BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19801117 - 239680... BY-LAW NUMBER2396-80 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213- 78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of By-law 2213-78 respecting lot frontage, the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law may be used for the creation of three residential lots, having lot frontage dimensions as shown on Schedule "A". 2. All other provisions of By-law 2213-78 will apply to the subject lands. 3. No part of this By-law wi~l come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the by-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A~T A_ M. r-7f!IS~/ .DAY v l .......... AYoR· ... ~ .. oF • '21'<'+':--..-llf'-1.1 , 1 98 o • ..... ~/.-L~ .. CLERK '·-·"'"r 0 F J.{uxC\--':--o-';--;~ 1 9 8 0 . ...... JCf/.~. CLERK '--. "T--. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .. l;..tl DAY OF ~: .... , 1980. 0? ······~···· MAYOR .... /.t'~. ~~~~-.~ .. CLER;-w:v.~. FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 (~ t··.: r l@T 37 ~"IE ®IS T ERIE Q J;i)L /Ad'~ 2 4\ce TOW':f~ OF lliiJi!.<tlll¥~' . . . . "" " ""''"" ., . . . i TO BY-LAW No. ~jf,-f6 PASSED THIS j7fi.. DAY OF ~ 198D. T Hi: ~IE G •ol~th\:L mswr~wJf<C'Ir"1A:L IT Y OF YORK e~ Scale , I 1200 K E NNE lJ Y S T .f!?,EE T E eN LOT 36 ~ co (1) ;;:: 0 0 0 <D z l.::tJN74°00' E 6'5.5:3m:~.-->-\ 30:'2118 m I I I I I I I I I I '-I '-I /_(/f,/3 7 I I I I I --_ _I I?EGISTL-PL--IJ j:J!_ A/t/ ·,z ,., '1\il 0 ~- '~ .... · .. ~0. ~ ·. MAY·R WEST LOT 38 /;/ 246 SCHt(Qllt!JtliE 1 A 1 TO !BY-LIAl'/11 No. :2. '3 9' -·'io THE REGIONAL MI:JNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEPT. 9, 1980. • ·\_....-/···'(, TOWN __, OF I. NEWMARKET I /\C_( L/"\§ + ~ -rl)_ 1/ t t__ '\ ( ~ ... ,,..21i11L_____Q_ __ ...m!! 4QO_ toO 100--... 1200 ~ .. ~ z • II (!!)-PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS, •'"W" '..,~IOIML RQU)S .-;/ o• IS I I II CON III I j = I t- TOWN OF Rlt:HIIONII HILL TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 2 ,. ------ . ' ~ ' ' cc~~~ , ------------···-------~ ,__,. ___ ---..:..:.,_:..._~· ----··'-'""~"''"'-""""'~''''''""""~'~~--""'-~""""-"'·-"'•"='"""'''''=~=~,-~~--------· _. · ···--'-''· -~·~~--~~··-THIS ·~·!:SCHEDULE 'A~~~) l . , LOT. 37 REGISTERED PLAN 24 6 · TOWN OF :AURORA:.--:- TO BY~LAW No. ~Jf,-K6 PASSED THIS {7-#.. DAY OF • ~/.....{ 1980. THE REGIONAL MUNIC·JPALITY OF YORK Scale: I : 1200 KENNEDY STREET E C\J LOT 36 r<) <Xl 0> ;;:: 0 0 0 U> 1-N74°00'E 65.53m·---\ 30.4"8m I I I I I I I I I '-I I (]""'" I-. - '-'.) I '-( .:J / I I I I I z . _I ---- I?EGISTL-L--IJ PI_ A/1! f N74"00'E 88.21 m MAY R . WEST -U> U> a> 3 LOT 38 /;J 246 SCHEDULE· 1 A 1 TO BY-LAW No. :< '3 9' -~o THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEPT. 9 1 1980. SCHEDULE 2 By-law has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law Number 2213-78 to allow lots to be created which do not comply with the frontage requirements of By- law 2213-7H because the definition of frontage has been amended from the previous by-law in effect. The metric dimensions shown on Schedule "A" are equivalent to imperial units as follows: 15.24 m = 50 t·eet 30.48 m = 100 feet 199.61 m = 654.91 feet 88.21 m = 289.42 feet 198.32 m = 650.67 feet 65.53 m = 2l5.00 feet