BYLAW - Amend 2142 77 - 19820312 - 248682:. . 0 '/.' . ,-.·, ( BY-LAW NUMBER 2486-82 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2142-77 A RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2142- 77. i NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of! the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Section 5.2 is hereby amended by adding the following as part (12): "All that part of Lots 74 and 75, Conf:.l, E.Y.S. in the Town of Aurora formerly in the! Township of Whitchurch, as is shown designated "RR2" on Schedule "L" hereunto annexed". 2. Section 5.2.3 is hereby amended by adding the following clauses thereto: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5. 2. 2. (a) the minimum lot area for the lands shown on Schedule "L" shall be not less than 7200 square metres.j Notwithstanding the provisions of Section ~.2.2(b) the minimum lot frontage for the lands shown on Schedule i "L" shall be not less than 40 metres. 3. Section 5.3 is hereby amended by adding the following as clause 2: "Those parts of Lots 74 & 75, Cone. 1, E. Y S. in the Town of Aurora formerly in the Township of Whitchurch and shown designated "0" on Schedule L hereunto annexed." 4. Section 5.3.2 .. is hereby amended by adding the following clause: Notwithstanding the above permitted uses no person shall erect any buildings or structures or mobile home within the lands designated "0" on Schedule L which represents a flood plain as defined by Ont~rio Regulation 782/74 as amended by Ontario Regulation 34~/79. ; ·~ .. - 2 - 5. That Schedule "L" hereunto annexed is herel:>y declared to form a Schedule to By-law 2142-77, as amended, to be referred to as Schedule "L". 6. No part of this By-law will come into fore~ until the provision of The Planning Act have been co~plied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A PASSED THIS .... .;W. .. DAY OF 1982. . •. ' . . . . Schedule 2 The metric boundary dimensions shown on Schedule L are equivalent to imperial standards as follows: 55.580 m = 182.349 feet 414.636 m = 1360.354 II 130.193 m = 427.142 II 811.996 m = 2664.028 II 408.096 m = 1338.897 II 137.846 m = 452.25 II 54.480 m = 178.74 II 130.936 m = 429.58 II 147.956 m = 485.419 II 85.003 m = 278.881 II 78.034 m = 256.017 II 155.177 m = 509.11 II 206.111 m = 676.217 II I"'Ailt T OF LOT~,. 74 8 7 5 . C.o<mCE:$$10:~ l;!lAST OF YONGE rPJ'Wff/ OF AUfl#llf!RtA r/fi/1£ R£ tGION Alt. 4#}1!1Mt6:1:PA,L IT Y OF YORK SCALE = ,30 o' 30 so scm S:CH:EDU L E I L' TO !BY-LAW rtJo.11*f6 •lis FEBRUARY 10 , 1982 · 1:5 SCHEDULE 'L' TO BY-LAW No. o2_J/2b -u PASS~D THIS I 5 f DAY OF /YJ 1'9 R C. i-1 1 9 'td!..o ~o~;· '··{··.·.· •• ··.·•.• : \ -: ~yc_, /'-. _____ J BEFORE: R 820709 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1980, c. 379), -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2486-82 A.H. ARRELL, Q.C. Vice-chairman ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -and- G.T.J. DOBBS Member Friday, the 7th day of May, 1982 The objectors to approval of the said by-law having withdrawn their objections~ THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2486-82 is hereby approved. . ENTERED o. B. No ... .f.(.ff..<i3 .. -::L .. · Folio No ... a....<f..::-/ .................. . MAY 1 2 1982 ~4~rr~c SECRETA.tt't. Otn.\~IG MUl'UC\f'l .. l OMRO