BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19820719 - 251182" ' BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule "A" is hereby amended by changing the zoning category on the lands shown in dark outline from "D" Development, "0" Open Space and S.1.26.38 to "0" Open Space and S. as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ::~: ~ ,7""~"<!:T;.: 17 '" "' : ~ 2.fzA _-/ ~AYOR CLERK ,.~~,.~ READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .... !f..tl ... DAY OF 19 82. CLERK ":"1 ~ ~ 1 ~ li;;(/) ! "(') ~~:I: ~ I'T1 ;no '"'"C ~ ,.._ r :'I'Tl I 'I I ~ l> I .... :~--f :=110 ~ CD :t~-< ~ I ~r ..... l> ~=E ~ ~ =II ~ ~ 'I I I~ ·~ N71°40'oo"E .[""2.B6m b. l~ N ~~--- A AI I . ' (? ~~ o<f-~ N73°3B '03 .. u 0 u j ,. I ' 430..31 m N7;,0 47'4s"E l6.20m -'----; -~-' II 0 II r .. ~ .,N ~~ v: ~. ~· ~ ~ 19.21m . -----. · <>,'~-"'•''-N4°25'13"E .22m ~0· 9 . oz , 8 • "-72 Jso 43 ~ 41°'~ ,.,1•o•' "E 1\tl II 0 II I / / 17.43m N35°04'5G'"E 1 ~0.001_1;1 I N35°1435"E I 12.55m N35°02'55 "E (f) () )> r m 1\) (]1 0 ::o-t:U mol> C>:E::O oz-t ZoO l>'TI'TI r l>r S::cO c;:o-t z oo...., _::o...., '"0 )>- )> 0 0 z 0 .., r -t -< 0 'TI -< 0 ::0 " (/) (/) 0 z ., -1 ~l~!~ 0 :I: l> ;:.;: u; ~ -1 :I: "' "' "' 0 :I: -~z § p r ~== lD 0 ~ 1 "'1 ~ ........ \'J I \ g ~ "-> ! I I I l ! [ I I I l M I f- ! l 1 l I I [ i I ! ! i' I I ' . ' Schedule 2 By-law.::?-5'11-8:;?. has the following purpose and effect. To amend By-law 1863 the By-law in force in the urban portion of the Town of Aurora to permit the development of a plan of subdivision having 35 detached residential lots, a block of floodplain land zoned '0' which will be conveyed to the Town, and a block of land, zoned 1 0 1 , which is currently used as part of the Aurora Highlands Golf Course. The subdivision plan relating to the subj~Ct lands has been draft approved. The performance standards relating to the residential portion of the subdivision permit the development of one single family detached dwelling per lot having a minimum frontage of 50 feet and a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet. The subdivision which has been approved provides lots of approximately 6,500 square feet having 60 feet of frontage. . I ••• \ • ! I l . . I . I I I I I ~ . J ~ ~ ~ TOll' II 0' ltiCII'MAHKET I ~® 3JL...-v ~--26~,/' ~ I 8~1 I ( 7 I 25 h 1: I ,j T~ I '-..J1 M --~ H ;1 r -1 ""-. ,._? '_\._ I I I \ (E T :t: f!J ("' 2J ~ I I "1 ifl/jfi'?(~-I 82 1\ u( -: !I ~~ u ,__ r-1' • ~ 8/ l. 2{\.__ if I ~ ~ J I \ o 1 ~ ~ . ! • ., CJN.TDN . TR<<T " · '? f!!_ ~ I L . 80 20 jl ~ ;;r '7--d,..r---, /1 H ((' · .• ' i ~ · !!' I+ j \ I "' I ~ ) -1 ":...[ I.L 1\ 9 / 'II /9 ,\ ~ ISIJBJEC " /~]'-~ _'l \\ I ~ 1StTE _ ~ ~ 1, -..1 L irl!V f!J:_¢ r--. \ ~ 18 \\\ • ~ ~ ~761 ,Pl.Pk 1Z \ \\ \ ~Of ~~ LLK /7 ~ ~ \ 17 . /"-'-., 1 ' ~ 1 -r; hi~ 'l ~ v -1 ~ 'll; "''""'" 1,~:. LY/Jtt ~ ""' ':'-/_: ~.. . ~ '--11 RJV£ C~ ) ~ 1'5 )'... ~ V ~~) ~~ ~ I / ! I '---15 II I l ~ I "-11 -. It " u ~ \ .~Ar I '---\~ I~ _J Lj /J CON. I W. Y. S. CON. CON. CON. III _.w.------ . •. -...... _.. =-...... (If -L.J I I --\1 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL u I ... ,, .. 200 0 200 400 500 100 ''-1200 1400 11100 1100 r• TOWN OF ···-oRA SCHEDULE '2' LOCATION MAP . .$"' 0 -lOa? 2000 ?200 400() i!OOO !000 -·· @-PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS 'VJ-:-R.E~a:lNAL ROADS AUH 1 1~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;c ~-' '•··--·-< ~ .--=:;= B E F 0 R E ; P.M. BROOKS Vice-Chairman -and - M.D. HENDERSON Member N1 R 830562 ... _,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1980, c. 379), -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2511-82 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 8th day of June, 1983 No objections to approval having been received as required' THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2511-82 is hereby approved. ~NTE~ED 0. 13. 11J ... fi'l.3:-:b Folio No .... &/. ........... . JUN t 0 1983 gef.··~ . ~ ~ . ... ~ .. , ... ~.,~Rn.e.~N. on. ·~'"'~'c•r,~o: r: .\:t"J ............. ~... ' . I