BYLAW - Establish Community Centres - 19790716 - 228979.-.. ~--------~----· ~::__--~~-~-'""~~~c-· -·~'--~-~· ~· _c ____ ·~-------- I '~'"' . ---1 ~ ,_,, . { ..... JLl¢:: L-- BY-LAW 2289-79 ~·-­;- ,-. ~.__r ("). OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA \;) BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH COMMUNXTY CENTRES. WHEREAS provision is made for the establishment of Community Centres in Ontario under The Community Centres Act. AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to confirm the establishment of said Community Centres. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows:- 1. The Community Centres defined as Athletic Fields be and the same hereby are established under The Community Centres Act, and the regulations thereunder as follows:- Confederation Park Fleury Park Machell Park McMahon Park Town Park 2. That Community Centres defined as Community Halls be and the same are hereby established under The Community Centres Act, and the regulations thereunder as follows:- Aurora Community Centre Hall Church Street School Building Factory Theatre Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club Building Old Fire Hall Victoria Hall 3. That Community Centres defined as Arenas be and the same are hereby established under the Community Centres Act and the regulations thereunder as follows:- Aurora Community Centre Arena 4. That Community Centres defined as Swimming Pools be and the same are hereby designated under The Community Centres Act and the regulations thereunder as follows: Aurora Town Swimming Pool 5. That Community Centres defined as Tennis Courts be and the same are hereby designated under The Community Centres Act and the regulations thereunder as follows:~ McMahon Tennis Courts Confederation Tennis Courts Fleury Tennis Courts 6. That the said Community Centres be administered by a Committee of Management appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Community Centres Act and Regulations thereunder, which committee shall be composed as follows:- Mernbers of the Standing Committee of the Parks & Recreation Committee who shall be approved by Council by Resolution from time to time. 7. That the Mayor and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing. 8. That By-law Number 2267-79 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /6tl DAY 0~ , 1979. ~~" ~ Q '4-. -· . z(J3 £4v READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~~= r /' DAY~ , 1979. ~ L04 Mayor ; ... ·-· 7 Clerk