BYLAW - Repeal 1790 68 - 19790921 - 229079,, '~~~~--~------·...:..·--'-'-· -·----~~~~-~~-· --~,Z,.,;,.=<•· ~--· -· _.;.;.:,."'-;·~----.:,_;~,~--_...:.:_·_. --~---~-----· ,, BY-LAW NO. 2290-79 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A By-law to repeal By-law No. 1790-68 being a By~law to permit the Aurora Public Library Board to participate with the Town of Aurora in the O.M.E.R.S. System. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That By-law No. 1790-68 is hereby repealed. 2. That this By-law shall become effective on the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS I( /y -DAY OF ;;) E PT". ' 1979 r ----.... ' n.JlZ+ L/o~ Mayor I~ c -READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS rf.t -DAY OF ..uE PI • , 1979 L_o._~ Mayor--{ · 1 zrtf4/ 7 -~ Clerk / I / .. -.---------~--·--·~------~-----· .. ~~~--~~~-~-~"~--.. ---·---·········-··---------------------------·-·-----·-·r------.-... -. -~ I '• BY-LA~v NUI'-IBEI\ 1790-68 ! I o? THE HUNICIPAL conPoRATION OF THE Tmm oF AUR01\A I ''-L;\H TO ANEND BY-LAH NUNBEH 1614-64 AS AMENDED BY BY-LA\v ·~:;:( 1767-67 BEING A BY-Lli.\J TO AUTHORIZE PAHTICIP;\.TION IN o:·:T.-\HIO i·fUNICIPAL EHPLOYEgs 1 RETIHEHZNT SYSTEl\1. . : · :.:,\S it is deemed expedinnt to amend By-l'a'.v Number 1614-61, ,~rmi.t the Aurora Public Library Board to participate in l"',l'l:lpc ... Qyc·"errJ• :t··~ • .:.J.i.\.0 !...) ,.:) v-j ' .: TILS\\EFORE 'UIE l'lUNICI PAL COUNCIL OF THE TOHN OF AUROC\;i ·::~c~:s AS FOLLOlv·JS: ·.. TCTAT a ne1.1 clause (6) be added to By-law 1611,_611-so that the By-la\·l v1ill read as follmvs: "6. The Employer hereby enacts to participate· together vith thn Aurora Public Library Board as a single employer under The Ontario Nunicipal Employees' R•3tirement System Act, 1961-62 and the Regulations thereunder." THAT this By-lm·l be retroactive to January 1st, 1968, and be effective from that date, for the purposes of the Ontario Hunici.pal Employees 1 Hetirement S~rstem. . ,J ,\Jm PASSED THis/~AY OF APBIL, A.D. 1968. ··~o . . '··' . c~-A-~--- I I ! 1 f i I I I ,_ ' i ,_ l li 1 ' I . ~ . t I; ~ I ~ . f i . t r . . 't I, ~ I II I I ' ! I ,l . J , I ! f.- t f f t i f ~ ·'?- f: ·. ·-~ , 1;( :'~ ',;: •'. I; ' f f'• £: t· f l -~--- 1 ,, • ,, t' r-·~-: -~-~-----------~---~~~-~~---.....,____ ----·------------------J OF THE NUNICIP AI. CORPORATION OF '!'liE TOWN OF AUROii.lr-~------._,.._ __ . ---n.-.... ~ \ ~~~ 17 {, 7 I J I . ,. I . I .;.d1, • A BY-LAH TO AHEHD BY-LAl.J NUl·fBER 161!.-64 BEING A BY-LAl•l TO AUTHORI~E PARTICIPATION IN THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES RETIREHENT SYSTEM. 1-lHEREAS IT IS DEEtlED EXPEDIENT TO ,\NEND BY-LAl-1 NUl1BER 1614-64 TO PERMIT POLICE!1EN AND FIREl'lEN TO RETIRE AT THE AGE OF 60 YEARS. NOH THEREFORE 'l'HE NUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE T01?N OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOI.LOHS: t~1 1. TI'!AT A NEH CLAUSE (5) BE ADDED TO BY-LAH 1614-64 SO THAT THE BY-LAW HILL '~ ' REJlD AS FOLLOHS: (}/!. 5.. 'l'HE ENPLOYER HEREBY CERTIFIES 'l'HAT EMPLOYEES li'HO ARE . ,.: {Y1 r'·' . . , ~ ;n 1 lJ c···" I i I I ·' ;~ {1,.1( .;·s-._-l . i:v< . f(i.-' . " "' ' ---~-'.\ "':<{ ;;, .... ·--·•. ENGAGED AS POLICEt>lEN OR FIRllliEN ARE ENTITLED TO :RETIRE AT AGE 60 YEARS." 2. 'l'HAT, THIS BY-LAW BE RETRO-ACTIVE TO JANUk'tY 1st. 1965, A~ID BE EFFECTIVE FROM 'fHAT DATE, FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE ONTARIO !'1\JNICIPAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTE!1. READ AND PASSED THIS ~~~ DAY OF DECE!.ffiER, A. D. 1967 ~_,_;jjj_~---------A~l!f1J~;J~--------. v CLERK HAYOR i ~·· b:·~· ''·; I ! V.i I I " .• ..-v· ,, j' ·,.;, • BY -LAW NUMBER 1614-64 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION m~ THE TOWN OF i\!JRORA llEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION IN THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ;:•.!PLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. llliE!lEAS pursuant to section 15 of The Ontario Municipal Employees llr.tirement System Act, 1961-62, a municipality or local board may bY by-law or resolution elect to participate in the Ontario )iunicipal Employees Retirement System and pay to the fund the total of the employer and employee contributions, and has all the powers necessary and incidental thereto, N0\1' THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ( HEREIN CALLED THE EMPLOYER) AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Employer hereby elects to participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System as of the first day of January, 1965, (herein called the effective date) and authorize~/ the Clerk-Treasurer to submit this election in writing by if?0 (provision of a certified copy of this by-law) to the Secretary- Treasurer of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board. 2. 3. Every employee who, before the effective date, was an of the Employer is entitled to become a member of the if he is employed on a continuous full -time basis least 75% of the employees so employed become members. employee System /!)!/ and at ti{J Every person who becomes an employee of the Employer on or after the effective date shall, as a condition of his employment, become a member of the System, or if he is already a member resume his contributions to the System, on the completion of ~~ twelve months of service on a continuous full-time basis, !"'ff' provided however, that if he is already a member of the System, contributions by and on his behalf may, on the election of the employee, commence on any date during the first twelve months of his service, 4, , The Clerk-Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby authorized to arrange for the deductions from the earnings of each employee who is a member of the System, the IJ/ contributions required to be made by the member, and to remi/1J'-> such contributions to-gether with the amount required under the Act to be paid by the Employer, to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Ontnrio Municipal Employees Retirement Board, and to execute all necessary documents and to do such things ns are I I I l ' ~ '' i' ! f I I I \ t. i ''t ~'- k: l t f ! i t f t f ~ J ~~­ " ) I , , I" ' I I. I , J ' I l I :l ' ' ' ' ' , I 1 ' !; _;; I I I i ! i :II I: - I I I l I . I I i ~ ' c ' I ' ' f necessary to carry out the time of this By-Law. ··~--~:v~~~~~?~~"-'~ -·· ' ! ! ~