BYLAW - Strike Rate of Taxation - 19790507 - 226879THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. 2268-79 Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year for general purposes, net regional levy and education requirements; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1979. WHEAREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, has in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the Municipality and its local boards for general purposes in a taxation amount of $1,735,988" AND WHEREAS the York County Board of Education has submitted their requisition for Public School purposes in an amount of $2,716,495 AND WHEREAS the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board has submitted their requisition for Separate School purposes in an amount of $146,594 AND WHEREAS the Region of York requirements deemed warranted to be raised by the Town of Aurora has been received in an amount of $960,472 AND WHEREAS the assessment roll as returned is deemed to be the last revised assessment roll for 1979 taxation purposes as detailed on schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law; AND WHEREAS there is required to be raised for special purposes the sum of $2,607 for sewage and other debentures under the Local Improvement Act; AND WHEREAS the 1979 rates of taxation have been struck in accordance with stipulated provisions of the appropriate statute. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the 1979 estimates for general purposes, regional purpose and educational purposes in a total taxation amount of $5,492,308 be and the same hereby adopted. 2. THAT the amounts and rates; specifically detailed on Schedule "i;" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law; shall be levied in the manner as set out hereinafter. 3. THERE shall be struck, rated, levied and collected a further special rate per foot frontage to raise the sum of $2,607 to cover the ratepayers' share of the cost of local improvements, such rate to be in accordance with the rates and against the properties decided by the Court of Revision, held for such purpose and the collector's roll shall provide accordingly. 4. THAT the said Public School Rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as Public School Supporters. 5. THAT the said Separate School Rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildi~and business assessment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as Separate School Supporters. 6. THAT the balance of the said rates, due and levied, in addition to the provisions of the Interim Levy under By-Law 2227-78 shall be payable in three instalments due on the following dates; on or before the 27th day of June,the 30th d~ of July and the 26th day of September 1979. 7. THAT there be imposed as a penalty, a percentage charge of one percentum on non-payment of any instalment of the taxes or any portion thereof on the first day of default and on the first day of each · calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the 31st day of December 1979. 8. THAT a percentage charge of one percentum of the rates not paid on the 31st day of December, 1979 and such penalty and interest shall be levied and collected by the collector or treasurer as if the same had been originally imposed and formed part of the said rate. 9. THAT the Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notices provided for by section 521 of the Municipaf Act to the addresses of the residences or places of business of the persons to whom such notices are required to be given. 10. THAT the Collector shall, if any instalment of the taxes remain unpaid for more than fourteen days from the date provided for payment thereof, forthwith proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the statute in the behalf, all such taxes, so in default, together with the percentage thereon imposed for a default. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~~ DAY OF s~c I 1979. ~ ~-. / -... ~/ Clerk Mayor READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7-tlc I DAYOF)6 Mayor 1979. SCHEDULE "A" PUBLIC SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL 85,666,287 15,841,155 7,120,872 10,024,935. TOWN OF AURORA 1979 TAXABLE ASSESSMENT PARTICULARS SEPARATE SCHOOL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL 226,742 81,372 95,691,222 TAXATION LEVIES .L ~..L...u.u .. u.~..L~ SCHOOL BOARD PURPOSES PUBLIC SCHOOL LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL.TAX SEPARATE SCHOOL LEVY HIGH SCHOOL LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX TOTAL EDUCATION LEVY REGION OF YORK PURPOSES REGION LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX TOTAL REGION LEVY GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES GENERAL LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX LOCAL IMPROVEMENT CHARGES TOTAL GENERAL LEVY TOTAL TAXATION LEVY TOTAL MILL RATES PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS RESIDENTIAL AND FARM 12.284 14.105 10•564 6.907 14.106 43.861 45.682 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 13.649 15.672 11.738 8.126 16.595 50.108 52.131 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM 1,052,325 141,402 1,010,882 660,939 1,349,820 BY-LAW NUMBER -2268-79 HIGH SCHOOL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS 16,067,897 7,202,244 TAXATION cOMl"JERc!AL INDUSTRIAL 216,216 27,859 3,554 188,605 _23,950 130,568 19,481 266,647 36,399 BUSINESS 97,193 1,275 84,540 58,525 119,521 TOTAL ASSESSMENT 118,961,363 TOTAL TAXATION LEVIES 1,365,734 27,859 146,231 1,284,027 23,950 2,847,801 850,032 19,481 869,513 1,735,988 36,399 2,607 1,774,994 5,492,308 1 -I -! l ! l ' I r I H K. B. RODGER, A.M.C.T. CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR , l"'AY 2nd, 197 • SUBJECT: The 1979 Final Municipal Budget of Council and The Tax Le in B Law. I The final audited 1978 general ~icipal surplus is $152,917 an increase of $4,582~om the previous reported surplus of $148,335. 