BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19790602 - 232179-. '~ Schedule l BY-LAW NUMBER 2321-79 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1863 BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule "A" forming part of By-law Number 1863, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the land use category on the subject lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from S.l.26.38 to S.1.26.45 and T.4.26.41 as shown on Schedule "A". 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of The Planning Act have been satisfied but subject to such provisions, the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. _L;-_..L /) READ A FIRST TIME THIS.!:>./. r:f. .. DAY ~ 0.? .... /~ ... : .. ~ ..... MAYOR READ A SECOND TIME THIS .... c:?i!l.DAY d' 9. 7 ·····~········~····· MAYOR CLERK 1979. CLERK PASSED THIS ... ..;)~ ... DAY OF CLERK ;· . .,' ··-,_, .. ~ART dF/ LOT 77 , CONCESSION I W.Y.S. TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK . FORMERLY TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK METRES 100 50 0 100 Fit il 5.1.26.:38 to 5.1.26.:38 to T.4.26.41 200 DRIVE THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No\*' J~'/<t 79 PASSED THIS til;'f{f ,DAY OF .:::J'.,·-· ,~,.' ttl ..,,., a , :r;r ' 19...11.• CLERK " . (;INti« /). -fi!IIISIJII/ MAYOR DRIVE 1: ""'------~ SPRINGBURN CRES. 0 .-----=--_; u SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. 23~1-7, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT OCT. 31, 1979 · · Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349) -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2321-79 COUNSEL: R. S. Thomson, Q.C. -for the Town of Aurora R 802665 J. R. J. McNamee for the Ministry of Housing DECISION OF THE BOARD delivered by W.H.J. THOMPSON By-law 2321-79 affects a small parcel of land situate in the south- western area of the Town of Aurora. This land is subject to a proposed plari of subdivision. Lands lying to the south, the east, and the north-east of this proposed plan are developed substantially with single-family detached dwellings. Lands lying to the west and north thereof are undeveloped and zoned for a hold category at this time. The proposed plan is said to consist of some 56 residential Jots. Should the subject by-law be approved then 38 of the lots would be zoned for single-family, detached residential use and 18 lots zoned for semi-detached dwelling use which would permit I semi-detached or duplexed dwelling per lot. The by-law also reduced the minimum floor area required for the single-family lots from 1300 square feet to 1110 square feet. At the conclusion of .evidence adduced and argument heard, the Board delivered its decision stating that reasons therefor would follow. A number of persons who opposed this Board's approval of the by-law stated that their objection was based on the extension westerly from Corbett Drive of Cassar Drive. Counsel for the applicant advised the Board that the council ~f his client had decided that Cassar Drive would not be so extended westerly and in support of his contention a resolution of the Town Council to -2-R 802665 that effect was filed as Exhibit 2. Upon hearing this, objectors to the extension westerly of Cassar Drive then left the hearing. The Board's decision herein is based on the non-extension of Cassar Drive. Other persons objected to the semi-detached residential zoning and to the reduction of the minimum floor area in the single-family residential zones. Apart from the existing approved single-family residential zone of land immediately butting the south-westerly, easterly and north-easterly portions of the proposed plan, the bulk of approved existing zoning is of a non- residential nature. Most of the perimeter of the proposed plan is zoned, to the south, for an open space and· institutional zoning and to the north and north- west open space and a hold category. The proposed plan in effect has, in the Board's opinion, sufficient buffering of a non-residential zoning as to provide protection to the ·existing residential development in the vicinity of the proposed plan. Indeed, a planner who testified on behalf of the objectors stated that the subject by-law and the existing approved zoning of adjacent lands to the proposed plan did a reasonably good job of buffering the proposed development from the existing development save and except in regard to the lot of Murray Schultz. This planner stated that if the three lots (53 to 55 inclusive) on the draft plan were rezoned from the proposed semi-residential use to single-family residential use, that this should provide an adequate buffer for Mr. Schultz. These three lots lie on the south-easterly side of the proposed road in the draft plan and are situate a short distance north of Mr. Schultz's hom~, This planner also stated his concern for the impact that the