BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19810504 - 242781~·===== '."'''"'".'.] I . i •. ! i t .-', L./: ~./ : ., BY-LAW NUMBER ,/Jf/1. /-f,j OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VIII.S. Zone Provisions Commercial, the second floor of the existing building on lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law may be used for no more than three apartment units, 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VII.4. Parking Requirements the additional parking requirement for the subject building shall be nil. 3. No part of this By-law will come into force without Ontario Municipal Board approval but subject to such approval the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ······~···········> 1981. / 0 'i) ····~···'···~··· MAYOR OF ..... 4r.fj?_. , .... ./fJ? /.7AMJI'SJ, •• ~ CLERK OF ..... 4-J..~.. 1981. ..... Ah ..... CLERK THIS ... y'?l!! ... DAY OF '' SCHEDULE 2 By-law :2.tjJ.1 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 1863, the Zoning By-law currently in force which affects the urban portion of the Town of Aurora to permit the second storey of the existing building on Lot 139 and Part of Lot 144, Registered Plan 246 municipally known as 3 Wellington Street East to be used for three residential apartment units. The Official Plan makes provision for combined residential-commercial uses subject to an amendment to the zoning by-law. Because the applicant's entire holdings are occupied by existing buildings, it is proposed that the parking requirements be waived. It is Council's intention to seek private, Provincial legislation which would enable the Town to accept a cash payment in lieu of land owners providing off street vehicle accommodation. The cash payment would be utilized by the Town to purchase and construct a parking area to meet the needs of the various uses such as the proposed apartments which could be established. There is presently no legal authority for such an arrangement but several municipalities have applied and received legislation which enables the process to take place. The applicant has made an agreement with an adjacent land owner to rent sufficient parking spaces to provide overnight parking for his future tenants in the interim. The metric dimension shown on Schedule "A" are equivalent to imperial standards as follows: 7.9 27.08 8.5 27.1 m m m m = = = = 25.9 feet 88.85 feet 27.93 feet 88.9 feet "ltl i!i d! I !I 1 '!1· " " " II ,, \i II I 1: jl li I 'I lj !; ,, ,, f! ,I ·'I THIS AGREEMENT made this /)ti..day of June, 1981. 'GEORGE M. CORDOYANNIS of the City of Toronto (hereinafter called the "Applicant") I AND: THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Of THE TOWN OF AURORA I (hereinafter called the "Town") '' WHEREAS, the Applicant is the owner of Lot 139 and part of Lot 144, Registered ' Plan 246 as show on Schedule "A" attached hereto, municipally known as Number 3 ! , Wellington Street. 11 !i 1 AND WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to constrtJct three (3) apartment units in j; the existing building on the lands. " I! ii II AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora have enacted By-Law Numbers 2427-81 and 2428-81 which have the effect of amending By-Law Numbers 1863 and 2213-78 to permit the requested apartment uses and also releave the Applicant of the By-La1~ requirements respecting parking. AND WHEREAS, the Town intends to apply to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for Legislation which would allow the Town to require a cash payment equivalent to the cost of the required parking spaces in lieu of providing the necessary !, parking spaces. !i ); ii ,, AND WHEREAS, in anticipation of deposited with the Town a letter parking spaces. receiving such legislation the Applicant has of credit equal to the cost of providing three i NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that the said parties do hereby agree 1: each with the other as follows: !I I" 1. il " p 'I The Applicant shall, upon the To~m rece1v1ng the Legislation and carrying out any necessary requirements contained therein, pay to the Town the sum of Twelve Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Five ($12,135.00) Dollars, such sum being the cost of the provision of three (3) parking spaces. I! 11 2.. The Applicant shall, until the matter is finalized, underta.ke and agree to li keep the said irrevocable letter of credit in good standing or the Town li will have the right to draw on same to protect its and the public interest. IM \14~~ ~ ) I ) ~ ) ) ) GEORGE M. THE TOWN OF AURORA CLERK l •... l I ! .. .. · .•• II ·. ··•.· I I r J • ....• / i I ·'·· NOT TO SCALE •. i ··~ ·: .... ··; WELLINGTON STREET .• ,. ~"' r. <::-'"' L 0 T (,-:'-:....... . 2 STOREY '--" BRICK BUILDING • L' or· 2 STOREY . BRICK BUILDING / L} 0 I 0 I ~ BRfcK SJ"ORE:y ,, UILDING ·• This is Schedule "A". to an Agreement dated the day of J'g}e 1981 Between George M. Cordoyannis and The Municipal Corporation o ~he Town of Aurora. ! 1 \ TOWN "' II N£WI/AR/f£T .. I • • • I J ' C:® _II; ··~~-v ~ -26~~ ij ~~ ~ 8~ If I 25 '~ ~ ~! SITE OF 84 ~ 1 24 "'!! lAMENOMENT\ J ';. .:\. I 1 r ~~ ~ 7 23~ ~ 1 ~ :r "'..1\ f:J 1 I I II I I J f'l'\7'-! -I I 82 1.\. 22 J · ·-o lf:l 11. -,h l ~ -, T eli . • h = f\_ ..,::::L.\ ~_./• I ' I 8/ h-., =•m 2 \ \ ""\. 'C ~ !0 -,p 1 II "\ 11:: ~ \.. '-... // I ao 2o \ I• f ~ 'i . ( / / ~ al /!! £ "7?1,.-/-,_ 7 ., ~ : J I -i iJ 79 t11 t9 \ ~ ~ \ \\' I "i r--7 ,.,.~ \\f\ 18 ,, 't. ~~ -./L ,-u.v 'u~ \ '\. ~ ~ "t t ~ 1}, '-E;I Flk ;77 """--~ \ ~ 17 : /'--.-~\ I -I~;JTo6 ~ ~ / \ ""~ ~ ~~ .r:C2. V ~~ .. ,_,... -...rvr-~!Of 1\ l I I~ • I lt c l I , 75 -h \ ~15 ""---~ If ~ 7 I ( E i - \ I ·~ ~4 C -11! /3 I 12 I ~ l_j TOWN OF RICHI!IONIJ HILL TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 2 8 i • • ) ~ 1 ~ 1 s I J ~ ~ J ~ ~ 1 i . . r Ontario Municipal Board Ill mill WI.'IUR 011 Section It of ca.s.o • ... alil4 • R IUU.l D am. Mftlllt 011 u app:U.oat~~loa by 'lbel ~aratioa of the 'fotlln of AW:oara to apparO't'Ol of l.ta aeatd.cted A.Ha B:r-1av 2427•81. J J 1 Wdnelr4&y 1 tho 14th IJA1f of Ap.U, 1112 'DIS .UIPLIC.A.'IIO!II ~ng oa foar pfd:tlic beaf.li\f this day ud afuar U. WIIU'iq of tho appUeaUoat .. :.,>: .. _:: ,, 1,, .... ,,,_ ... "·--~ ... -'" -, '"'"'' . ., ... ' .