BYLAW - Adopt OPA #9 - 19790319 - 225779AURORA WEST SECONDARY PLAN
MARCH 1979
BY-LAW NO. 2257-79
The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance
with the provisions of Sections 13 and 14 of The Planning Act,
R.S.O. 1970, as amended, hereby enacts as follows:
1. Amendment No. 9 of The Aurora Planning Area, comprising
the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, which has been
recommended by the Aurora Planning Committee is hereby adopted.
2. The Corporation of The Town of Aurora shall make application
to the Minister of Housing for approval of said Official Plan.
3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to
execute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation
and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal, and to make
application to the Minister of Housing for approval of said
Official Plan.
5th DAY OF March
Mayor AC: /trJ G Clerk
March , 1979.
This Amendment No. ~of The Aurora Planning Area was adopted
by the Council of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora by
By-law No.~:t in accordance with Section 13 of The Planning Act,
R.S.O. 1970, as amended, on the ...... /.9..7.1-/ ..... day of "AR.CH
197 .
Signed ... -~-0: Zt:~~ ..... .
(Sea 1 )
This Amendment No. !1_ of The Aurora Planning Area of the Town
of Aurora Planning Area, which has been recommended by the Town of
Aurora Planning Committee and adopted by the Council of the Corporation
of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 14
of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1971, as Amendment No. _!J___ o.f The
Aurora Planning Area for the Aurora Planning Area .
• • l. ••••••••••• 0 • 0 ••••••• 0 • 0 •••
Date Minister of Housing
The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance
with the provisions of Sections 13 and 14 of The Planning Act,
R.S.O. 1970, as amended, hereby enacts as follows:
1. Amendment ~lo. _!J_ of The Aurora Planning Area, compr1s1ng
the attached Schedule. "A" and explanatory text, which has been
recommended by the Aurora Planning Committee is hereby adopted.
2. The Corporation of The Town of Aurora shall make application
to the Minister of Housing for approval of said Official Plan.
3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to
execute said Official Plan on behalf of this Corporation
and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal, and to make
application to the Minister of Housing for approval of said
Official Plan.
ENACTED THIJ ...... ·'J?Tii ... .
Signed ... /~ . Q., .. ~"/It?·
DAY OF .. /VJ.ii.IJ..C./:I..A.D. 19.7.9.
Signed .... ~~
Clerk-1-r!asw er
Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No.:l.15"7' as
enacted by the Council of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora
on the ...... 1.9.:r:!-f .. day of .... r.'l..f:h.RI!.kl .. , A.D. 19 .••.
DATED AT AURORA THIS ....... 5.7..1.-/ ...... DAY OF .S.P.R.t~. A.D. 19/.9.
Signed ....... ~~······ (Seal)
Clerk-Tt !&& a: u
-i v-
1. Amendment No. _!J__ of The Aurora Planning Area, comprising
the attached Schedule· "A" and explanatory text, has been
prepared under the direction of this Committee as provided in
Section 12 of.The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended.
2. Said Amendment No. ~of The Aurora Planning Area is hereby
recommended to the Council of the Corporation of The Town
of Aurora for adoption by by-law, pursuant to the provisions
of Section 12 and 13 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as
ADOPTED THIS .................... DAY OF ................ A.D. 19 .. ..
Signed •••••••••••• 0 •• 0 •• 0 ••••••• Signed
Chairman Secretary-Treasurer
Certified that the above is a true copy of the Resolution adopted
by The Aurora Planning Committee on the .............. day of
...................... A.D. 19 ....
DATED AT AURORA THIS ...................... DAY OF
............... A.D. 19 ... .
Signed (Sea 1 )
Certificate Pages
1. Residential
2. Commercia 1
3. Schools
4. Institutional
5. Open Space
l. Water
2. Sanitary Sewers
3. Storm Drainage
SCHEDULE A -Land Use following page 14
The purpose of this Secondary Plan is to set out proposals for the
orderly development of Aurora West within the context of the
general policies established in the Interim Official Plan of the
Aurora Planning Area. In particular, this Secondary Plan contains
detailed policies regarding the distribution of land uses, the
provision of educational and recreational facilities and the
development of an overa 11 road pattern and servicing system, based
on a.comprehensive planning study of this sector of the Town.
The Aurora West District is bounded by Bathurst Street on the west,
Henderson Drive on the south, the westerly limit of the present
urban area of the Town on the east, and the lot line between Lots
84 and 85, Con. I W.Y.S. on the north. The lands which form part of
Kendal Hillside subdivision in Lot 81 and the Aurora Highlands Golf
Club in Lots 77 and 78 are also excluded from the area. The subject
area comprises part of the west halves of Lots 76 and 77 and 79 to
84 inclusive, Con. I W.Y.S. as shown on Schedule A.
In July 1975 the Town of Aurora adopted an Interim Official Plan
for the Aurora Planning Area. It was intended that this document
guide the growth and development of the Town until 1981, or until
the approval of the Regional Official Plan -whichever occured
first. During the time period of the Plan it was anticipated
that a population of from 18,000-20,000 people would be achieved
within the urban area. A staging policy established two development
areas, with Development Area I comprising the former Town of Aurora
(as it existed prior to Regional Government). Development Area II
included that portion of Aurora West lying north of Wellington Street.
It was expected that most of the lands in Development Area II would
not be permitted to develop until additional servicing capacity was
made available through the York-Durham Servicing Scheme, scheduled
for completion to Aurora in 1985.
The Interim Official Plan was partially approved by the Minister of
Housing in May 1977. The sections referred to the O.M.B. included
those regarding staging and development outside the existing
urban area.
