BYLAW - OPA #21 - 19811005 - 245681--." AMENDMENT NO. 21 TO THE OFFICIAL PLA~ FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA I Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby modified under the provisions of section 17 of the Planning Act, as follows: 1. Part III is hereby modified as follows: a) by adding the following to subsection (i): "and from "Rural" to "Environmental Protection Area" • " b) by adding the following new section: (ii) Policies: In addition to the policies of section 4.8 and 4.11 the following policies apply to the lands which are the subject of Amendment No. 21. The redesignation of the lands in Lot 11, Concession III to Estate Residential by Amendment 21, does not imply any future development of the lands east of the subject lands or approval to any road access to Bloomington Road particularly in close proximity to the CN Rail Line. The lands designation "Environmental Protection Area" which corresponds to the existing wooded area shall be maintained in a natural state as as a buffer and screen for the proposed residential development. (iii} Implementation: The implementation prov~s~ons of section 4.8 of the official plan shall apply to the subject lands. 2 2. Schedule A is modified by redesignating the lands outlined in red from "Estate Residential" to "Environmental Protection Area". As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to section 17 of the Planning Act, as Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. Date ..• M-:.l~~~>_ .... D.P. McHUGH Director · plans Administratieh Branch C~ntral and Southwest ···~-­ Mmistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. ... ' ' . ' ' . / AMENDMENT NO. ~~ TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE 1. TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment comprising the text and schedule shall be k:nqwn as Amendment # cQ J to the Official·. Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 2. THE PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to: · (l) Change the land use designation on the subject lands from "Rural" to "Estate Residential". 3. · LOCATION The subject lands are.part of Lot ll, Concession III, E.Y.S. more particularly shown on Schedule "A" which forms part.of this amendment. 4. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT. This amendment has been enacted by Council ln response to the following_: (l) The site is rolling and has been substantially reforested. A natural hardwood bush occupies the easterly boundary providing an attractive backdrop of trees. (2) The applicant has submitted a landscape analysis, soils analysis and engineering report which support the application. ( 3) The applicant has supplied a detailed analysis of the farming potential of the site which concludes that farming has become impractical and uneconomical on the site. ·-··-~ .. . ,. .. '0 AMENDMENT N 0. ,;(_ J TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES & POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT NO .. 1. The Official Plan is amended as follows: (i) MODIFICATION NO ............ l ... ~ ........ .. . UNDER SE<:l'ION 1-4(1) Of THE PLANNING ACf MODII'ICATION .NO., ....... I .... k) .... _,_,. UNDn SECTION 14(1) Oft THE PLANNING .lltltf' The lands shown on Schedule "A" are redesignated .from "Rural" to "Estate Residential". (\ ' ' \ BY-LAW NUMBER 2456-81 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: 1. Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 5th DAY OF October, 1981. ··.·----·- -·iw- .. ----r-·----------- 1 CONCESSION IE -···-------------------·----------' CONCESSION II \ --i+-:---"--,-,L-J~ '_;,J,j'----------'1---.------111 \_ j ' -,- ( ·--·· -. ,_ ( ~- > ' ' I LOT NVM8ERING DIFFERS J CONCESSION Ill I I -----111 . 1 I ,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I ' . AMENDMENT NO. ,1_ j TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA . -TABLE OF CONTENTS - SECTION PAGE I THE CERTIFICATION . II THE PREAMBLE 1 l . Title and Component 1 2. Purpose . of the Amendment 1 3 • Location 1 4. Basis of the Amendment 1 III THE AMENDMENT 2 . :.------ .. .. .. -, AMENDMENT NO. ,2 J TO THE. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THB.CERTIFJ:CATION The explanatory text constituting Amendment No.~/ to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora by By-law No .Jf'~.z'in .accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the ..... /~~ .. day of ... ~ 19 .J?:/· . ~jj1) .. /~ ... : .. ~ ... MAYOR CLERK This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with. Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment .No. 21 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area.