BYLAW - Amend 1863 (Worch) - 19810817 - 237780. . . •,,;=~~~~~""-'~-·~·--·-·.:~.~~~:--~~ .... ~·~. ""-"'""'='~~ .... ~,~~·--··· ·.:> ... ~~· '--·~---''·'· - . ' . ' ' 'I ··]··.·. . . ~ \ ' "~-<>" •' BY-LAW NUMBER . 2377-80 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OP AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-.LAW NUMBER 1863 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable t.o amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VII 2 respecti~g minimum yards, the minimum rear yard requirement for the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto which are Lot 6, Registered Plan 107 & Lot 108 Registered Plan 246, shall be 10 feet. 2. All other provisions df By-law 1863 shall apply to the subject lands. 3. No part of th~s by-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been satisfied but subject to such provisions the by-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST TIME THIS ... B.t.h. ... DAY OF ... S.e.p.t.e.mb;e.r ..... , 1980 . . .': ~ElQ:t;9:El -~ • . .'~:i,ll)P.~Ql1 " .. ........ ".K .•. B .•.. RP.d.<J.e.r:" ... MAYOR CLERK READ A SECOND TIME THIS ... 8:1;11 .. DAY OF ... S.e_P.t.e.J:!!b.e.r ..... , 1980 . . . . . . . . ".~El.Q:t::9:El -~ • .. ~:i,ll)P.~Ql1" MAYOR .... ".K .•. B .•.. R.O.d.g_e;r." ... CLERK THIS ... \1.~ ... DAY OF ·LOT ~,PLAN 107 S. LOT 108,PLAN246. THIS IS ·SCHEDULE 'A' CON. I E.Y.S. '. TOWN OF AURORA , THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALIT OF YORK TO BY-LAW No.e?311-Yo PASSED THIS /'?lz< DAY OF ' !&Jr;.vsr 19 _%_1 ·. ~ ~-----· SCALE: 1'!. 200' - I ' ., :... -~ -~ -~· q: -. ·.-.... --,----w w 0:: .... (/) / . ..... ~ ~ i::: ~ (/) w· LOT 108, RP 246\ 0:: ~ () LOT 6, RP 107. w 0:: ....,..____ SUBJECT~ .... z SITE .\ w u ~ I~ ~ ~ >-C;::j 0:: ~ 1-...___ CENTRE STREET en ~· ;::) r--(.:i 0 z - WELLINGTON STREET SCHEDULE 'A' To· BY-LAW No . .<31/-ffD rHE REGIONAL MUNICIPAL!rr OF YORK -PLANNING O£PARrM£Nr SCHEDULE 2 By-law ;:(J7J.-fo has .the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 1863 the zoning by-law governing the former Town of Aurora. This amendment would allow the applicant to construct·a permitted industrial .use 10 feet from the rear lot line rather than 30 feet from the rear lot line which is the usual requirement. <.' ----, . ( } ~ i ~==============~- I I I I I ~"-\ n---"i, '\' 1---rl/ --.:J ~~Ji;/f<_j ,,3 I l II Iwrs coN. CON. • TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 1 -... -=_ , -~ ~ ~ ·~ --.,. -••• TOWN OF ~ , .., ""'!! l!OO "'98 301!!! '?"" AU RO _@ -PR<)viP<c'''-HIGHWAYS __ ~-REGJONA:__~os RA · Sc heclu.le. 2-·~ ~..-lilliiiiili