and gender of the party or. panics ·referred· lO in each case require, and the number of the verb· agreeing therewith shall be cons~rued as agreeing with the said word or pronoun so substjtuted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the Presence of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURO~ (:J ('-:/ Per: ·»wr C:· ~~ }---"/ _.:?~ Per:_t--/L~/J:::::....I}c....:::··~::.-=.. "71-·~~/c_.__c. s. I .. ~ed, Mongage, Agr~ment of Sale, lease, clc. Affidavil -The· Planning Act JAAII.!\'/JfiJAPRII I. I~'IJ . IN THE MA TIER of the PLANNING ACT (as amended) llVt a DURHAM CO, LIMITI;D HlliM NO. 013 AND IN THE MATTER ofthe TITLE TO Pt. Lots 77 and 78, Concession 11 Town of Aurora (formerly the Township of Whitchurch), designated as Part 1, Plan 65R-.4328 AND IN THE MATTER OF A Correcting Deed THEREOF, FROM THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA TO CARDIFF INVESTMENTS LIMITED DATED December 15, 1981 I, of the in the MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: . _;o be made ;._::. :_:yoneofthe ~:,parties or ·I. lam~~~ 1{ the ~o/ ~ named in the above mentioned Instrume'rl't, and have knowledge of thtlmatters hereinafter sworn. by his solicitor Delete if not applicable State other n~ason if any 2. A consent under Section 29 of The. Planning Act, as amended, in respect of the said Instrumentis not required because (~~~P~~~~~ewn~~e~~n4~~~4h~~~~d~n~~m7e~~ fl"G"'+'eF-f)I'-Fight-f.e-(¥fm{,-f1S5igH-f)l'-e!lfeFGi-fHJolWJI"-o:fo{lppt}int.~.wi-t./i-re5pl!et49oflllJ'oleRil e~Ju.fl+tig-1-he -itJ.n€l..ofjeeleei-bj>-llu~- The land affected by the within instrument is being disposed of by a Municipality and is exempt under Section 29 (2) (c) of The Planning Act of Ontario. SW. ;ORN be)5re me . ·. . . at~~A.~ in the··-,~~A~{_ this ~~ ~~.. d-.. dayof ,.__;r~ · J9cf /~j~ ecf?~.__· ~ A Con].llliWIMtC'rlor Taking Afridavirs, etc. :'1 w--~ ~,. •s"' footnote •SH fuutnot~ AFFIDAVIT OF ~l!illifHWINJ!. \'{I_JN~lill. l, of the in the make oath :md say: I nm a subs'C~ibing witness to. the attoached instrument and I was present and saw it executed at by I verily, believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the .party of the. _same naine" referred to in the instrument. ,,_, ""'\ SWORN before me at the this day of 19 -'l CON•USSIO,.,~It I'Qil TAKINC_ -'I"I"IOAVITS. IITC. • Wht're a party il unable! to. read the irutrument or where a parl!t .Jigru _by making hi.J mark or in foreign charar:ter1 . tuld "after the in.rtrument had been read to him. and· he appeared tully to understand it". \Vhere C%CCuted under a J)Ower of attorney insert "(nam.e of attorney) n1 attorney /or (name of party)"; and for ne;rt clawe substitute '"I t:eril!l believe that the person whole siRnature I witnessed wa.r outhori~ed to tr.fecute the inst.,,ment O$ attorney for (name)". · .jJ Ill "' 0 & rl II 0 "" ' Ill CXl 8 • rl J,j, "' z H .jJ ~ 0 ..., ~ ::;: 0 • IJ> .jJ H = o· s::· . .; ' 8 ~ Q) 0 S::·ri 0 O·ri ee OGJ lll·ri "" C/l 1-<1-< ~ O.Q a S::rl I II: 8 Q) Ill CXl d!-QJO • 8 ~ !:!~ '~N i ~' -~ :>til .jJ .<: Cl ~CXl.j.JM , Q) s:: .jJ ~iil 00 z E-< ..... ·ri .... 0 ·ri' '-<• .j.J«S 0 lO 8 0 H~. <-o§~ u '-'' Ill: C/l rl 0 ~ C/l ' ~Q ·~ O' .j.J' Ill ' Ztx: g; '0 ~ s:: lO r s::; «~I-< >< 1-< o::> ..... +J. ~ ~Ill •\0 • ;: -o' 0 Q) 8 , 6 I Q) H~ z \OS:: C/21'-~S:: a ~ '-'' !ll+l HO t>:,~::t z "' 1l 8 H 0 • ~ Ill' ,, S::lll 014 iil XI-< 8~ 1'-0ctl • ~ a .<:' Ill Q) • .; M rl > ~ 0 Q) "' 0 0 'l-lrl 0 0 "' rl' H' :>1-<·t!l 0 0 "' lll8 ~ lll~ll< "' a IV' O' QJI-<P::Zt!l Q) ~ H ({! .jJ ~ ~ IJ> I-<; ~ C'1j •HO 0 ~ .. 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