BYLAW - Amend 1452 - 19810202 - 241781. ..... co "' ..... >,.; ·.CH--•--' _ J-·~· ···:a"~--r"( ., <1:14- 0 w w ,., +-' <1:1 .+-> -o ·~ e=..c E"+-' ON U.-< O>W s::..c ·~ +-' ,_ w s:: w 0 s:: ·~.>.!. O>S-s:: 0 LW >- W4- .<:: 0 +-' 4-~ o·~ ~ (") <1:1 c. .. ~ 0 u "" z·~ "' s:: C> +-' ::l >- ~~-; s..:;: 0 L1- C.. I""'-· C> wtd .. -ex:. ,.... >- ! '!j'''M' f-,_. --' I "' <l" 0.. .J;e•. · .... ,_. w w u Vl..C ,_. ::Sf-z <1:1 ::0 ~4-:;:: :: u 0 --' ··' »~ "' ':-..o·~ z u C> -o s:: w ::l > 0 ou ,_ c.w c...c c:(f- BY-LAW #2417-81 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE rowN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW #1452, AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW #2411-80 BEING A BY-LAW DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS IN THE TOWN OF AURORA. WHEREAS the Municipal Council deems it exper1ient to amend By-law #1452 as amended by By-law 2411-80, for the'purposes of clarification, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved:- l. That Clause l of By-law 2411 be amended by deleting therefrom the following words -"From-Dunning AvE)nue Intersection" and inserting the words "From -South Limit of Dunning Avenue" so tha.t the Clause shall now read as follows:- Street Wenderly Drive From South Limit of IJun.ning ·Aver.!ue Intersection To South Limit of tVenderly Drive 2. That this By-law shall come into force and effect when approved by the Regional Municipality of York. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 2nd DAY OF February, 1981 ~-0. Mayor READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF FEBRU~~Y, 1981 • Mayor . •. Clerk Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk, qf the Corporation , I, of is of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the foregoing a true copy of By-Law Number 2417-81 passed by the Council the said Corporation on February 2nd, 1981. ----.) .·· 1 . ~-#d t'<-~~ ~ ·~~ ·eputy Clerk .' ., .•. h"'"' . ___ w-_ .. _,,._._·:-~.--