BYLAW - Obtain Temporary Advances - 19821213 - 255082\ ~ ~ ~ . BY-LAW NUMBER 2550-82 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION~OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING THE OBTAINING OF TEMPORARY ADVANCES TO MEET THE COST OF THE AURORA HYDRO COMMISSION RECONSTRUCTION OF PART OF THE UNDERGROUND HYDRO~SYSTEM. ~--WHEREAS, WITH THE APPROVAL IN WRITING OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HAS AUTHORIZED THE HYDRO RECONTRUCTION FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ONTARIO POWER CORPORATION ACT AND THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ACT , THE ESTIMATED COST OF WHICH IS $4-00,000.00, A COPY OF WHICH APPROVAL IS ANNEXED HERETO. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to agree with a bank for temporary advances to meet the cost of the said construction pending the completion thereof, and repayment by the Aurora Hydro Electric: Commission. BE IT THEREFORE ENANCTED BY THE SAID COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE Head and Treasurer of the Corporation are hereby authrozed to obtain from the Bank of Montreal or another Town Reserve Fund temporary advances at a rate or rates not exceeding per~ cent per annum represented by a promissory note oDpromissory notes or by way of overdraft or otherwise not exceeding Four Hundred Thousand ($4-00,000.00) Dollars, to meet the oost of the said Works pending the completion thereof 2 • A promissory ~note or notes or other vouchers, sealed with the Corporate Seal and Signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Head and Treasurer, thereof, for the advances from time to time obtained under the authority hereof and interst thereon, may be given to the said ~Bank providing for the repayment of or representing the said advances with interest thereon as aforesaid. 3. The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to apply first in payment of such advances with the interest thereon as aforesaid all moneys borrowed on the credit of the Corporation to repay such advances and to defray the oost of the said Hydro Reconstruction and all moneys from other souces properly applicable to the cost of the said Hydro Reconstruction. READ A FIRST':~' AND SECOND TIME THIS I 3 7 rl DAY OF DECEMBER, 1982. _ _fc_kt£li~---- MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS !3 11-IDAY OF DECEMBER, 1982 MAYOR CLERK !·.' B 821403 Ontario Municipal Board .. ana .. IN TKI MATTBR OP an application by The Corpora~ion of the Town of Aurora for an order approvintt (a) the under~akint by the hydro elec~ic comniaaion of the aaid corporation of the reeonatruotion of the underground hydro system, ,including transfo~ra, at an eatlmated coat of $40o,ooo.oo, (b) the bo:n:owitlq of money by way of t.empOr:uy advanoea not exoeeliiq in the agpefate auob eat:lmated coat pending the sale of 4ebentturea, and (o) the issonoe of the necessary debentures by The Regional Muioipal1ty of York, cbaqeable to the applicant corporation A.B. AIRBLL, Q.c. Vice-cbabman l 1 l l l l l -and ... 'thursday 1 the 4th day of November, 1912 TUB BOARD ORDERS that this application be tranted and that: the hydro electric commission of the said corporation may ~oceed with the aa:ld WldeJ:"taJd.nt and that the applicant: corporation may borrow money for auch purposes and may paas all requisite by•law•, and 'the Regional Muioipalit:y of York may iaaue 4eben~a therefor not exceeding $40o,ooo.oo ,, i E 821403 and not to exceed the net cost of such undertakinq to the applioant, for a tem not to exceed ten years.