BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Port) - 19820920 - 252682i.' • > ;''" ,_\ LJ .... ,_, ' ------~-·----~----~-· ~----~----~··-···~"'"'·"'"""-'-, 0'"" -~---:-; ···-,-•• ,~.-.-.·----.-~,--,. •"'"'""' ,...,... . ··--··----__________ .,_ BY-LAW NUMBER ~§,'L6-,-'i$<2. OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING BY-LAW) WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213- 78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. The land use category applying to lands shown in hatching on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from Open Space (0) Zone to Estate Residential (ER) Zone. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 29.2.1 respecting Lot Specifications the land use category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from Open Space (0) Zone to Rural (RU) Zone. 3. All other provisions of By-law 2213-78 will apply to the subject lands. 4. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ::~:t.;;;:?rl:;,~u,AY" ~"I';&~ MAYOR CLERK ~~~~. ~~~(J.~~c. ~: t /-J. DAY MAYOR 198J.. ~RD TIME A.ND FINALLY PASSED THIS .. ~O~ .. DAY OF .~ .. , 1982, . :1 !J 1: ·····~·······~··· MAYOR FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 .... -) \..,/;-, l-· . . ~-~-""-. ~'~~~ ' -' . ' ·~~ .. ----~~--""''''""''"'""*"''""""'"''"'''~'"""''"'~~'''''<=?><ci'-i,,.-";.,,.;.,._,.,_,~.•-'~-· ~ .. ._._:___.;__:_ __ .~------·-·w~,:';.~--~---~• ·---------- ' . . ,_ , . REGISTERED PLAN M42 PART OF LOT· 72. CONCESSION IW.Y.S. TOWN OF AURORA REGION OF YORK T 7 ~ \. \ --.......... . l r_·.··r·_--J· .. · 6 / 1 ) 2 I I ( ( PLAN 65R N69°56'30''E 82.28 !!2From'o' to'Ru' U) . ,. N69°5615011 E .85.26 . ,~_C,'(.. ·9· ~::r -~of,;::> . -_,'5 ~" .,; Q THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. r:~~ PASSED THIS ,d!t> '71( DAY .OF .:?.#ln#/4£/G 19 _y I I l 1445 I I R•610.51 TRAIL I :g_3: C)ot> "'"' ~ z ~~ ~ .(/) BLOCK's' ~ ;I~ BOUNDARY BETWEEN BLOCKS 'A' 8 'a' ~ !l SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY:_LAW No.<>2 s'd£-~2. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT <:-' ·---~ --·'~"·~~---·.:.~:_,:..:_jj_~-----------·-· ·___;_;_;_:,~..:.:..:..-__ ~~---~""""'-"".;,;..'"""'"'"'~~;,"""""·"'=~~--=~~~'""'·-·-· __ .::..,_~~~~--.:....:_;__~_:..: -~-----~---.. -~~~.:__------~--,------ SCHEDULE 2 By-law 625:J b -'i;l. has the following purpose and effect. To amend By-law 2213-78 the zoning by-law applying to the Town of Aurora as established by The Regional Municipality of York Act. In 1978 a subdivision was registered which had the effect of establishing the subject lands as a Block intended for Open Space uses, specifically a horse stable and arena. Since that time the subdivision theme has been altered and there is no longer a need for a horse arena and stable. The present owners of the subject lands have therefore applied to the Land Division Committee for consent to sever the 2 ha (5 acre) parcel into two residential lots and a third parcel which is to be conveyed to the adjacent lands to the east for future undetermined commercial uses. The subject by-law would permit 2 lots of .8 ha (2 acres) to be created as well as the residual lands which will be used in conjunction with the lands abutting Yonge Street. :c'' ' ' . J A TOWN OF \\ NEWMARKET ....d . I • • I I 84' •t r 1--1 ,_ _)-._ 1 1 ~ 23~ Ci. II I "X' a.}:!J /' I I ~ if&Jti I ,_ I 82 1:\. 22 . g_ I ..oT .......-' r-,., l.hl _, ~ 2j \ ... ~ ·~ 1-u..;~_L 81 h.., =•m % 1 i .b. = 1\: \ I It ~ -=cc:T~ J 80 /' 20'-:ig ~ ( v-/ / "'\\ . I I " ~ _ _J I 19 ! ~ w _lL_ 79 /. '\ L1. "' !!!. : ) I ...., 11 \ I I' \\ l <> / I \ 18 _li "i. -~~ -../ L J 1.t.J....-I K " ~ 'J ~ ~ P'u r;;. (..1 f \ d\ 'f-:;, 17 i /"--, {\ l ~ ')... ~· ~ ~ ) 77 "'~ ~ \ \ , ~ ~~ " I -·~~ti_J~v ~ ~-~6 L:2 .. ~L , .. ~" 7 I [ 174 ~ 70WN . u ~l5 ~ qy //6 ~~ I~ ~ -;;;;n 13 12 CON OF RICHM0/111 HILL TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 2 " ~ . ~- ;t ] :'\ ~ ;} j :i '~ 1 -~ .