BYLAW - Part Lot Control Exemption - 19790417 - 226479TO: APPLICATION TO REGISTER NOTICE OF. A. PART LOT CONTROL EXEMPTION BY-LMi' THE LAND TITLES ACT SECTION 78 THE LAND REGISTRAR LAND TITLES DIVISION OF YORK NORTH '(NO. 65) THE CORPORATION-OF THE TOWN OF AURCRA being interested in the lands entered as Parcels 58-1, 59-1, 60-1., 61-1, 62-1, 195-1, 196-1, 197-1, 198-1, 199-1, 200-1, 201-1, 202-1, 203-1, 204-1, 205-1, 206-l, 207~1, 208-1, 209-1, 210-1, 211-1, 212-1, 213-l, 214-1, 215-1, 216-1, :217~1, 218-1, 219-1, 220-1, 221-1, ~ 222-1, 2~J-1 and 224-1 ir. the_ Register for. Section M-57 of which !·1arkborough· Properties Limited is the registered owner hereby applies to have Notice bf a Part Lot Control Exemption By-laW entered on the Parcel Registers. of: The evidence in support of this Application consists 1. Certified copy of the Part Lo~ Control Exeffiption By-law. Dated at··Atirora this 1st day of June, 1979. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA by its solicitors MORRIS/BRIGHT/ROSE . •,'\. )·-- BY-Li\H NUl-lBER 2264-79 OF 'fHE NUNICif'l\L CORPORATION OF THE TOWN ·QF AURORA /~ BY-UIW TO RENOVG CERThiN Ll\NDS FROl-1 Pi\RT-LOT CONTROT~ Tl-iE CO{)';'ICIL "OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOHN OF AURORA, pursuant to Section 29, Subsection {5} of the Planriing Act, R.S.o. 1970, Chapter 349, as amended enacts as folloWG: l. 2. Subsection (4) of Section. 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O; 1970, Chapter 349, as amended does not apply to the follo\>Jing lands: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the TOwn: of AurOra~ in the Regional Municipality of York and being· composed of Lots 58 t-:> 62 inclusive and 195 to 224 inclusive, according to a plan fileG in the office of Land Titles at York North as No. H-57. That .By-la~" Number '2258-79 is hereby repealed. REA.D A FIRST AND SECO~.J"D TIME THIS 17th DAY OF ll.pril, Mayor _ zf:? 4~:;_,._ Clerk / U'> P.EAD. f, THIRD Tit-lE AND FIN!I.LLY PASSED THIS N 17th Dli.Y OF. April, ~ 1979. 0> ~ 0> ~· ~ ·~ u "' :::> 0 u ()) ..c:: +' 3 ·~ "' "' "' ~ 0.. ()) ..c:: .... 4- 0 $\ ·~ BY-Ll\IV NU~ll\ER 2264-79 OF 'fill~ NUNICIPl\L COllPOHl\'l'ION OF •.rm; '1'0\VN 01'' l\ll!ZOHl\ l\ DY-I.l\IV TO HEHOVg CEl'.Tl\IN Ll\NDS PRm! Pl\RT-1.0'1' CON'.l'l\OI, THE COUNCil, ··op 'l'!le CORPOMTION OF 'l'HE TOI'IN OP AURORA, pursuant to S8ct.i.on 29, Subsection (5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, as amended .enacts as follo>~s: 1. Subsection (4) of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, as amended does not apply ·to the follo>~ing lands: 2. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurorc., in the Regional Hunicipality of York and being composed of Lots 58 to 62 inclusive and 195 to 224 inclusive, according to a plan filed in the office of Land Titles at York North as No. H-57 . That By-laV~ Number 2258-79 is hereby repealed. HEAD A FIHST AND SECOND TIHE THIS 17th DAY OF April, READ A 1'HIRD 'riNE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17th DAY m'. April, 1979. 1979.