BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19791015 - 229279. ' /""~ ( \~/ BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A..BFLAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUNBER 1863 BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS IT IS deemed advisable to amend By-Law #1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of By-Law #1863, the building on the lands shown in hatching on Schedule "X" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law may be used for a PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO subject to the following provisions: (1) Parking shall be provided as shown on the attached Schedule "X" according to the following standards: Minimum 1 space for each 18 m2 rentable floor area. (2) The parking area shall be separated from adjoining residential property by a continuous strip of landscaped open space of not less than 1.5 metres in width which shall be planted with suitable trees or a close boarded fence or other suitable alternative of not less than 1.5 metres in height. No part of this By-Law will come into force without Ontario Municipal Board approval, but subject to such approval, the By-Law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ~~~ l.;:0:7!;.:: ~(~ . , . DAY MAYOR CLERK l~ READ A ;CON'OHPIS .. /.fd .. OAY of. .. ~· .. ,,,,,,,,. ,!979. i1AYo(~· .. : .. ~·..... c1£iu( .. ?.:';.?. ..... . READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .. /.~~.DAY OF~.~l979 . .. . . . 4 .. v .. ~...... . ....... ~/!~ ..... . MAYOR CLERK r."fv. =-r.;.,.. ----------------------~----ccc;,--~--·---------c---- ~ EXPLANATORY NOTE RE: BY.,-LAW NO. 2292 ·79 This By-law proposes to amend By-law 1863, th~ zoning by-law governing the former Town of Aurora, to grant an exception · to the applicable residential provisions of By-law 1863 to allow a photographic studio. in the building on the subject lands. No commercial use other than a photographic studio will be permitted on this. site unless By-law 1863 is further amended. · · The owner of the subject lands will be required to provide parking according to the requirements of this By-law. Matters such as grading and surfacing of the parking area, lighting on the property, landscaping provisions will be covered by a site plan agreement between the applicant and the municipality. \ i -~ '' "' .... I "' '"' N N ~ 'i' ~ .s ,, X --~~~~~···--~ -~----·--------·-~----"- ~; it p,..RT loTS 1.9 ,4o. laP• :5~ F -~~ ;· 1 • s r r . 7;, ' "f1 '7;r'?/y"7"7-7..._,___. .· [---. I -- 'II ;: d 'c,} I .. ~ f -·---= t "" i--~-~ -~~--------~~-' -~ = ~ ·I •, w ..J :J Q <.<) :t.! <J C/'l ~ <: 0 al Ul Ul '" 0. r _l_ ~~ ! < sry JL/' f: f CJ?ICI( ·_; I ;:~~£ /./ / / --,-- " ' , .I · I -~ ;1 ! i . ,,, / I I //.//. .:t I / / / I' "' , :/ : I r ~~-7 -----_I / d/ ' I PROP 1 WALK / / J , i··--r~-~ ..... ...:"-'-'"'"-'='-"'-''--~""=-.~.;c,-=~..:..:~~---~·-,=·---·---.i~A~~~~. T·.:,:;;_:: __ PR£ .cl'!sr+-c::;~;~~~~L----------~,,._, ~/ / , / I --··,,--: i' I· ,,, .• 1 I ~--J ·-il £ -f'IST GAl? Q:; I . . . I / / I -- :; roa£i 1'~\j I ~~~~ 1. •1 £-wov•·o /' \ I r '•. I t;'Yi$t :p.;f?jifi>.'S ' ~I ::: 'II j ~.~I ---__ r:_R(JP. WA'KI (P.{;,-~D} I /."·'"~ i r"'l..:l I f~ ---+--~ / 2 .' 3 i · ·t'J i 5 r. , e":' 7 I ! i I, ~ . 'J ~ , I I I ~en I I l );; ~.., " : I i I OJ j. i -~:::I I' 1'-! "" l 1 1 ' Pi,oP £L£v_ oF PAv:;oto~ BICK( . . ··;-- --i I P.ll. RKIN 6 TO MATOi I I I I ---__ j. ---- ' ,--J CONC 5/~ I ' I ·. I I ' ' ' i I j . 1 , 390tm ------.. --~----_, __ , _________ , __ -1. £~'i5T EN 1 RkNC£ '" ,- .. co"~==·· .. o=c ... ·· · · · =--= -~~-~-:--CUii'!i TC' BE-MO!JlF/£0 FOR PROP. £NTRA.'..t:E , KENNEDY ! -~ ST CONC f:. /W. I j I I I i ,; i I; ___ __./ Ji ji _/r ' =-- ~ t- V/ 1/) f9 . ' >- Dt'NOT:£$ P-"?OF; 1J:R£CTION OF ORAI/'UiC£ PL .LJ !L1 PART OF' LOrS TOt~~ !v' R t.-G/ 0/1./ /{L /;_,;:!..if/. SC/. L E ? BEFORE 1 R 80856 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, c. 349), -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by '!'he corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2292-79 A,H. ARRELL, Q.C. Vice-Chairman ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -and - D.H. McROBB Member Monday, the 14th day of April, 1980 No objections to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2292-79 is hereby approved. SECRETARY ; o. e. i.io~.ff:,f.Q.~~l. ........ u.,, ... f~\Q ~o1,~~7,~Z,{(. ................. G. APR i. 6 \980