BYLAW - New Stop Sign Intersection - 19800616 - 236680(' . . . ,---~·. ,- 'c BY-LAW NUMBER 2366-80 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE A STOP INTERSECTION WHEREAS the Municipal Council,. under the authority of the Highway·Traffic Act, R.s.o. 1970, Chapter 202, Section 89, as amended, may designate by By-law and provide for the erection of Stop signs at intersections on highways under its juris~ction. NOW THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. THAT the following interesection have stop signs erected as follows: 2. Intersection Temperance Street and Ransom Street Facing Traffic South Bound on Temperance Street THAT this By-law shall become effective when approved by the Region of York and when proper signs are on . display in accordance with the H:Lghway Traffic Act. 1980. "0 QJ .,_, c. 04- "00 "' QJ~ QJ"O .,_, .,_, .<:: ·~ .,_, ~:;:; 0 UQJ .<:: 0'> .,_, s:: ·~ s:: '-0 QJ QJ -"' <='-·~ 0 0'>>-s:::: W'+- 0 QJ .<::>, .,_,.,_, ·~ '+-~ oro c. 0'\ ·~ .-.u ·~ •s:: 0 "' z::.: .,_, ~ '-"' OS:: c.o QJ·~ c:: 0'> QJ '+-c:: 0 QJ <0 .<:: Q)f- Vl'+- ::>o "' . ~~o u •r-co u 0'\ >,s::.-. .0:::> 0 • "OU'-QJ 'QJ >QJ.O -o ..c E ... f-QJ c. > C.>,O c:e.oz READ A .THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS / 6 DAY OF~, Mayor &+ Clerk "" c:: 0 >- "-0 >-f- ~ -' c:( "- ~ u ~ z· 0 ::::> co ::.: -"' 0'\ ........ -' QJ c:( ~ . z 0 u ..... ~ ... roOJ s::.O oE ·~QJ ~ ciP I, Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy-Clerk,fof the Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the forego~ng is a true copy of By-law Number 2366-80 adopted by the Council of the said c · -r;.a_tion on June l6th.l980. October 25,1980 DATE /(~)· ~~. Y CLERK