BYLAW - Amend 1863 (Barfret) - 19820503 - 249482BY-LAW NUMBER 2"49iti-82 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 A RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. The the existing buildings on Lots 7, 8, ',9, 10, west side of Berczy Street, Registered Plan 68 may be used for an auction centre and antique and craft display and sales area in combination with the uses permitted by Section VIII 7. 2. All other provisions of By-law 1863 apply to the subject 1 ands. 3. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-la~ will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ... ;y..J. ... DAY OF ........ -~~-....... , 1982. c/ () 1:' ..... :":~YoR: .. ~ .. CLERK '• · PLAN SHOWING LOTS 7,8,9,10. West Side o.f BERCZY ST. REGISTERED PLAN 68. This is Schedule l to By-law 2494-82 passed this 3rd day of May, 1982 TOWN OF AURORA Clerk ~~.Lp Mayo Scale I =50 WELLINGTON STREET L 62.40m ; l ' 1 r 0~ v ' f) 0~ " !; • ~ " "' "' <0 <0 \0 <o ~ 0(, " lS ~ 'q: ...., ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl) ~ . f ,o !; 0~ ~ L <0 ' " j I' 62.36m +I MOSLEY STREET ...., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ Q:j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 20.1/m~ " " ( I ! SCHEDULE 2 By-law 02.. 'f-11 has the following force and effect. To amend By-law 1863 the By-law currently in force in the urban section of the Town of Aurora to permit the existing building on the north part of the site to be used on the bottom floor as on auction centre and sales and display area. The upper floor will continue to be used for warehousing in connection with the auction centre and the building on the south part of the site will continue to be used for industrial purposes. The applicant is required to provide parking in accordance with the provisions of the By-law for the various uses proposed. In addition the applicant is required to make certain changes in the buildings in accordance with the requirements of the Building and Fire Departments. The metric dimensions on the attached sketch plan are equivalent to imperial standards as follows. 20 .11 m = 66 feet 16. 56 m = 54.33 feet 66.27 m = 217.42 feet 62.40 m = 204.72 feet 66.36 m = 217.72 feet ... .• TOWN OF· NEWMARKET J • 84 C'f .,_~\.<.-... ? I _\_ . ..... 1 fl 1 l / rr-' ( V83')11 23 ~ ... · .... 1J I ~ ;I;" -~ z F ... I l /1 1 Yfi"/--'• ez 1\ z{ 1 !;} ~ ~~s1o \1 '-h 1/,: ~ 8/ ~ --~ '---__ ! I "\ b ~ J I • IL E UN6TON STR.O. \ ' "' / i'l ..._, eo / Su.l:(jec+ ' ~-a ~ S• ~ I Jr/ -= )L ~\ 9 / \1\l t " ,(""~ \\' ~ ~.r::r -..1 L 1 I l.lv f); r-,_ \ \\'\ ~ q ~ ~ ;'/7: .. 17 •• ~ ,. /~~ r=ri b(fl;;; ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ E~ I ~ /1 \ ""'. 16 r-/'> ' /' ~~ ti ~ "" 0 ... , .... HEIIU!C.r >ON uK~IIVE I•!!\, VA D R ~hD£R,AD ~ . J G ) ~ 75 '-.._ ~· c . "!"• :· o . t5 ) •I· , ~ \ I "' I I 74 ~ I ~~ !(4 l _t:JT 1--73 \ ) J _I 13 ,, I I CON. CON. III ··I .......... ~ .... --~~ .... ,. .. 8~0~~ ~ ~----~-----0 ~ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ( '; aoo 400 ~ :v _t:oo 1600 !flO 2u. -·......---;::,., Sched.u.\e. 2- F.Jm o 1000 ?OOO ¥'0 4009 !5000 6000 TOWN Oft·· , AURORA~-) !Gc• /~ -~-.... -• •. ·"-'~"'"'-r-:-;)~~><="r.'i'"·'IAI. ;;-"'1?-~'JS . --~-- . . ' ' . ' "' :~ B E F 0 R E l H • H. LANCASTER Vice-Chairman -and- J.E. HENDY Member l~l ~'qp~ R 821109 .... ,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF The Planning Act c. 379), -and- Section 39 of (R.s.o. 1980, IN THE MATTER OF an application by The corporation o£ the Town o£ Aurora for approval o£ its Restricted Area By-law 2494-82 l ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 26th day of July, 1982 No objections to approval having been received as required7 THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2494-82 is hereby approved. ENTERED 0 B No ... tr;ff.cXl ::~ .... F~li~ f4o •.• BZ$............. · Ji.JL 2 9 \982