BYLAW - Historical Designation Hillary House 72 Yonge StN - 19821115 - 254082BY-LAW #2540-82 A BY-LAW TD DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS 72 YONGE STREET NORTH, AURORA, AS BEING ARCHITECTURAL AND I OR HISTORICAL VALUE OF INTEREST. WHEREAS Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, authorized the Council of a municipality to enact By-laws to designate real property, including all buildings and structures thereon, to be of architectural or historic value of interest; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has caused to be served on the owners of the lands and premises known as Hillary House, 72 Yonge Street, North, Aurora and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, value of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in the same newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks ; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation was received within the time limit for objections by the Clerk of the Municipality. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: (l) There is designated as being of architectural and historical value or interest, the real property known as Hillary House, 72 Yonge Street, North, Aurora, more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto. · .. ·•· -2- (2) The Municipal Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule "A" hereto in the proper land registry office. (3) The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be served on the owner of the aforesaid property and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of passing of this By-law to be published in the same newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /.:Jd DAY OF ~ , 1982. Mayor READ A THIRD TIME AND FINAlLY PASSED THis 1 stt DAY o~ ' 1982. Mayor I,Cotteen E. Gowan, Veputy C!e~~.o6 the Co~po~at~on ofi the Town o6 Au~o~a do he~ebl:f ee~t~nlf that the nMego-i.ng L6 a t~ue eopy on Bl:f-law # 2540-82 Adopted by the Caunc.~t on the Sa~d CMpMat~on on Navembe~ 15th.1.982. No v em be~ 1 8 , 1 9 8 2 VATE Veput!f Cte~r-li •~.-' 'J ,._ ·.~ _J !'; ,. I H s.I.B. "' ' ?9 " ·'" "· "''1: "' , ..• Parcel IH Section C-246 Porr·2 Pion ', "' ' (!) "\i" \\} 65R-2554 N i:3G49 zo"E N ;JGJ:5'3!i:'E N 73"16'20' c. .,_ ~ .._} Q_ Remainder ......_lnst. No. 59444 ·A LC•T 12 "JL ~ ~ h' ... ~ <"~' ~~ ~ ',c <t' N 72°28' 40"E na f•M4 374:69 PART I I I LOT. II / Part I Plan 65R-2554 PorceiiH 1 Secltan C-246 / 385."11 !Lf".P.J 3a6:60JP1on 6sR·2554J 386:44:,..~$. : : f '318! .. itl . : 17:~- (6:SR·2554 f! tel} I " .. ~ ~ ~n~ . 0 0 • . 0 ,. 0 -- --.., 0 31.':!0 "' ::: L=:t~~"~ PART 2 4"'2> =r<l CCi.,ol ::itA,oJ. ~rt.Jt:~ 10:11 lace l•itl 453.13 j.. , :._,,.",." 6S tZO'Z'5 fd IP N7Z0 Zif40''E ' .-I N73°04'30""E 132~00'''" •.. • i "-.,_ 3: 3: ~:::~--n•.J:IO"E(f'lon b'5k·.t'64, e:· ~ iX -~ J,.,,: )l73"':>~!JO"E _ 133.95/L&PJ. ;;:!3::.!!. '?" ~ n. 8 o ~-0:: 0 .. • :ss ~'U o_S. ;:;~ PART 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ _,."' t.: g.., 0 0 H7~28'40"E 4:04 ;, . _:-:; 2:. -::.· .__. $!::::-..,.§~ -, 0> 0> L('T I"-~& = • """ ~ z _.. ~ ;_!) , .:>.:;;:: _ ~ N73°17'30''E L rr 2 fj4~o3 ) fd IS l.f.oP CJ!Oin I.,M f•~ ·-oc.:;.,t) ....... '----------N73• 7'30"E 3Z9'731mto,.J / · r--·--.. . I :530;00 {LC.Pl 11 N73•13"2o"'E • I ' ~ I -' ; z f '.!.! j / ' r ~ -<:[ .._} Q_ I I CJ !.cl r,- GJ ;- vJ G !..!.J ·!£:: \,·;,------, ... ,..,. ; --·---· J '" lnsl. No 126079 ~ ,; ~: ~ ~= '-' -« fZ LOT 13 ~~ !.cl ~ MW (/) .. _ G !.cl 0: PRELIMINARY PLAN II\ WI I\! /~VEI~UE ·-,~. . ,.... '· .. ~ ',- ~ ,.... (:) N 00 I CJ. .=t. U) N . r-- l ' l i ~ ' l i; .r; ~ • ~ ;": ' ~ ~­ ] ' ~ ' ~ ··f ~ ~ ;, i-; ,_; I 1 .