BYLAW - Amend 1876 (Traffic) - 19820517 - 249982BY-LAW NUMBER 2499-82 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPOFATION OF THE TOWN OF AUROFA' BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1867, AS AMENDill, BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TFAFFIC. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to amend By-law 1867-69, as amended, NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOFATION OF THE TOWN OF AUROFA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT a new subsection be added to Clause 4 to read as follows: NO PARKING-3;00 p.m. TO 4.30 p.m. -MONDAY TO FRIDAY STREET MOSLEY COLUMN 1 FROM: 20 m east of the Wells St. intersection TO: 50 m east of the Wells St. intersection COLUMN 2 SOUTH COLUMN 3 3.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. M:mday to Friday 2. THIS By-law sahll come into force and effect on final passing thereof and when the signs referred to therein have been erected and are on display •. , READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 3 ~ j) DAY OF MAY, 1982. d7)1) ------~Y------·----~------ MAYoR READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSill THIS tf7JJ. -----~----~----~----- MAYOR ' CLERK 17 ·' DAY OF MAY, 1982. CLERK