BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19821115 - 253782~. .,' ' (~ I I I ' i ·-·~·---, ----~-~- BY-LAW NUMBER 2537-82 ' OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AUROR BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 186 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town Aurora enacts as follows: 1. The Zoning Category applying to the land shown in da outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from S.2.27.37 and 'C' to 'A'. 2. The subject lands may be used for the following purp< 3. 4. a) i) Apartment Dwelling containing 68 units maximum. ii) Apartment Dwelling Special containing 38- units maximum provided that all units are either bachelor dwelling units or 1 bedroon dwelling units. For the purposes of this By-law, an 'Apartment Dwelling -Special' shall mean a separate buildi containing more than four dwelling units which shall be constructed under a programme administe through the Ontario Housing Corporation Mandate. Yards. Front yard 9 metres (minimum) Side yards_~(both sides) 9 metres (minimum) Rear yard 9 metres (minimum). b) Building height -15 metres (maximum). c) Floor area -minimum Bachelor 37 m 2 - 1 Bedroom 55 m 2 - 2 2 Bedroom -65 m 2 3 Bedroom -75 m :._; -2 - 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VII 4 - Parking Requirements the parking requirement for an 'Apartment Dwelling -Special' shall be -.4 spaces fo each unit. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VIII 5. Commercial (C) the lands shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law rna: be used for 2 apartment dwelling units to be developed in connection with the surrounding lands provided that the apartment dwelling uses are located above the ground floor level. 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VI.5 the minimum setback from Wellington Street shall be 8 metres. The minimum setback from Mill Street shall be 7 metres. 7. All other provisions of By-law 1863 shall apply to the subject site. REA~FIR~ ~ THIS .. /.ff.J/:I.DAY t). ~ • • • • • • • • • 0 ••••• .;·.-;·.-•••• 0. MAYOR OF .. OC/.o.li £!.C._ ~-, 1982 ~-·······/Lk ........ . CLERK REA~SECOO TTI'HIS. /6.7}1-.DAY ·····~·········~···· MAYOR OF ... 0.C..(.<7.,e. $. ~;., 1982 ·······~~ /0(/ THIS ............. DAY OF --------~-----~~~--~~~----· .. · ' • (''?" . I I • TO BY-LA ' I ! PASSED TH PART OF LOT 27 , REGISTERED TOWN OF AURORA PLAN 246.1 ~ ·Scale: I : 75 WELLIN.GTON STREET ~ 1 N7!JPII'oo''£ 91.75 ,~ -~" C>IQ, 0 ~: ~ ~ I j I r.-N7302.JE d 3.66 · N73°!0'.Jo"E. /6.6/ "From · " 5.2.2737C. I ,~ !;;>~. -'" ~-~~~ ~ ~ t Wf .I ~ ~ / 0~~ ~~/ ~.., t& !::7 1/;g II J/ J r N7JPfo'Jo''£ 42.38 ·'I 7 . 'I' N73°40'5o"E 45.63----...! N73°49'45''£ /6.70 4 ! I SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. c25"JJ f-6 ' THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING OEPARTMENT "~- ir "''",~<. • '".2' ··;;:' -;--y-:; - • Schedule 2 By-law ;Q_t/3 /-8"2has the following purpose and effec To amend By-law 1863, the By-law in force in the l section of the Town of Aurora to permit 70 family orier apartment units, ~0 senior citizen apartment units, on part of the site zoned 'A' and a day care centre, a poE convenience store and administrative offices on the pal the site zoned 'C' on the lower floors with two of the apartment units above. The family apartment units and commercial facilities are planned as one building on tl Wellington Street frontage of the property with undergJ and above ground parking. The senior citizens apartmeJ planned as a second building to be located on the soutl part of the site with above ground parking facilities. Parking requirements for the senior citizens building < reduced by this By-law to .