BYLAW - Aquisition of Lands - 19821201 - 254282•. r~·o-~1 I ' ' ' I ·-· BY-LAW 2542-82 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-lAW TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN lANDS FROM MILLFORD DEVELOPMENT LIMITill TO ESTABLISH AN INDUSTRIAL PARK IN THE TOWN OF AURORA. WHEREAS, by virtue of Section 210 (50) of The Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, this Corporation is empowered to acquire lands for Municipal purposes and specifically to acquire lands for the purposes of sites for the establishment and acquiring of industries and of industrial operations and uses incidental thereto; AND WHEREAS Millford Development Limited agreed to sell to this Corporation the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" appended hereto; AND WHEREAS this Corporation requires those lands for the aforementioned purposes and such other lawful purposes as may from time to time hereafter be appropriate; AND WHEREAS, the Council of this Corporation by resolution dated July 20th, 1981, approved of this acquisition of land, as expressed in Schedule "B" appended to this by-law; AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the said resolution, the said lands were purchased by this Corporation by Deed dated September 2nd, 1981 and registered on the 21st day of September, 1981 as Instrument No. 280572; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as By-law 2542-82 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the following: (1) (2) (3) That the action expressed by the Economic Development Committee as adopted by Council of this Corporation, appended as Schedule "B" be ratified. That the lands hereinunder mentioned in Schedule "A" be acquired in the manner aforementioned for the purposes of this Corporation. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and execute under the seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora all documents necessary to effect the purchase and works required for the acquisition and servicing of these lands mentioned in Schedule "A" for industrial sites when clear title to the lands is available. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 1st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1982. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSill THIS 1st DAY OF. DECEMBER, 1982. Mayor C"l LJ r~"i f j: ,b-.1 BY-lAW 2542-82 SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain Parcel or Tract of Land situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Township of Whitchurch) and being composed of the whole of Lots 87 and 88 and Part of Lot 103 as shown on a Plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (#65) as No. 246 and Part of Lot 82, Concession 1 (formerly in the said Township), more particularly described as follows:- Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 as shown on a Plan described in the said Registry Office as No. 65R-4236.