1 Pursuant to Councils dire~tion to maintain a municipal mill rate equivale~(,to that of 1978, are / drafted municipal budget fqr 1979 is presented herewith. / The changes reflect~~ thereon are:· (a) taxation for municiyal purposes $1,735,988 a decrease ,r of $592. from the budget presentation of March 19, 1979; (' (b) surplus from pri.6r years increased to $152,917 and / (c) reserve fund a,l:1ocation increased to $121,586. I Ultra vires/to Councils resolution dated April 11th, I 1979 the propo~d Library Board Budget for 1979 has been ' left in this 1 J:)resentation in an amount of $187,955. subject of course tl Councils final disposition thereof. /1 In the writers opinion it is imperative that the final 1979 bugi~t of Council be adopted on Ma,y 7th, 1979 to allow for pr/cessing of final tax bills and their mailing prior toM~ 31st. This would allow for a first instalment due I dat;.i of June 29th and place the municipality in a fiscal ~o~ition to pay School Board and Regional levies due at .khat time as opposed to temporary bank borrowing if otherwise. c.c. Ma,yor G. Timpson r-----~-·----·----~--------·-··------~---------~----·--·· ,, RESIDENTIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL SEPARATE SCHOOL TOWN OF AURORA COMPARISON OF MILL RATES 1978 11.594 9.825 13.338 1979 12.284 10.564 / 14.105 / ;-·· .. ,,. \ ~GION OF YORK 7-550 I /~ 6.907 // ... )._, 2(106 GENERAL MUNICIPAL 14.106 PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTER SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTER 44.819 ;~:·861 ' 45.682 / / COMPARISON OF T~TION BASED ON $20,000 OF RESIDENTIAL ASSESSMENT 19;1 :4979 / PUBLIC SCHOOL ~1.88 245.68 HIGH SCHOOL 196.50 211.28 SEPARATE SCHOOL 266.76 282.10 REGION OF YORK 151.00 138.14 GENERAL MUNICIPAL 282.12 282.12 PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT 861.50 877.22 896.38 913.64 INCREASE (DECREASE) .690 -739 .767 (.643) .786 .863 INCREASE (DECREASE) 13.80 14.78 15.34 (12.86) 15.72 17.26 TOWN OF AURORA 1979 MUNICIPAL BUDGET OF COUNCIL REVENUE MUNICIPAL TAXATION MUNICIPAL PURPOSES SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY TOTAL YMENTS IN LIEU CANADA ONT. MUN. TAX ASS IS. ONT. MUN. ACT HOSPITAL ONT. O.H.C. ONT. HYDRO ONT. L.C.B.O. OTHER MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES TOTAL UNCONDITIONAL GRANTS GENERAL SUPPORT · RESOURCE EQUALIZATION TOTAL SPECIFIC GRANTS ROADWAYS TRANSIT RECREATION TOTAL OTHER REVENUE , ! LICENCES · ANIMAL TAGS BUILDING PERMITS OTHER REVENUE TOTAL RENTALS VICTORIA HALL SOUTH COMMUNITY McMAHON PARK HISTORICAL CHURCH STREET YORK CO. SCHOOL BOARD TOTAL FEES & SERVICE CHARGES FINES INTEREST & PENALTIES PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENTS OFFICE FEES SEWER CONNECTIONS SEWAGE CHARGES TRANSIT FEES 0 FIRE RETAINERS & CALLS TOTAL INCOME FROM INVESTY~S SURPLUS FROM PRIOR YEARS 1979 ESTIMATES 1,735,988 35,000 2,607 30,000 1,803,595 13,200 2,000 4,006 13,616 1,000 4,000 7,200 ~,100 5 ,122 123,390 50,000 173,390 400,000 21,000 5,000 426,000 6,000 4,000 60,000 5,000 75,000 3,000 4,500 BOO 500 2,500 1,000 12,300 3,000 30,000 2,000 500 1,000 2,000 16,000 25,000 13,000 92,500 50,000 2,684,907 152,91~ 2,837,82 MAY 2nd, 1979 .. ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPAL BUDGETS OF COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1979 EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL CLERKS DEPARTMENT TREASURY DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS FINANCIAL: DEBENTURE CHARGES BANK INTEREST CHARGES TAXES WRITTEN OFF RESERVE FUNDS GRANTS COMMUNITY CENTRE DEBT COMMUNITY CENTRE DEFICIT RECREATION GRANT LIBRARY DEBT CHARGES LIBRARY GRANT TOTAL PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION ANIMAL AND PEST CONTROL CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES NON-SUBSIDY ENGINEERING VEHICLES & EQUIPI"JENT BRIDGES & CULVERTS ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE HARDTOP MAINTENANCE LOOSETOP MAINTENANCE WINTER CONTROL SAFETY DEVICES ROADS & STREETS CONSTRUCTION CONNECTING LINK SIDEWALKS TRANSIT SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS PARKING LOTS STREET LIGHTING STREET SIGNS RAILWAY CROSSING FOOTBRIDGES RESOURCE RECOVERY TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SANITARY STORI'l & SEWER GARBAGE COLLECTION · TOTAL • 1979 ESTIMATES 61,775 241,620 156,236 26,150 47,510 2,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 56,505 61,546 71,375 23,823 776,540 156,525 67,936 32,000 21,~00 277,~61 247,620 10,300 70,650 9,400 71,500 23,000 20,500 55,600 12,000 416,000 17,100 7,000 84,100 7,900 7,000 60,408 3,000 15 1,500 420 1,125,013 ' ' ,_ ' ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPAL BUDGETS OF COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1979 EXPENDITURES SOCIAL & F.AMILY SERVICES ASSISTANCE TO AGED PERSONS RECREATION & CULTURAL PARKS DEPARTMENT LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE COMMUNITY BUILDINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOUTH COMMUNITY McMAHON COMMUNITY VICTORIA HALL CHURCH STREET BAND SHELL VICTORIA STREET FIRE HALL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING Total COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGRICULTURE & WEED CONTROL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Total UNCLASSIFIED RESERVE FUND ••• ••• 1979 ESTIMATES $ 30,000 90,550 4,000 2,950 9,800 3,500 3,550 19,500 3,300 3,000 $ 140,150 $ 13,400 2,700 1,000 8,500 25,600 4,000 $2,528,283 309,541 $2,837,824