BYLAW - Amend 2289 79 (Community Centres) - 19810406 - 242581BY-lAW #2425-81 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-lAW TO AMEND BY-lAW 2289-79, BEING A BY-lAW TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY CENTRES. WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to amend By-la~ 2289-79, NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows:- 1. That Clause 1 be amended by adding theretp the following: Holland River Park Sheppards Bush. Conservation Park VaThalla Park Batson Drive Park No~ Batson Drive Park South so that Clause 1 shall now read as follo~s:- 1. The Comnunity Centres defined as Athletic Fields be and the same hereby are established under The Comnuni ty Centres Act, and the regulations thereunder as follows:- Confederation Park Fleury Park Machell Park McMahon Park Town Park !Holland River Park : Sheppards Bush Conservation Park iVaThalla Park i Batson Drive Park North ;Batson Drive Park South 2. That Clause 2 be amended by the addition! of the following:- Fleury Park Changerooms Town Bandshell i so that Clause 2 shall now read as follows :- 2. ' That Comrrrunity Centres defined as Cokrrunity Halls be and the same are hereby established under The Camirrunity Centres Act, and the regulation thereunder as follows :-I Aurora Comnunity Centre Haul Church Street School Buildin'g Factory Theatre I Lawn Bowling and Tennis Chili Building Old Fire Hall Victoria Hall Fleury Park.,Changerooms Town Bandshell 3. That Clause 6 be deleted and a new Cla~e 6 added to read as follows:- 6 . That the said Community Centres be administered by a Committee of Management appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Comrrruni ty Centres Act and Regulations thereunder, which committee shall be composed as follows:- Members of the Standing Comriri. ttee of the Leisure Services Corrunittee who shall be approved by Council by Resolution from time to time. ., -2- 4. This By-law shall become effective on the Final Reading thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME ThUS Clerk ! READ A '!1URD TIME AND FINAlLY PASSED nus 04 DAY OF , 1981 , 1981 Mayor ! :6~ Cletk"~