BYLAW - OPA #23 - 19820118 - 246581D 0 n 0 • 0 ~ ~ " ~ ~ 0 "' "' ,_ <0 ,_ ,_ ,_ <D ,_ "' ,_ .,. ,_ "' ,_ "' ,_ ,_ 0 z >- 0 ..J / @ CONCESSION 1.1--------- REFERRED TO If _ • ... ::,\\ OMB W' ... ' _-,_, REFERRED I v II. -. OMB N° " 1 REFERRED OMB N? 6 IW CONCESSION ~:wv:-. . ! .-.~·<-i\:\:{~7 .,~~~?-Sr- INSTITUTI URBAN RESI ------- IE I CONCESSION + " .c• ~•-••· •t ... , .. ' i ' \ ------+-- ' ' ----- \ . ---·----~·· -------- "-, L' I \_"\ \ ( ~\ II CONCESSION --#-----,)) .I I . -l' I II I ,!/ 111 I I I •I I -·-/I ~ I 1/1 I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I f\ Lt..,_ __j I ~ f' /:.l2J/ It:;:~ I I"'== - - -=4r ~" r f ;'}..,., I ~ I -..~ I Ill -ii' <D "' "' "' ... "' "' "' "' "' "' 0 "' "' "' ,_ <D "' .,. "' "' 0 z NOTE This mop was comp!Yed from corrected aerial photography and s/1011/d no! be scaled. ---------. ----------- CONCESSION IW I/" !/ >---------0 Ill -d W< NUMB£+6 D>FFERS I I I _ CONCESSION u.IE I CONCESSION II I CONCESSION ..J AMENDMENT No. 23 LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL [I%J@;'itd'iJJ INSTITUTIONAL '----· '""" MAJOR OPEN SPACE I l r-~ J 1---1 RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION J PLANNING AREA "BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORI NOTES• DATED MAY 24 ,19 I THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE •N r!;ET ~ •ooo SQQ o •000 >000 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPART RfVISED APRIL 1979 ·-·'-'-: •• _,c\:1 ' --. /--·---"-..:_::~--~=----'---=c~•-~-·:·_:·.:-. ____ .,.;,_,_.J=<.,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,;,,,~,,~~-=<i==._,,,_..,~...,,,...~:i·_. _.: _: __ ~---------~--------~-~---·--------------- :~ (_.' / \ ·' ~ _._ ,r,·· .. i . : ( 19 ~-OP-0 0 215-2 3 I AMENDMENT N 0. 1 2 3 TO THE OFFICIAL P1LAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNIING I AREA -·----.---·. -------- . · Amendment No. 23 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan ~or the Aurora il Planning Area, which has been adoptep by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby ', approved in accordance with section i7 of The ', Planning Act as Amendment No. 23 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area . Date .~J!/:j~v. .. D. McHugh) Director (Acting) Cbmmunity \Plarming Review Branch Central & 'Southwest '' .·; i ' ·'{. .... _~~-:, .• ~··'""''';.;.,.,..~~~--......::..:..----' '-,~-~-~--------_._--·.~·~--'--- AMENDMENT N0.23 OF ~~E T~~Rg~ri~~~~~Ni~~N AREA PART I: THE CERT\IFICATION Th l · I · ' , 2 3 e exp ana tory text canst J_ tutlng Amendment No. to the Official Plan of the Auro~a Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the i, Town of Aurora by By-law No .2465-8] in accordance with Sedotion l 7 of The Planning Act on the ... lB ......... day or. J<;LJ).tia;r')T •••••• 19 !32 ••• / 07 ··~···'···~··· MAYOR · I, This Amendment to the Officia~ Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adop~ed by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby apprdved in accordance with Section l 7 of The Planning Actl, as Amendment No.2 3 to the Official Plan of. the Aurorla Planning Area. , • --' -. ' :-:--~~~--~---~-"--~·~--:_~_._:··:_. ·~---··~"'"'-"~.~~~~""'~"""'~-· -· _, ~--,-~~ OF THE MUNICIPAL BY-LAW JuMBER~)l/~("' ~ 1 CORPORATIOIN OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 23 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: 1. Amendment No. 2 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, ·consisting of I the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. I I 2. That the Municipal Corporati~n of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. I The Clerk is hereby authoriz~d and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf ot this Corporation such application as may be necess~ry to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said!Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal sue~ documents as may be required for the above purposes. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS .1/((l;l, .DAY OF .. f:-IPV.~A;\f.':~fZ .. "/)/ 19 ..... . CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ... J~-r:'l;l ...... DAY OF ..... 'TA~tV.4.~ Y ..... 19 .~ ::< ••• CLERK I, K. B. Rodger, Municipal Clerk, of the municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby cert~fy that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law 2465-81 passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora on January 18,! 1982 ........ / n .. ~ ('.iA'f::K 1. 2 . 3. 4. OF TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment comprising be known as Amendment #23 Aurora Planning Area. THE PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to: !I n ' •. ,,.¢ (l) Change the lands from land use designation on the subject "Insti tutional 11 Ito "Urban Residential". !, LOCATION II The subject lands are Block 1 C1 ]Registered Plan 579, Part of Lot 78, Con cess ion 1, W .' 1 Y. S. Town of Aurora, shown on Schedule 1 A 1 which is p,art of this amendment. ' . BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT '! This amendment has been enacted by Council in response to the following: '! I, · (i) The subject 'Lands were reseloved for a school site when the subdivision was orkginally registered some 13 years ago. The York County Board of Education declared the site! surplus and under an agreement made when the original plan was registered, the property was resold to the subdividers. I ( ii) The applicants propose to d~velop the subject lands which are located in low density residential area for detached residenti~l lots of a similar size and shape as those exi~tirtg in the neighbourhood. I (iii) The residential a~ea will bJ serviced by an internal road system which will by wa'y. of an existing dead end road have access to Mur~ay D.rive a major residential collector road easily capable of absorbing additional vehicu]ar traffic. ( iv) Existing sewer mains, water \mains, parks and schools are capable of serv~cing the proposed development. I I ...,,-." ( .( c ''-.. AMENDMENT NO. 23 TO THE OFFICIAU PLAN PLAN jNING OF THE AURORA AREA II I PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES! AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENr NO. 23 i The Official Plan is amended as follows: I . ( 1) The lands shown on Schedule\ 1 A 1 are re.designated from "Institutional" to "Url!>an Residential" . . . ·" ' -··········· -·-··--~------- . -.~·-•:·'''•·>'r'--'.•,••'-•'"""·'·-~· •• A<~~----·-~-.-.--:-·•----'?':""'~~~~''-"·'--'-'-';•«'-«M;y"~-x;<;;-;;;<;;;.~Z(i::¥~';k:;_%_~,<.Z..(;iXIZ>'.i'Rh?.00X<>""'-;~"'-1~"'-'·•·~~-'·'·~-,-.~---.---~---j_______--····---·