BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19820920 - 252482BY-LAW NUMBER cJ ~.:(~-XJ . ! OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA WHEREAS it BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW is deemed advisable to amend By-~aw 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That unit six of the building located :on Block "B" of Registered Plan 517 may be used for th~ following uses in addition to those already permitted. a nursery school 2. No part of this By-law will come into ~ffect until the provisions of The Planning Act have be~n complied with but subject to such provisions, the By~law will take effect from the day of passing thereof'!· 1982. READ:t;;,ECOttJ\ T{ME;lfHIS ](tl; .. DAY {) l ............. : ... ~··· MAYOR REA.~D~ A T~HIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ~~·~ ..... , 1982. tf J 1' .... /~MAYo~···~··· THIS .. i.d.o. d.. DAY OF ..... ~ ......... .. CLERK ! FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 Schedule 2 By-law J 5'r:1'/·<"t>2..has the following purpose and effect. To amend By-law 2213-78 the zoning by-law to add a nursery school to the permitted uses in unit 6 of the existing ''Gateway Plaza''· It is intended that the n~rsery school will be run by the York Region Family "Y". !The nursery school will operate a morning and an afterno:on session from 9 -11:30 and from 1 -3:30. The "Y" will also be using the facility in question for programes and programing for other facili tie,s.