semi- residential lots would have on the single-family lots in the proposed plan. The Board is of the opinion that persons who wish to purchase a lot for a single- family dwelling will, or should have, knowledge of lots permitting semi- residential use and if such persons proceed to purchase their single-family residential lots then they do so in full knowledge of lots in the immediate vicinity permitting a semi-residential building. -3-R 802665 This planner also stated that it was his opinion that the reduction of the minimum floor area from 1300 square feet to 1100 square feet was not a serious problem and that it did not really concern him from a planning point of view. He stated that the draft plan was compatible with the minimum floor area requirements of adjacent development. For example, the existing approved zoning of land lying to the south-west of the proposed plan although developed with single-family homes does permit semi-residential use and has a minimum floor area of 1000 square feet which latter requirement is lesser than that in the proposed by-law. The planner who testified on behalf of the objectors stated that, in his opinion, a planning philosophy had developed historically in the town to the effect that, in this general area of the municipality, single-family homes were to be the only means of development. He . stated that higher density residential use had developed in the past further to the east of the single- family areas of the town and that this form of development should continue. The Board is satisfied that in the particular circumstances of this application, there is existing approved zones of a non-residential nature surrounding the draft plan of subdivision to provide adequate buffer to the existing residential development. Murray Schultz testified that he owned a home having a minimum floor area of 1300 square feet on property just south of the proposed plan and not too far distant from the lots permitting semi-residential use. He also stated that the existing approved zoning of his property permitted semi- residential development and a minimum floor area of 1000 square feet. The Board has already dealt with the planning.evidence relating to Mr. Schultz's objection. · Another objector testified that approval of semi-residential use in the subject by-law would create more density resulting in more traffic and a possibility that the latter might affect the safety of children. The planning evidence indicated that the increase in traffic would be minimal. •, -;~ -4-R 802665 The planner for the applitant stated that the subject by-law conforms to the official plan and did not contravene any planning principles. In view of the. fact that Cossar Drive is not to be extended westerly from Murray Drive, counsel for the applicant stated that what would have been the extended street will now be used for residential purposes and that this would require a realignment of lots at the westerly end of the proposed plan of subdivision. This, in turn, may require an adjustment a few feet north or south of the east-west axis between lands in the proposed plan of subdivision and an existing approved plan lying immediately north thereof. When an amending by-law has. been enacted restricting said Lots 53 to 55, inclusive, on the draft plan of subdivision to single-family detached residential use only and to readjust the said east-west axis, then that by-law and By-law 2321-79 will be approved without further notice or hearing. DATEDatTORONTO,this 9th day of March, 1981. W.H.J. THOMPSON VICE-CHAIRMAN Ontario Municipal Board , ) ) ) Hollky, the 4th 4aJ of May, lJGl Till .UI'WCA'I%0111 b.avlq OM 11m for p!.tt~Uo heUlllf u4 afur the MU'ia9 of tile~ appU.oatJ.oa ~ oouoil of t.M awttcut ••JO••tton havtq en oppo...--.t.tr to ccmai4v eel't:ain -~~~~ u the AU by .. law and the a..U oouotl bavtat oa the itm ar of April, un, ,.. .. a a:r-lw 2424•tt U~em.'U.tat .,..law 1321•19 u« ~at.ia9' owtab HOC'MIIIad&tioli8 Of \he lOUd aad M'tint o.UM4 a ftl'tUUCl copy thenof liO be fi1e4 and t.M aoan 1sav1at 4u,....a With aetS.ae u.ct b .. riq b n.,..t: of ay-law 2424-IOt ftM ~· WU':)BU tu.t ay•law 2321-tt •• .....,_.by a:r•lw 2414-10 te hanbJ' appnve4 .. UH2:~SO - 0. B No .• B.i/J..-:l?. ......... . Folio No ..... /. 3. ./.. ........... . MAY' 151981 ii. . .. Ontario LEGAL BRANCH Ministry of Housing 101 Bloor st. w. 