BYLAW - Repeal 2222 78 - 19790618 - 225379( I' ,I f ! I l ll \ 01'' '.!'111·: NUIHCIJ'J\1, COIU'OIUI'I'JON OF 'J'IIJ:: '1\MH OJ'' )\UJ\OIUI Hlllml-:1\S the Huni.cipal Corpol:ati.on of the Town of 1\urorn dcem5; it a<1vi.sah1c to repeal 13y-la\>J 222~-78, being a T3y-lm'l to provide for i1 three ''"Y stop at l\Ul"Ol:'a Heights Dcivc and 'l'ccum,eh Drive. N0\'1 'l'l!EHEFOHE the Council of the Corporation of the T01m of llurora ·chn.cts as follO\"S: .l. That l3y-law 2222-78 is hereby repealed .. 2. 'Ehat this l3y-law shall become effective when app1·oved by the Regional Hunicipality of York. READ A FIRST liND SECOND 'l'IME THIS 4th DAY OF t..Ti.lllC , 1979. READ h 'l'l!IRD Til·lE AND FINI\ILY PliSSED THIS .18th DAY OF June ' 1979 .~Lr-o '2:1=-· Hayor • I, Colle"en E. Gowan, A~M.C.T., Deputy Clerk of the Nunicipal Cor:':)orat.ion of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify tha:t the above is a true Copy O·f :Ci:~P"~J.:: :' ilio :~:~,Co:::·::::. ·:.::o• "'"· Cvllnan E. Gowan, A.M.c.~r. Approved by Clause 9 of Report 14 of the Engineering Committee, adopted by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York on the 26th day of July, 1979. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK iMvd taLu. (c; Acting Clerk August 2, 1979 ' '·