BYLAW - Amend 2142 77 - 19810817 - 244381' .. ·~ ~"-· r ~ I (" ~ \_ ~': . .#1Jlv BY-LAW NUMBER 2443-81 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2142-77 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law 2142-77. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.1.3(2) the minimum lot area for the lands shown on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law shall be 1.8 hectares; the minimum frontage shall be 120 metres. 2. All other provisions of By-law 2142-77 shall apply to the subject lands. 3. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will come into force from the day of passing thereof. ~:~:~"'."~f/7:;.~0. '" :;_~.£~'~ ~AYOR CL~~~;r~ READ A ~COND~~r~His . .?.?t?£oAY OF .. ~ ...... , 1981 , ..... ·"~A¥oi<····~·· ....... ·~~ READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY ...... ~~·~· ... ·., 1981. -' I ~ .... PASSED THIS .. n~ .... DAY OF CLERK ,. ..... II! ' "(' ~· ~ Q, ' ~ " ,. ' . • ~ 'f¥il \-: 0 ' ; ' :;! ' ' --------------------~'""'''''''--~~--• ?.· ..... t>"-'t . . .., ,) . I'.' ~.J ·'.:; .. ~,·-3. _,.. -~,, .• ·.· ;;. ....... , -. ,,, ,' ·. () 1) '3° 4t'E co~· :Jfi.:l ''"tf' ,,.,..~e 1376 I i\' I 8 ... ~ ,... It) 0 0> ~ ... ~ I. r ~~--~---·" "" '"'"' ,~,,., . , , ! l ! 1 s '<J.-e~t tn:me ~ t n& .28 M '-----~---·-_:__L 'It [ .::.-w,_ £ .__ .... , 1.:a" ·: ~_, __ ...,.,._!C1j i: ':ri !: /S! i:; i .• -\,. : ~-0 ,if f 50.00 1 Sflf (J Jt~d 1 , s-,P , ;'1''-'-r! ·fl t•f" ~· ,.. of-4 oY.. 0 •• .. __ ,. . ,.,.,., 8 J. ; I I " : .. "' "' ~--I 0> ... .o 0 :i l ~ ... ~--- '58'dl!el! 1~8-89~~ I \! .,r. f' ... "\ . ,····~· t ' - 88.89' a.-;:r c>a,, .,.-~ ... -, '~r.,-, "•) N7.JcceJc 8 v' ~ "- "' 0 0> <: t<.'?8°3f'30"E "'"fl 0 3r'3d'£ "'7~31'30 .. E _. .!J6:-5 ro.oo' ··-........_ -~ '·. ,,,, 7," ~ '9J9Soutt• .'?.:V~"", >.:, 8 . , ~ J s1art!~ s tvccc hO 4P -·PAFh .. 3! ~-E_~-~~ -·,!'!,!", '-«~ •• ~ '"'U • < ' • ' - & ~l f ~ & :.; I '-.] '-.] .......... ~ 'I .K.. ·1--0 & /-; 0) 0 <:> -~ "' & ~ !\, Or) • 0) ~ -· ( ... £. p._. il p r--""-o" t·"" 2.'.-. j , . t-'-"" ,.. :>3 .• .: i ~. \ i,-· . ..:.· • ..,,,)" '~,-,).. ~,. --t. ~ v ------~" ---· .. -. -· . --~"1 :- .,..E.:fiiV.[ ,__ ':...o~ , ~. :Jv_!oj • •• .. i: ~; • ... -. ~ () \ . i " ' ' •'•''' ,.,., I ~ \ •• .ZB r'· . IS. : ./ :i\i ., .. l ·• . ~-r "'' \ __ ~---------L-' , :,,'"'' . •' . ' " • • \50-0J ... .... ., '. • ' ,. I ,) N n• 41 E • -1 ~ '''" i t o;>\0 poS' ":1~'>0 .,..,1e (i-~;~ ~R ~6---; '. ' _;~ J?) y6 IJ58'dut1 J!J8.89',.,.os J N 7B 0 3l'30"E 88.89' t>:l) ""'' ,.-:; .. -·~ ... ,_., '<} -:; ·: ....,. ~' . ' . < .,. 7T" CBTC- . ' a • '" , ..... !J 5 . . "' "' 'i1 "' . .... ·._, ' 'g . -.oc·' , .. ~ .... 3:: "' "' . -l' 0 -~.~ . 0> of' o'f· fo~T.,:l .. }. ·-4 z 0 • _. ,t \.~ 8 .,. ]J; .... ..., 0 "' z ,, . N 7 8° 31'30"£ t-.7S 0 3!'3cJ'E m11no t. 7S031'30"E <.:. / -~x .. ·•--··''"'~8 / ·r 'so<J"'',. _ ! ·gy;'sout:• <:JCV ; ~ , t store, sr'-ccc .PART 3! l~-~~ oo f£ A se' 1~d "' -t ~ ' ~ ~ ~ £ • ~ : " " ~ t a, lSI, "'~ ~--< ., .. . ., .. _ .K !--lJ ~ \......-: V) . ti. '-<::. -~ "' <:> "" ~ 1--,. It) 0 ()) <: .._J .._J ....._ ~ :--_,. . ' r J ' ' ' ··-. ' : .. ,;-· ., ,. • t ··.:.. -l • .,-_ ,.., ... ' ·.;.?":- ' '.t';o ~ ~ '.J ' .... -" ~:'(-=;. I .._...._ --·~ ' --,',{. ·,.;,., ~' , ,, . :r; .... _~-. -rr~· ./. R. D. TOMLIN ON O.L.S . 74-32 C[AUTION ~his plan is not a plan of subdivision with1n the ~[ons29. 32, or 33 of the planning act. I.LL HANGING LINES HAVE BEEN VERIFIED PLAN of SURVEY of ~art of LOT I ~egistered Plan 30 i TOWN of AURORA ' ~egional Municipality of York I . . . Scale: I inch = .30 feet · ' . ~.D;Tomlinson O.L.S. -1974- '. ' ,· ~ ~OTE .. <;., mean•ng r•f sec- 1eaongs ore cs:.r·oryom'c und referrea to tne N 9°57 'w of M1/i St--ee: 1 s snowr. or: plan 65 R-7.'5 {. c;erotes Standard Iron Bar (I ;nch sq. by 4 feet long) -f. denotes Iron Bar ( 5/8 inch sq by 2 feet long} <e , :fenotes Standard Iron Bar ( 1 inc/7 round by 4 feet long} ~.? denotes Iron Bar (5/8 ;ncn round by 2 feel long) ;,t;son ·oenotes WS.GJ/;son ana Son<:: OL 5 f'D T: .. R D Tom.'.nson 0 L S