BYLAW - Amend 2142 77 - 19810601 - 19810601. •:••'• BY-LAW NUMBER ·2403-· 80. OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY'-LAW NUMBER 2142-77 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING BY-LAW') WHEREAS it :Ls deemed advisable to amend By-law 2142-77. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: l. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.1.3. respecting • minimum side yards, the minimum side yard requirements for the lands shown is hatching on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law shall be 7 metres. 2. All other provisions of By-law· 2142-77 shall apply to the subject lands. 3. No part of this By--law will come into £orce until the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-·law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ST TIME~. 0. (tt 17th. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1980 r READ A SECOND TIME THIS 17th. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1980 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED \ \ DAY~/ CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION 35(27) OF THE PLANNING ACT I, K.B. Rodger, hereby certify that the notice for By-Law 2403-80 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, passed by the Council of the Corporation on the ___ l_st __ day of _ __:J:....:u:....:n:....:e:.._ __ ,19~1 was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by regulation made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 24 of section 35 of The Planning Act. I also certify that the 21 day objection period expired on April 15th, 1983 and to this date no notice of the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the clerk. Dated this TWENTY FIRST day of _N_O_VE_M_B_E_R _____ , 19 ~· CLERK I -_: I I I . I . I "·'" '. . I I I I I I I I I I I ',' 'it ..... ·· 1 ':· PART OF ·Lot 2:3 CONCESSION 2 TOWN OF AURORA x;:· .. ·--·~----~--"' ,____ ·:';.~~""-=~--.. -·~--~--'"-'-·-~--~------·-·-··-.--' THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. ~*3·30 !'ASSJ;;D THIS .fSf DAY OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK ( -... , .Su N, f.-;; ~·· · 1 9 '$tJ' ff,+ . ' SCALE I' 400 ~-~ 9 Lh=. MAY R I 504·33m 60m 0 WELLINGTON STREET EAST .r--·'" .:..:rr SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No . :Xfo3 -~o t\ · · ··-·-"'-'~~q/~":'c,.·"~-~-~--·--.,..._ .. ,_ ,._,_~-~--.,i·:~:·-·-~~--'·f!l~"~LJ~:r:,~"~---O..-C.:.:,}if_,1l,f?Jt:,"''---""Z"'-'JJ:.<:~"-··-2~il!!J..!JM. J1.£-f>-!'--R TMi!.NT I I I I I I I I .I I . I I I 'I I I I SCHEDULE 2 By-law 2403-80 has the following purpose and effect. To amend By-1~2142~77 the zoning by-law governing the Town of Aurora to redUce-the side yard requirement from 9 metres (29.52 feet) to 7 metres (22.96 feet). The owner of the subject lands proposes to sever the 20 hectare (50 acre) parcel into two parcels each having approximately 10 hectare (25 acres) and each occupied by a presently existing detached dwelling unit. In order to comply with the minimum frontage and minimum area requirements the side lot line must be located less than the required 9 metres from the existing house on the more southerly lot and the by-law must therefore be amended. The metric dimension shown on Schedule "A" are equivalent to imperial limits as f·ollows: 504.33 m = 1654.62 feet 18 2. 9 8 m = 600.33 feet 60.00 m = 196.85 feet 22.20 m = 72.83 feet 442.00 m = 1450.13 feet 203.70 m = 668.31 feet 227.38 m = 745.99 feet 497.50 m = 1632.21 feet I I I .:.1 . . I I I TOWN OF II N£WMAIIKE7 -....~1 l L __ \.1_ J I I J -~ ~ (E~ ·.·· ,,l!"l~•o•n\7 K ZB~ ~. aJ/1 I ( ~ l · 0 25 ~ j J 1 ~ 1 r A. MCfVVtvii::.IV fl· I II II ._ 8 '<., . · ') \ Z4 AREA ' 1-' .I I I .. · 1 ~. ~ ~~~ ~X~;i 1!1 (< 2~ I -II Llf IY " -I 82 1 ~"<-.. 22 . ·-• ~~ IM ~ -'-"' . I. '--:t ..::::t.l. ,_Jl f-. _,1 ~ : 81 . ~ . d . lfil ... ~ ? -~~ \1 WE L!NGTOH STREET , \ "-._ t;=J Fl 'I : I "\ Ci ~ §I I \ \ . u I ~ >::j· "-. //L eo. 2o'--11~ . .{ t>-r I.. J r:· ·' ~ r/ - -/ \' I t;_ ~ ) - J J I ,.. 79 ,_\\ I 9 . ! -I ~ ... ...... ,_ \ ~-" . ; , .. \\ \ -"~ \\' l_ 'i -..J L Tl / jl ~ \_ \ rt LB \ \'i ~J' ~ ,~J:-b$77 \ \\ 17 ~ ~. ~ ;:j c u J ~~ \ "' /'---... 1 \ ~ .., . (h ,rll J ~:; ...... / ~ . v· \ -~ ,__ H ~ ~ ~llr·· 7 ~ -~ /6 '---/ -,, -" -· ~ O'IVE ,.~ I . "'' VA ., ~ -v-~.. . I /~ & 75 1 " ~-~'l II/J .;, z i'---ts . I~ l1 '\ I" 1 74 ~ J """ \\ ,(~ r ~ CON. CON.-.ai = '-' 1 I ----r--7 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TOWN_ OF· AURORA SCHEDULE 2 ., - -<_ ,..:;,,.__. I ' ,-.? \ .. ~"' I. !_::__:_:_