BYLAW - Amend 2220 78 (Procedural) - 19810406 - 242681';1-;.-i ,. : '' t_i' BY-LAW # ,2 "/ ,2' 6 -g I OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-Law to amend By-Law #2220-78 being a By-Law to establish rules and regulations according to which the proceedings of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora shall be governed and conducted. Whereas the Municipal Council deems it expedient to amend By-Law #2220-78. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Clause 9(E) de deleted and a new Clause inserted so that it shall now read as follows: 9 (E) • In the event of a personal hearing by Council, only such subject matters as is contained in the petition shall be discussed to the exclusion of extraneous comment and Council through the Chair, shall advise that the delegation, and in the event of a large group the spokesman, shall be limited to 15 minutes in making their presentation~ 2. That Clause 26 Subsection (A)5 be deleted from By-Law #2220-78 and a new Clause inserted so that it shall now read as follows: 3. 26 (A) 5 Leisure Services Committee, Parks, Recreation, Community Centre and Community Buildings. That Clause 26 Subsection C be deleted and a new Clause inserted so that it shall now read as follows: 26(C) That Public Safety Committee shall include a Citizen advisory Committee consisting of 3 members, who will assist in forming policy relating to the Fire Department and other'safety matters. 4. That Clause 26 Subsection (E) shall be deleted and a new Clause inserted so that it shall now read as follows: 26(E) The Leisure Services Committee shall include a Citizen Advisory Committee consisting of six members, who will assist in forming policies relating to the Parks Department, Community Centre and the Recreation Department. 5. That Clause 26 Subsection (D) and Subsection (F) shall be deleted from By-Law #2220-78. Read a first, & second time this ·.~v~ day of ~ 1981 ~ Mayor Read a third time and finally passed this day of 1981 Mayor Clerk