BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19801103 - 239380--~-----_____ , ___ ,_, ____ ,..;._, ' BY-LAW NUMBER 1393-80 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213- 7 8 • NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. The zoninR_categ_ory on the lands wh_i_c_h-a-re ___ pa-r-t--o-f, '=B-1'6_c_J<_A_:_/Register~-.LalL-2-&9-/shown as Part ¥-on a plan deposited in the Land Registry O{fice for the Registry Division of York No-rt-h as 6SR-2il"i~ is hereby amended from M2 to Ml-1. --~;:;, JJ 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been compiled with but subject to such provisions the by-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ~----d. C)/ /1 ~~~~. ~ !.R~~O.-~z:;:::: .. ~ ... DAY ~~: :~~~;:~:· ~AYOR CLE~MV-~~·~· READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY ····~~ .... , 1980. j1 01 ...... ~~¥oR: .. ~ .. PASSED THIS.:~ ... DAY OF FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 NAME: C:oun-se:r -S.M. Benedetto ADDRESS: 55 Eglinton Ave. East Toronto, Ontario M4P lG8 REQUESTED CHANGE: From M2 to Ml-l to permit a restaurant on the subject lands. (Rose Street) EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN: Industrial -permits "limited public, institutional, servic_e commercial or other similar uses, such as banks, restaurants, arenas and curling clubs, deemed compatible with and incidental to an industrial area subject to an amendment to the zoning by-law. ZONING: M2 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: The lands in question are presently occupied by a large, attractive older home which would lend. itself to a use such as a restaurant By-law 1863 would have permitted this use on the subject lands, however because of the provisions of the official plan, an amendment to the zoning by-law must be carried out in order that such a use may be established. RECOMMENDATION: A draft amending by-law has been prepared in accordance with Council's instructions. '--~-·"--~----·----,~~·-~-.-~ ...... ,.,...,~·~"--·--·----~·-·-~~--·---·· -; :\-'. "OCT 1 19!l0 Clerk, Town of Aurora, .%de ?tJ-J' .§'.§' <t}/-/u'bA denae rffa&/ ~cMo.. fZ/a.,-/o .2"4f£Me .VJ'?-J-J'cf:/ September 29th, 1980. l7-ltJ7 50 Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario. L4G 3L8 Dear Sir: Re: Re: ' By-Law No. 1863 and New Comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 2293-78 Part 2, Plan 65R-2814 being Part of Block A, Plan 289, Aurora I act on behalf of the registered owner of the above mentioned lands artd I understand that the said lands are zoned under your By-Law No. 1863 for Industrial Service Uses, which permits the operation of a restaurant. I also understand that you are presently contemplating passing of a Comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 2293-78 which would omit this use from this property. This will, therefore, serve as notification to you on behalf of the registered owner that the existing permitted use of the said lands under By-Law No. 1863, namely a restaurant, should remain. Yours M . BENEDETTO, Q • C. ' SCHEDULE 2 By-law has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 2213-78 the zoning by-law governing the Town of Aurora. This amendment would allow the building on the subject to be used for the following; "commercial uses incidental to or in combination with manufacturing including business and professional offices, banks, restaurants, recreational facilities including arenas, curling rinks and private clubs, bowling alleys, swimming pools, banquet facilities, roller skating rink as well as "Restricted Industrial" uses. The Official Plan permits these types of uses, but subject only by amendment to the zoning by-law. The owner of the lands in question intend to use the building as a restaurant. I I I ' I ~ ' l. j ~ ! .i I I I li ' y __ ' TOWN DF •• ! -~ ~~ IS , __ u ~ ,.'--· .._ I "' I r( I ~, '\ ' 84\ J ~ -0 .c-> l \ 24 "--. -nh-1' 'J!li ~ ~ ' I ' ___} nujty l HI I"% .:l ~ ~ -)'3.J """} 1-H 1 Till':. ~ I "' •• I' )..) u -'IW . ., ( L ~ ~ L I I ..__ · '1 \........, 1 iul -. 'l-J /_ j_ .. j "" \ -JiOl-~ a li"~ -I+ _ n 1. M "" 1 ' 0 ~ J I _J IT f\ r • AMEiiJijllii. l / ~ ~ / .~-,. ~I' ~ L , I --' :TT1JL.-# ,! • I ~--. " . \\~ l ~ ,PJ/11 '11 1 • \ ,. '\ '...J . ...;hJfJ Tl J ~ ):.: t\ " , " , • ' "V!IH ~ / \ l --iO, '" I "'-.. ~ 16 -/' I /' ~[J~ ;/'~ 1 • ~ ) " ~ ~--' l/ ~-~r: I I " ~'---, '\ ~ 15 "'--l) I! ~ \..,. ""' \\ ) ,, ~ ...-7J ~ \11_ 1 " 1 _t:j~ \ I -I, __.,. ! /J II I I CON. = 'j ~ .. 4a ...... ~~~~ ...... _._.~~ .... ~ .. ~------.. ~~ .... ~-.. ~~-D*-~ TOWN OF +- TOWN DF ... ,,..• 0 r 401) I?D IIIIi ... IIIII? MQ) JIOO 1100 zg I#"' 9 • 2tW I!Dtl :lOW !flO !000 t;;l ~~tONAL AOADS AURORA SCHEDULE 2 ... PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS .,.,~