BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19790716 - 228579BY-LAW NUMBER 2285-79 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. A BY-LAW'TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of By-law 1863 the building on the lands shown in hatching on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law may be used for professional offices subject to the following provisions. (1) Parking must be provided to the rear of the building according to the following standards: Doctors' or dentists' offices Other professional offices minimum 3 spaces/practioner minimum 1 space for each 2 18m rentable floor area (2) The parking area shall be separated from a·ny street or adjoining residential property by a continuous strip of landscaped open space of not less than 1.5 metres in width which shall be planted with suitable trees or a close boarded fence or other suitable alternative of not less than 1.5 metres in height. 2. No part of this By-law will come into force without Ontario Municipal Board approval, but subject to such approval, the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ReAO A»'" HMO'"''· . .;[tJ,OM OF ..... _ ....... • ... ·"''· ..... ~.0..~.... / .. ~~ ... :M.~~. MAYOR ( \__ -:;;f)ePv1j CLERK READ A SECOND TIME THIS ... /tf.~DAY OF.",-., .......... , 1979 . ...... ~.f!.~... r.";;· ...... R.v.i~ .. MAYOR ~fv7 (CLERK PASSED THIS ... /t. !1.· ... D!),Y OF t..Qr . 3 · REGISTERED PLAN 215 TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FORMERLY COUNTY OF YORK Scale I • 500. ,_ l.rJ l.rJ a:: ,_ C/) 23·16m l.rJ ~ z 0 >- P-tiRT OF LOT CON. I ,_r.:; !:. •..... !...OT RB>ISTERED !...0 r /~. N 75° 37' 40" E . MARK E ~ 0 "' 92 ;:1 ' I() PLAN 3: !-... <.::) ...., AVENUE 2/5 SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. J. 2 ~ '5-~~ l THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUNE 4 1 1979 EXPLANATORY NOTE RE: BY-LAW NUMBER This By-law proposes to amend By-law 1863, the zoning by-law governing the former Town of Aurora, to grant an exception to the applicable residential provisions of the By-law to allow professional offices in the building on the subject lands. No commercial use other than professional offices will be permitted on this site unless the By-law is further amended. The owner of the subject lands will be required to provide parking according to the requirements of this By-law. Matters such as grading and surfacing of the parking area, lighting on the property, landscaping provisions will be covered by a site plan agreement between the applicant and the municipality. ~· ' ) •, • Ontario Municipal Board tilJ ·'lmB ~D 0* Uli "W1ioa!&ioa by ~ Co~~atcS.. of t.ba 't'mm o£ .AU.:a fox a~PD¥~tl of tu ~atlrlc~ .avo M:t"'l&W U11 .. '7t ) ) ) .) ftueda;r, tho l111t 4111 · of,_,., UlO ~.1$11 ~li.XOAin<»i MYint c~ on lol!' pubUc M~o~rl.n~ oo tho 2M: 4ay !Ill~ ~dl, 1DI~ at ·tiM ft~ of AUOZ'Jl tm4 dt.cl\' tiM hc~dnt of "" >~ppllMUB 'li\M GOUHU of ~ AJ.I'll'~nt ~d!OII M¥1Ulf M ~nut-te mmill1H:!I' CGJ'Qla ••~• t.o tthec ••£4 brlw Ad ~ aa.dil ~uu ~•tq on • u•~ 1/l;iJf' of -:dlt Ui\) ~~ &;r-l.&W an, ... e~ -~~ &rt.aw tat!J,-111' ~ incC!I~a~ht ftl't:aln n~e.tone of t:;tw leu4 ad ~btl <®rt'I\IH'· -. ccn:tU~ ·4W th!flln;;,f tQ be fU~ -' ~ ~4 uvbt di«tPM~ w1~ not.la ucS hU11)9 in~~~ of srln Jli? ... ft: ~· ~ Olmlml t!Mt DY"":UW 11UIJ•'1t aa ill1Mim.\d b}' a:r-1av ~Ul .. IO 111 l:ieli!OJ' ~.-~. El'lll:.REO o. E. t~o .. /lZ'l.::.:L ...... .. folk> No .... .?..S .. j. ............ .. MAY 2 8 1980 .. ,· .. AMENDMENT NO. /{) TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE 1. Title and Components The Amendment when approved by the Minister of Housing shall be known as Amendment No. /0 to the Aurora Planning Area. Part III of this document constitutes Amendment No. /0 to the Official Plan of the Auror'a Planning Area. 2. Purpose of the Amendment 3. The purpose of this Amendment is t.o add to the Urban Residential Policies of the Official Plan contained in Section 4(4), a policy which will permit limited commercial uses in residentially designated areas on arterial roads in the Town's older section. Basis of the Amendment This Amendment has been enacted by Council in response to the following. (1) There are a number of areas of residentially designated land on the Town's arterial roads which are surrounded by or in close proximity to commercially designated and developed lands. The main reason that these areas have been designated residential has been to maintain the appearance of these areas which for the most part contain large older homes reflective of the Town's heritage. There have, from time to time, been requests to redesignate these areas to commercial. It is Council's feeling that these older homes contribute to the Town's atmosphere and should, where feasible, be maintained. However, it is felt that certain commercial uses, such as-professional offices and studios can be carried.on within buildings which can be maintained as residential in appearance, and that subject to special zoning policies and site plan agreements, minimal disturbance to surrounding residential will be experienced. ... . ' - 2 - (2) All properties within the residential area will require rezoning prior to being permitted to use the building commercially, which will allow persons within 400 ·feet of such a proposal to be notified of the proposed change and to have the right to make any objections known. (3) It is also intended that site plan agreements governing parking location and surfacing, landscaping, grading, lighting will be required prior to any residential property being used for a permitted commercial use. (4) It is Council's feeling that creating an alternative use for some of the residential buildings in the older part of the Town may encourage the retention of these buildings should they no longer be functional as homes. ·, ' 1. Purpose . AMENDMENT NO . j 0 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT NO. /0 The purpose of this Amendment is to add to Urban Residential Policies of the Official Plan contained in Section 4(4), a policy which will permit limited commercial uses in residentially designated areas on arterial roads in the Town's older section. 2. Policies Limited commercial uses, such as a professional office, an artist's or music studio, an insurance or real estate office or similar uses which are compatible with resj.dential uses, may be pe1omitted in an urban residential designation, on an arterial road as defined on Schedule "B" to the Interim Official Plan, subject to the following. {i) The lands being appropriately rezoned. (ii) The applicant enters into a site plan agreement with the municipality. (iii)That sufficient parking can be provided on the site and suitably screened so as not to visually intrude into the surrounding residential neighbour- hood. (iv) That the exterior appearance of the building be maintained as a residential building. A sign may be displayed in accordance with the provisions of the Town's sign by-law. ' (v) Where the applicant requires increased floor area, any building additions must maintain the residential appearance of the building and be in harmony with ·the original arc hi techural style and period of the building. Required yards for such building additions will be based on existing standards in the surround- ing neighbourhood. ' ' ,, '.' ·' " -4 - 3. Implementation The policies of this Official Plan Amendment will be implemented through special zoning provisions pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act, and through site plan agreements pursuant to Section 35(a) of The Planning Act. . ' • ----·-------~-------·--·----· BY-LAW OF THE HUNICIPAL CORPORATION or THE TOvlN or AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No./O to the Official Plan of ·the Aurora Planning Area • The Council of the Cor·poration of the Town of Aurora in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follm~s: ).. . Amendment No. / Oto the Official Plan of. the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is here- by adopted. 2. 3. .. That the Municipal Corporation of the Tm·m of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment • The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such appli- cation as may be necessary to the Ministry of Housing for appi'oval of said Amendment and to execute under the. Corp- orate Seal such documents as may be required for the above pur•poses. READ A I'IRST AND SECOND TIHE THIS~. lf.tl DAY Or'd~.; .... . _//f/a~ 19.Jl .· L;R0Z~ •••••••. , ... , ........ 7 ....... .. MAYOR . . . . /. ) *-?. r.. . . . 7/; . . . . . . . CLERK READ A THIRD TH1E AND FINALLY . ~-~~;r· .... h.f. .. . .. . . . ff.~J). Ar..~ .. NAY OR PASSED THIS ...... ~t;( .... DAY OF ...... <~~r:A~·~ ·~<-:< .. . CLERK I, K.B . .lbdger, Cle.rk of the Municipal Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Au=ra, do hereby certify that the above is .a true copy of By-Law No·. 2286-79, passed by the council ·-··,f the said Corporation a their meeting held on July 16th, 1979. t ~~~~. ~~! . ~???:.. . . . . . _.?-/; {.6-,.,.P'Y<':'. ...... /..J.af.' .. Clerk • • ! • SECTION I II III ' i AMENDMENT NO. /0 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA -TABLE OF CONTENTS - THE CERTIFICATION THE PREAMBLE 1. Title and Components 2. Purpose of the Amendment 3. Basis of the Amendment THE AMENDMENT 1. Purpose 2. Policies 3. Implementation -------... ..._..,.~ ' PAGE 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 't ' ' ~. Amendment No.lO to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act as Amendment No.lO to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. Date·······~-~~;?. d. M. FARROW, Executive Directot Plans Administration DivisioQ. Ministry of Housing ··~-~ ................ ·~ • ' OPC 0025-10 AMENDMENT NO. TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The explanatory text constituting Amendment No./0 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora by By-law No. :<::t'l?-71 in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the ..... /.tf:: f.J. •.. day of ...... ~%-....... 19. 7.'1.· . . . . . . t.:~~· Q .7~~. MAYOR This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. /Oto the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area.