BYLAW - Amend 2328 79 - 19810406 - 242381BY-LAW #2423-81 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-Law to amend By-Law #2328-79 being a By-Law to appoint an Auditor for the Town of Aurora. Whereas the Council of Corporation of the Tpwn of Aurora deems it expedient to amend By-Law #2328-79. Now therefore the Municipal Council of the ~own of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Clauses 1 and 2 of By-Law Number 2328-79 be deleted and new Clauses Numbered 1 and 2 inserte~ herein so that the Clauses shall now read as follows: 2. 1. That Cassar, Collins, Barrow, chartered Accountants be·and ' they are hereby appointed Auditprs of the Corporation of the Town~ of Aurora. 2. That Cassar, Collins, Barrow, Chartered Accountants shall perform such duties as are pres~ribed by the Ministry of intergovernmental Affairs and any other duties that may be imposed by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora. That this By-Law shall be effective bn final passing thereof. Read a first and second time this day of Read a third time and finally passed this . .J./ ft.... i"--;~ {,-. ~ day of~ 1981 1981