BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19810609 - 243581• >· •• ' BY-LAW NUMBER cZJ/.35"-3j OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATJON OF THE TOW,N. OJ'" /1.1J'RORA. A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 BEING A RESTRICTED AREA CZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863 . NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of By-law 1863, the building on the lands shown in hatching on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law may be used for an antique shop subject to the following provisions: (i) Parking shall be provided to the rear of the subject buildings according to the following standards: 5.5 spaces for each 90 square metres of commercial floor space. (ii) The parking area shall be screened from adjacent residential uses by a continuous strip of landscaped open space a minimum of 1.5 metres wide which shall be planted with coniferous trees of not less than 1.5 metres in height. 2. An addition to the main building may be constructed to the rear of that building providing that the floor area of such building is not greater than 50 square metres. 3. No part of this By-law will come into force unless the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ IRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ! /···-, LOT 59, REGISTERED PLAN 246 TOWN OF. AURORA REGION OF YORK FORMERLY COUNTY OF YORK SCALE = I : 400 I !_ OT -· I I I I I LOT 31 I I 7. ~I"' I r.~ ..., I I KENNEDY STREET THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No.Jt/.§5-v PASSED THIS J,:.;f= DAY OF ~ua <?-· 19 fil t:~ /~) ~ MAYO " tJ ~ V) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. - <:) ., SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. o!.'f~,5-PI THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING OEPARTMENT SCHEDULE 2 By-law1fJ5has the following purpose and effect. To amend By-law 1863 the By-law currently in force in the urban portion of the town to grant an exception to the applicable residential provisions of By-law 186 3 to al.low the building on the subject lands to be used as an antique shop and also to allow the building to be increased by not more than 50 square metres (538 square feet). The owner of the subject lands will be required to provide parking according to the requirements of this By-law as well as the landscaping provisions stipulated. Matters such as grading and surfacing of the parking area, lighting on the property and landscaping provisions will be covered by a site plan agreement between the applicant and the municipality. The metric dimensions shown on Schedule "A" are equivalent to imperial units as follows: 20.1 m 50.29 m 30.48 m = = = 66 feet 165 feet 100 feet / -: ,·;,;-._---'' (. -----~--,t I f---·· F=============~ TOWN 01' NEWMARKET d •: -+------------~~._ I ~ I ~ ' 'h -r! \ '11 84l 1 ~ . \ 24 . , ! 1 1 , $ ~· 2~ .·. . // -x t::-J. ~ . I ~ ~ ifiJjffJ'-'' 82 . "<To . 22 J . ~.;:3.1 "r=i (I-f-h j • -, 8/ k 2/1 \. "\.., • = ~ . • !h = i\__ ,L7' . I 1_, _ mEET b I ~ : ~ J I T I . 20 \__ \ ,f $ ~ '> / 80 / ai " f v-I -I . t--. I t;. ;; ."---" -..... _/ \I I '· ~ Jr 79 . /. \ 19 t . . I i ~ ... . ) __, \ " " ·~NT AREA-~ I f\ 18 \\ ~ ~ -./ L J I..£L.-i) l \ '\ [ \ "' ~ ~ f ~· '--~~ v~77 ~t\' 17 : ~'---~~ ~ ;~ 'fhJ-; 1= f;J ; ~ ·~ V G~ "'u" ~ -YJ-~ L. ~tf ~ / "". ~ .,.r). . IJ -.!-;m;mo""' .. ,v< ~~~~/ ~ -o ) l1f IJ ~ ~IV ) ~ 75 ~ . 15 "'---JJ I I? / e "' rl I 74 ~ ~ \\ I~ . 11' 'c;:: _J / ( 73 ' ~"'k~-\I \ ,_· I ~· -CON. I W. Y. S. CON. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL W.lr .. ~ o zoo 400 ~ 1m 1\A ~ 1400 *10 1100 n.. TOWN OF If" , ·m """~ &= -=~~= __ -:~ AURORA SCHEDULE 2 PftOVII'tCI .. AL .. HIGHWAYS ~-R£GI'-'""L ~ ~---______ _s,:[ ____ ~ ·-------- i I I I . ~ ~ I I I I I ! ~ I I I . ~ [ I . I I t t r ,, '··-~ BEFORE; P.M. BROO:KS Vice-Chairman -and- P.G. WIL:t<ES Member ltj R 811939 · "''llill&l" Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, c. 3b), -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town · of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2435-81 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 'l'hursday, the 24th day of September, 1981 The objectors to approval of the said by-law having withdrawn their objections, THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2435•81 is hereby approved. ENTERED 0. B. No . .R'J.:/-:-3 .......... ··· Folio No •• £.0..~ ................. . SEP 2 5 1981 '-14~-{;~ l SECRET>"'· O:IT"10 MUNIC:'AL. ~::1