BYLAW - New Multi stop Intersection - 19810921 - 245381BY-LAW Jl2453-81 OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A By-law to Designate a Multiple Stop Intersection. Whereas the Municipal Council under the Authority of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 202, Section 89 as amended, may designate by By-law and provide for the erection of Stop signs at intersections on highways under its jurisdiction. Now therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: That the following intersections have stop signs erected as discussed. 1. INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Batson Drive and Northbound on Walton Walton Drive Drive Batson Drive and Southbound on Walton Drive Walton Drive Batson Drive and Eastbound on Batson Drive Walton Drive Batson Drive and Westbound on Batson Drive Walton Drive 2. That this By-law shall become effective when approved by .. the Regional Municipality of York and when proper signs are on display. Read a first and second time this ~~~---'-'-r If '6/ ~~ 0.Tr May r day of d./ _» day of