BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19820117 - 254782BY-LAW NUMBER d_ 57/1-8.2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1863 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law 1863 as amended by By-law 2329-79. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation or the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 1 of By-law 2329-79 which amends By-law Number 1863 as amended, the nursing home located on the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law may be enlarged by adding to the rear of the existing building to accommodate not more than 177 beds in total. 2. That the lands shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law are hereby amended from "S" Single Family Residential to "I" Limited Institutional, provided that any new parking areas adjacent to an area zoned 'S'-Single Family Residential shall be separated from the '$'-Single- Family zone by a 1.5 metre strip to be used for no other purpose than landscaping. 3. That notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule "B" to By-law 1863 Performance Standard #2 the minimum lot frontage required for the lands shown in cross hatching on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law shall be 14.10 metres. 4. That the provisions respecting density and standards as set out in Clause 2 of By-law 2329-79 are hereby deleted and replaced as follows. Building Specifications Ground floor (maximum) Total floor area (maximum) Building height (maximum) Number of beds (maximum) 1100 4750 2 m 2 m 11 m 177 - 2 - Landscaping Specifications Open space area (including 2 parking & driveways)(minimum) 3625 m Parking Specifications Number of spaces (minimum) 49 Yards (minimum) Front Side -one side the other side Rear 20 m 6 m 6 m 7 m 5. All other provisions of By-law 1863 as amended shall apply to the subject lands. 6. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. (j ·. REAj} A SECOND T~~} THIS . .J ..... DAY OF ....... . . . c-:,L~ ... \f!.l~. . ....... a.!~../'<.../ MAYOR 0 G 0 0 0 ~ CLERK THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .... /. 7 ..... DAY OF 0 0 0 0 .. ~. ~. 0 J&~ ~ -0 -~. MAYOR \Jlr'.~ . '; ... Schedule 2 By-law ;2. 5''-/1-&<Ras the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 1863 to permit the existing nursing home on the site to be increased from 148 bed capacity to 177 bed capacity. In order to accommodate this expansion and provide the required rear yard, the applicant has acquired 60 feet from the rear of 33 and 37 George Street. The current plan is to expand the building on property currently used for parking at the rear of the existing nursing home building. If the property is ever used for parking the by-law requires that it be separated from the residential area by a landscaping strip of about 5 feet in width. The property in question is being zoned 'Institutional'. As well in order to accommodate future parking needs nursing home, the owner has acquired 28 Mill Street. property is also being zoned 'Institutional'. for the This Since the front part of the two lots, 33 and 37 George Street, have slightly less than the required 50 feet of frontage, an exception has been made through clause 3 of the by-law legalize these lots, once the rear part of these lots is added to the nursing home site. · ~.-~. -1 :. . ' : ; '' PART OF LOT.I 8 8, 9 PLAN ·30 TOWN OF AURORA T KE: REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCALE : I : 100 ·"' ~ ;~ " ,_. ~ ... . I /l. \? ~ ·"' ~ 0' ,.,_;> "q,· ~ .... TYLER FROM'S' TO '1' .. "' • "' ,,.,o ,,.,o ·"' ~ 0 ;:- ~·~ o" 10 ~ ,_o ,_,., .,..<? " q,· " <o' ~ " ~'V ~ " STREET THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' ·"' ;:-o ,_cv ,_,., .,. ~ ... SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No.c25;;),1-Z2. 1 PREPARE9 FOR THE TOWN OF ~ORA 13Y THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK - '· PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' DECEM~f:R 1 9,1982 ~ -.-...... + ····· ' ' ',:_ ! /· ·.·-; {•, . ' . ~.···· ··.· I . . .. . . -_ .. ~----· ___ :~~~L~-~-----.. --:..-) ...... ••---·--·----•··---·~·-· _,' ~---.....;_:~,_,n_,;,;._~·~"""'"'"''""-'';o;~,_;,~~~-'<'>o''>=•'''"-"'"'"'>'"''""'''"'";•~'~· ·-'·,:' •~-.. L'-.. ~--•-i• ·\---~ r i ~ • I . . 1 ' ' -...· • • .. • CERTIFICATE U:IDER SECTIOil 35(27) OF THE PLrJI:!WG Ar:T .I. K.B. Rodger, hereby certify that the notice for By-La\~2547-82 of The Corporation of the ToM! of Aurora, passed by the Cot:ncil of .. the Corporation on the SE'lENTEENTH day of _J_.=-_.Y_.'J_A_.?_:Y ___ ,19!._3 was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by regulation made by · the Lieutenant Governor-in-Counci 1 under . subsection 24 of section 35 of The Plan~ing Act. ··I also C!:ortify th t th 21 d · b' t' · d • d 14TH. FEBRU/-3Y, 1983 a .. e ay o Jec_lon peno exp1re on---------- and to this date no not1ce of objection or request for a ~hange in the provisions of the by-law has been filed by av person in the " office of the clerk • . O_ated this'-. ___ T_v_IE_N_T_Y_-_F_I_F_T_H~--- day of -----------------MARCH ' 193 3 • . · .. CLERK· • "~.,,l . . . . .·