BYLAW - OPA #16 - 19801215 - 236480r:l «< ! ~I i ... ., ~ i ro '. 'I t0 i ~ "'' !a) ,., iol ., ... i,.... I I 4-; i I a>, ; 1'-1 I ' c___L_ I !.~.' .... I i ' I I .~1 IT rt-- 1 ~r~ ... 0 z ... REFERRED~ OMB N~ 4 OPA N':' REFERRED ~ OMS N':' f:;. CONCESSION IW CONCESSION fE CONCESSION k / -\~~;· """' --~::; 'ENVIRONMENTAL EA' RESIDENTIAL' II CONCESSION ----!'r------ I I I I I I I I Ill UJ "' ., "' ... "' "' "' "' "' 0 "' .. "' ... Ill ., ... 0 z 0 ,.. .. ~,~,.. -,.. .. , _ .. __ ., __ ,_ ··------;--· LOT NIJMB£RING DIFFERS ' f ~ ~ 0 CONCESSION IW CONCESSION IE CONCESSION II CONCESSION Ill ~ ·.<::.-:~c-~-:.;x.:-::~-o--. AMENDMENT No. 16 ~n -- LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL [ I ~ 1---1 INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTES' I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERII'f. OFFICIAL PLAN OF TH AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE IN FEET 1000 500 0 1000 1000 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPAR REVISED APRil.. 1979 ,. •) • I ,,( i: ./ ., .. --~ 19-0P 0025-16 AMENDMI:;NT NO. 16 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA -/ Amendment No. 16 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with section 17 of The Planning Act as Amendment No. 16 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. Date .. ~Jt,/lf.. G. J' F:A:Rft8Jle'/, E. :set li: c Director PI Administration Division . ans Aff · d Housms Ministry of Munidpal all$ an · BY-LAW NUMBER 2364-80 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 16 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: 1. Amendment No.16 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment and to e~ecute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS .. ;2!)<;! .•• DAY OF .... ~l,l!}~ ..•.. l9~Q .. d 0.1' ·····~AYaF.···~··· 15th READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ............. DAY OF d 07 ..... <".~ .... : .. ~ ... MAYOR ....... ~~ I, K.B. Rodger, Municipal Clerk, of the municipal Corporation of the· Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true co'py of By-law 2364-80 Passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora on December 15th, 1980. CLERK .. , :. _· .. :··-··. . . --~----· ' ·~·· --~~"'""-~~~·~-~··-···"-'··· .·.c:._-'-'"-'·.C.---· ~ ~-, ' ... "-~~--~--~~-~---·---...:.:.:.:.---. ____ :" AMENDME~'' NO. 16 TO THE OFFIUAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The ex plana tory text constituting Am.endment No .16 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora by By- law No .2364-SOin accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the .... :[.qi;~ .... , day of .. P!O<;:!~.e:r. w . . 19' .... ... 4.9:.~ .. MAYOR CLERK This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance Hith Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No.l6 to the Official Plan of the Aurora. Planning Area. AMENDMEL .l' NO. 16 TO THE OFFlCIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA -TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ SECTION PAGE I THE CERTIFICATION II THE . PREAMBLE 1 l. Title 1 2. Purpose of the Amendment 1 3 .. Basis of the Amendment 1 III THE AMENDMENT l. Purpose 2 2. Policies 2 3. Implementation 2 <'.I i 1 ' ! \. ·. ···-.- 1. AMENDMENT NO. 16 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment comprising the text and schedule shall be known as Amendment Number 16 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning area. 2. PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENT The purpose ·Of this Amendment is to redesignate the subject lands (shown on Schedule "A") from Rural to Estate Residential with Environmental Protection Area policies applying to the flood prone areas. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT This Amendment has been enacted by Council in response to the following: (1) The site has physical attributes which make it suitable for estate residential development and Council has determined that the site complies with the Estate Residential policies as stated in the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. (2) The applicant has submitted a landscape analysis, soils analysis and engineering report in support of the application as required by the Official Plan (see attachments). (3) The land has little value for agriculture since most of the property has limitations due to soil characteristics, drainage or steep topography. The balance of the property having good soils lS too small to form an economic farm unit. (4) The visual impact of the development from Yonge Street will be minimal because of the significant tree cover which will be retained. In addition, it is intended that dwellings will be sited to the east of the natural ridge that runs north-south parallel to Yonge Street. The property which fronts on the Vandorf Side Road will be protected by berms and landscaping which has been designed by the applicant to Council's satisfaction. (5) Commercial and institutional services such as schools are available within walking distance of the proposed subdivision. I (; . . . AMENDMENT NO. 16 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT Of PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT NO. 16 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate the subject lands shown on Schedule "A" from Rural to Estate Residential with Environmental Protection Area policies applying. 2. POLICIES i) The policies of Section 4.8 "Subdivision Design Criteria" and the policies of section 4.11 "Environmental Protection Area" will apply to the subject lands. ii) In addition to the above noted policies the following policy will apply to the subject lands. "The lands fronting on the Vandorf Side Road shall be suitably landscaped in order to screen dwellings from vehicular traffic and to provide as much privacy and enclosure as possible." 3. IMPLEMENTATION This Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented as follbws: i) ii) iii) New development in the Amendment area shall occur by means of a plan of subdivision under Section 33 of The Planning Act. Registration of such a plan of subdivision shall be in accordance with the provisions determined by Council and other concerned agencies. A restricted area (zoning) by-law shall be passed to implement the provisions of this Amendment as and when considered appropriate in conjunction with an approved plan of subdivision. I