BYLAW - Adopt OPA #13 - 19800107 - 233379•~----;--··-y':f;, ~.·!., ,.7-~i /;~·,"';';'; :';'""~•~~i.-""~···~-,,,,,, ... ~ .. c.~ __ c,. ; ···---~---~-·'-'·"~''-"·-··------,·----·- .. ,tV'....(..... ~.~....: .. v ..... -.... _ .. ~ . ",::· ...... ~ .• ...]) U P 1-I G A .,--r;:_ 0 R. \ c-u-1 R '-' BY-LAW NUMBER ..2..3 3 3 • 7 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOI·IN OJ:" AURORA to the Official Being a By..:law to adopt Amendment No. 13 Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 1'1-OP -002.5-~5 The Council of the Corporation of the Tm-m of Aurora in accordance v:i th the provisions of Section 17 ( 1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: 1. A-nendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Aurora· Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Hunic ipal Corpor·at ion of the Town of Aurora make applica·tion 'to "che l1inis·try of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3.. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corpor•ation such application as may be necessary to t:he .Ministry of Housing for a~oproval o.f s_aid ilffiendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such docu1nents as may be required for the above purposes. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THis.!?f!...DAY 19 .1.9.' . ~c);U;c-~J'q_y,_ OF •.•.• ~ ........... . i (()~? .... /~ .. 1-... · .. /1~1~"-..... . Yu\YOR READ A THIRD TINE AND FIN/1LLY ~"A C. -'~~A ;gG'c), · · :a<v.' ""· ···cs ·~ c • • • • =_,-~-u 0 .. ./( · .. &~~~'!-;1~~~-. MAYOR CLERK PASSED THIS ••••• ,;7.. tt! ... DAY OF CLERK r, K.B. Hodser, Clerk of the Corporation of the To~A;n of Aurori'l,:, do hereby cert:ify t.hat ·the above is a true copy of By-Li;~~'' 2333-,9, p;,.ssed by ·the Council of the said CorporaU.on at a meet:wg helJ C11 Janua:cy 7th, 1980. ~4 Jariuary 16th, 1980. ~-~-~~ ~ ~ ~~ -~~~·~ Clerk. AMENDMENT NO. 13 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE. AURORA PLANNING AREA PART III: THE PREAMBLE 1. Title 2. The Amendment shall be known as Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this amendment is to convert the numerical standards included in the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Ar•ea from Imperial Units to Metric Units. 3. Basis of the Amendment This amendment is being enacted by Council in response to the Provincial government's request that Planning documents be converted from Imperial Units to Metric Units. .. AMENDMENT NO. 13 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF· THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART III: THE AMENDMENT 1. Change to Schedule "C" The Imperial Units contained in Schedule "C" are amended to Metric .Units as shown on Schedule "C" attached hereto. 2. Changes to the text The following Sections of the Official Plan are amended as shown below: Section 1.4.(b) 1.7 mgd. to 3.0 mgd. is amended to 7700 cubic metres to 14000 cubic metres Section 3.2.C 1.7 mgd. to 3.0 mgd. is amended to 7700 cubic metres per day to 1400 cubic metres per day. Section 4.4.b.A. 4.5 units or 18 persons per acres is amended to 11 units or 44 persons per hectares. Section 4.4.b.B.ii 14 units per acre is amended to 35 units per hectare, 18 units per acre is amended to 45 unit·s per hectare. Section 4.4.b.C(ii) 38 dwelling units per acre is amended to 94 dwelling units per hectare 45 dwelling units per acre is amended to 110 dwelling units per hectare. Section 4.4.C(v) 2000 square feet is amended to 185 square meters 6000 square feet is amended to 550 square metres. Section 4.5.d 1 and 5 acres is amended to .4000 square metres and 2 hectares. ·. '. '--.,__) Section 4. 8 .A( i) 5 foot intervals is amended to 1.5 metre. Sect ion 4. 8. B. two acres is amended to .8 hectares. Section 6.d(i) 400 feet is amended to 120 metres. 150 feet is amended to 45 metres. Section 6.d(ii) 700 feet is amended to 215 metres. 300 feet is amended to 90 metres. Section 7.2.(e) 45 mph. is amended to 70 kph. Sect ion 7. 2 . (f) 30 mph. is amended to 50 kph. Section 7.3.(b) 86 feet to 120 feet is amended to 26 metres to 36 metres. Section 7.3.(c) 66 feet to 86 feet is amended to · ·2o metres to 26 metres. Section 8.A.2.(a) Acres is amended to Hectares. Section 8.B.6.(b) 3.75 acres is amended to 1.5 hectares. 6.25 acres is amended to 2.5 hectares. 10.0 0 ac.res is amended to 4 hectares. ,., .. SECTION I II III AMENDMENT NO. 13 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA -TABLE OF CONTENTS - THE CERTIFICATION THE PREAMBLE 1. Title 2. Purpose of the Amendment 3. Basis of the !mwndment THE AMENDMENT 1. Change to Schedule "C" 2. Changes to·the Text I cr -oP -Oo,;{s -13 ·I I I ,J ' ! ~ I i PAGE 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Ameridmerit No. 13 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council \ . of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with section 17 of The Planning Act as Amendment'No.l3 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area.