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario Tel: 965-9849 DELIVER BY HAND May 21, 1981:. H.E. Stewart, Esq., Chairman, Ontario Municipal Board, 180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: O.M.B. file R 802665 ..... In the Matter of an application by The Corporation of The Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 2321-79 Works Eng. Solicitor Bldg. On the 9th day of March, 1981, Vice-Chairman W.H.J. Thompson rendered a decision approving, with slight changes, the application of Aurora for approval of By-Law 2321-79 permitting the subdivision of certain lands in Aurora into lots £or single and semi-detached housing. In addition, the square footage building requirements were reduced. The Application of the Town was supported by the Ministry. A copy of th~ Vice-Chairman's decision is enclosed. \._ __ It appears that The South Aurora Homeowners' .:2321-71. Association has launched a quasi-appeal under Section 42 of the O.M.B. Act. Enclosed herewith is a copy of their Notice dated April 20, 1981 to Mr. K.B. Rodger, Clerk- Administrator, Town of Aurora, signifying an intention to Appeal. In addition we were advised today by Mr. Hart Defoe of the O.M.B. Information Department that this group has contacted your office and that their request for a further Hearing was denied. We have discussed this matter with Richard S. Thomson, Q.C. solicitor for the Town. He agrees that we should seek your advice on the matter. The Ministry of Housing is anxious to procee.d with the development of the Subdivision. Any undue delay would add to the eventual cost of the lots and the houses erected thereon. /2 ---~----~~~ • - 2 - Would you kindly advise at your early convenience whether the matter has now been concluded and that no further Hearings will be conducted. Mr. Richard S. Thomson and the undersigned would be pleased to fu>'nish any information that your office may require. Yours truly, J. R. McNamee Solicitor. Ertel. JRM/cm c.c. W.H.J. Thompson, Esq. Q.C. Vice-Chairman O.M.B. c.c. Richards. Thomson, Esq. Q.C.~ Strathy, Archibald & Co. Barristers & Solicitors, Toronto. c.c. Ken McGregor, Co-ordinator Land Development, O.L.C. c.c. K.B. Rodger, Esq. Clerk Administrator Town of Aurora 50 Wellington St. West, Aurora, Ont. P.S. Subsequent to the writing of this letter, I contacted the O.M.B. office and obtained a copy of the attached letter of May 6, 1981 from. Mr. Stewart to Miller & Harison denying their appeal. This would appe).r to conclude this matter and we may safely proceed. • ~--··-····--· ~-~--~----· ---~------------------- L . ' .. Mr. K.B. Rodger, J:'o;·,n of Aurora 50 Wellinston St. Aurora TAG 3L8 April 20, 1981 ' . Clerk-Administrajor West ~ Den.r !·.h·. Rodger: ' C'MR f'He R 802665--annlication f'or annroval of proposed Aurora by-law 23?1-?9~ (OEC nhase II) !leaRe accept this document further to the t-elephone conversation of th~s early evening between you and l.1r. Doug Miller. The puroose of this document is to advise you, and thus tho Town of Aurora, that the Boardt s decision on this matter is being annealed undor Section {2 .of the Ontario Jiunicipal Board Act. · (RSO 1970) Althoue,h we have been informed that 1 t is usual1y the I3oA.rd that informs the t.'iunicipality of such an appeal, we feel, in fairness to the 'l'own, as well as any developers or contractors ·.-;hich may be involved, that we should also notify you directly. Vie do this since we are anxious that no litigation ensues against ei theY' ·tho Tovm or any developers or contractors because of any . con;,truction undertaken whil.e thi.s R:oneal is in progress., We are aware of thls nossibility, s~ncc we heve been told by officials of the Ontnr.!.o C~?.binet And other· resnonsible authorities that the municipality c-:;.:1 'he h~ld ler,Rlly accountable for allowing any construction during this apneals l)roceOure. So, in the S:lirit of the teloohona call, we A.T'e keening vou info!"';'l~d, and ''·'e trast that you will, in -turn, notify anY and" all others concerned. Sincerely, Richard Haris6n Douglas Miller in b~hRlf o.f the South Aurora Homeo,·.ners 1 :\ssoci8.t1ori . ! .. Mr. r. ~ln. Douglas Hiller 96 '1urray r>rivl!ll AURO~?I>., Ontario lAG ua Dear Mr. & Mrs. Millara ~ ···~ ... :) R. 802665 ~~ay 6, 1981 Ret Town of Aurora -Re~triotGd ~rea ----~B~y~-~law~2~1~--7~9~------------ Your affidavit: dnteu April 21, 19!11, has been ro~erred tq ~G for co~~idaration uo to your roqJaat for a review ll.Ilder Section 42 of the Ontario tiunicipal noard i\ct of the decision in the above matter. I have reviewed tho decision rendered by Mr. w. H. J. Thompson dated March 9, 1981, and also requested Mr. Thompson to review hio notes from the hearing to deter111inea whether evidence was ~liven that might hav$ been overlooked in his deoiaion. I mn satisfied fro;u Hr. Thompson's colll!nents '.: that the decision hae dealt with tho evidence as it was presented. I am also satisfied ~~at the decision covers tho ooints raised in evidence. The ~ecision deala at some. length with the evidence of the planner who testified on b~alf of the objector (pages 2 and 3 of the decision). Baaed on your affidavit it is my decision ti1at a motion .to consider reviewing this decision is not justified. Your roqua11t is therefore donied. c.o. Mr. & r-trs. Richard f!ariaon Yours t:ruly, I lj/:>1 ~N' It. 't Stewart Cha: rman