~ parking space for each un. The senior citizens building is proposed to be 2 stories in height while the family oriented building w. three and one half stories in height. ~··---•------··--------------· .. ··~-•-••-•-••-•-~r·~--- ~-~·_.eo,{ ~; - ' -...r~ -:-r a 'IJ 'J :.~_:·_~.-¥;/!.f ~·· "" f\1 . ..._ .. ,. t ;n ; ~ '· -,.J ~,__.,:! ' J ' '1 ,,. ['" '': • ~.1 ··-· Ontario "83 416/598-2266 Municipal jH H7 23 ~ Q '0'' ! . .-' I~) Board ---'-0,.-1! R 831045 •-., ,: ~-"~ :· . ::~ ~ Mr. K.B. Rodger Clerk-Administrator Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street West AURORA, Ontario. L4G 3L8 August 16, 1983 Dear Sir: Enclosed is documentation as follows: 0 D 0 D JT:al Encl. ( s) Copy of Decision dated Duplicate Original of Decision dated Board's Order made August 11, 1983 Appointment For Hearing Yours truly, ~~ C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration 180 I Toro M5G nr~ ; .-.-. ~:r \',\'!, ;-'- " ~ R 831045 ""-" Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 of The Planninq Act (a.s.o. 1980, c. 379), -~- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By•law 2537•82 BEli'OREs A.B. ARRELL, Q.C. Vioe-Chai1'llllln -and- e.G. EURS, Q.C. Member ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, the ll th • of August., 1983 No objections to approval having been received as required# THE BOARD ORDERS that By•law 2537-82 is hereby approved. /.. eAlt: - SECM'l'AR'lt' 0. B. N!.~B.~ Folio No ••• -.~ J '.;-'' 1 ~ ~ ACTJNG $£CIIEJ"ItY, ONT. .;·. . ' ,_ '_"!- }'·~ l3EFOREt D. H • """ROBB Vioe•Chaiman • and • J.R. MILLS Member· R 831045 Ontario Municipal Board XN THE MlTTmk OF Section 3' of ~· Planninq Act (a.s.o. 19&0, c. 37§), ... and • IN THE MATTER OP an application by 'fhe eo~or:ation of the Town of Auror:a tor approval of its Restricted Area :ray-law 2537-82 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 29th Clay of August, 1983 No objectiou to approval of By-law 2537•82 havinw been rectd.ved and the council of the applicant corporation naving an opportuniily to consider certain amendments to the said by-law and the said council having-on the 18th li of July, 1983 passed By-law 2596-&3 amending-By•law 2537· lUU1 havinq cause~ a certified copy thereof to be fill!ld all the Board having dispensed with notice and hear:inq in re•pect of By-law 2596-83; THE SOARD ORDERS that ay-law 2537•82 as amended by By-law 2596•83 is heteby approved • .A SECRE'l'ARY t'NH' •. 0. c. 11J ...... 'Kl roiio No ........ ;). ~d'v , ~ :; 1\CT!N.': S[CRF.T*i?"f, ONT, ... ~·-·' , " . / \...___.-.' ·,,,,. <. ~.< l ( BlilPOR.E: D. S. McROBB Vice-Chairman -and- J.R. MXI.LS ~r R 831045 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MA~ER OP Section 39 of The Planning Act (a.s.o. 1980, =· 379), . -and - IN THE MA~R OP an application by The Corpo~ation of the Town of Au;oora fO:tt approval of its Restdcted Area By-law 2537-82 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 29th day of August, 1983 THE :BOA1Ut ORDE.RS that the Board orde~ 111ade herein on the llth day of August, 1983 and ente~ed in ~der book No. a .83-2 at. folio No. 31.1 on the 16th day of Auqust, 1~ is hereby rescinded. ~ ~~.e~ "' SECRETARY , "' ENTERED 0. B. No./~,$3,~<?.« Folio No ..... J.z." ....... SEP 0 7198: (' ..-.. fl' <.":' i .< ... <: .