By 1978 subdivisions had been draft approved for the major part of
the available land in Area I, and it appeared likely that construction
would be underway in the near future. Therefore it appeared that
the initiation of a planning program for Area II would be justifiable.
Further, a large number of development proposals had been submitted
to the Town for the lands west of the Area I urban boundary and
east of Bathurst Street, both north and south of Wellington Street
West. Most of these proposals were subsequently referred to the
Ontario Municipal Board in connection with the Interim Official
Plan, including all of the west halves of Lots 81-84, Con. I W. Y .S.,
and par~ of the west halves of Lots 76-80, Con. I W.Y.S.
As a result of regional Official Plan studies defining "urban
envelopes" and population targets for the major urban centres
in South Central York, the Region of York raised concerns about
the westerly limit of urban development in the Town. Following
negotiations with the Town, the entire area west of the former
limits of the Town, east of Bathurst Street, south of Lot 85, Con. I
W.Y.S. and north of Henderson Drive was outlined as an area for
further study. It was suggested by regional planning officials
that the Town establish its own acceptable urban boundary in this
·---------·~·---·----------------------------------------------·------. ---------------
controversial area after detailed study. A regional population
allocation of approximately 27,500 for the urban serviced area
was agreed upon and it was recognized that any plans for the
westerly extension of the Town's development area would respect
the regional population target.
It was also acknowledged that in determining the westerly limit of
development, regard should be had for any provincial policies
concerning planning for agricultural lands contained in the Food
Land Guidelines. Such consideration should assess not only the
agricultural capability of the lands in question, but their
suitability for agricultural production based on land ownership,
adjacent land uses and environmental constraints.
In order to resolve these issues, a comprehensive Secondary
Planning Study for Aurora West was authorized by the Town.
Initially only the lands north of Wellington Street were to be
included within the future urban area. However, because of the
widespread interest of land owners south of Wellington Street;
the absence of a clearly defined urban boundary either north or
south of Wellington Street; the existing road and servicing systems;
and the existing land use pattern, it was felt that a study of
the whole western extension of the urban area would be more
appropriate. The lands which formed part of the Aurora Highlands
Golf Course were excluded from this study as an Official Plan
Amendment to provide for their development had already been
adopted by Council. This Amendment was approved by the Ontario
Municipal Board on December 12th, 1978.
A Secondary Plan Study which evaluated land use, population,
servicing, transportation and environmental aspects of Aurora West
was undertaken in the fall of 1978, and a number of recommendations were
presented to Planning Committee in December of that year.
This Official Plan Amendment is based on the results of that Study.
The major objectives for the development of Aurora West are as follows:
a) To provide for the logical extension of urban development in
the Town of Aurora, in a manner which will complement its
existing low density residential character;
b) To protect the present character of existing housing and adjacent
rural lands through the establishment of suburban residential
areas along Bathurst Street adjacent to King Township;
c) To co-ordinate the various development proposals for the area,
and to provide for their implementation according to a
comprehensive plan;
d) To protect lands which are unsuitable for development due to
physical characteristics and to prohibit development in areas
prone to flooding, particularly along the tributaries of the
Tannery Creek;
e) To ensure that significant vegetation, slopes and land forms are
identified, and afforded due regard in the consideration of development
f) To develop an integrated parks system composed of neighbourhood
parks, major open space areas, and connecting pedestrian
walkway systems to serve the recreational needs of the
g) To respect the general land use, parking and transportation
policies set out in the Interim Aurora Official Plan;
h) To co-ordinate land use proposals with proposals for the
development of the Aurora Highlands Golf Course as set out
in Official Plan Amendment No. 2;
i) To provide for the development of a comprehensive road net-
work to serve the subject area and afford the necessary
connections to the adjacent lands.
------···----------------~-~~-~~-~~-~--~--·--··~-~--~-~-~ ~-~-~-------~~~
The detailed land use and transportation proposals for Aurora West
are illustrated on Schedule A. The policies for the development of
the subject area are set out below. The land use and road patterns
are diagrammatic only and may be altered to a minor extent provided
the basic intent of the plan is respected.
Background information regarding land use acreages, transportation,
servicing and environmental constraints is set out in the Technical
Appendices which do not form part of the Official Plan.
1. Residential
a) Urban Residential Policies
i) That Urban Residential shall include single family
semi-detached, on-street townhouse units, and other
similar low density housing types at a maximum
density of 16.0 units per net hectare (6.5 units per
net acre);
ii) That the maximum density in the Urban Residential
areas may be exceeded on any particular site, or in any
plan of subdivision, provided that the approximate
population for the sub-area as set out in Clause c)iii)
(below) is not exceeded;
iii) That Urban Residential uses shall be permitted only on
the basis of the availability of municipal water supply
and sanitary sewers;
iv) That a net hectare (acre) in Urban Residential Areas shall
include local streets and residential collector roads
as well as the lots for the dwelling units but shall
exclude parks, walkways, schools and other uses.
b) Suburban Residential Policies
i) That Suburban Residential shall include single family
units only with a minimum lot area of 0.2 hectares
(one-half acre);
ii) That all Suburban Residential lots shall be of sufficient
size, type and adequate physical characteristics to meet the
requirements of the Regional Medical Officer of Health
in regard to the proper functioning of a Class IV type
individual sewage disposal system.
iii) That the municipality will exercise discretion in the
review of proposed development in "Suburban Residential"
areas so as to ensure that lot sizes or densities
relate satisfactorily to the physical characteristics,
such as topography and soils, of the particular site.
iv) That in order to assist Council in determining suitable
lot design, applicants for development proposals in
areas designated for Suburban Residential land use will
be required to produce detailed reports and mapping at
a minimum scale of 1:1,200 (1"-100') showing existing
grades, vegetation cover, soil characteristics and
groundwater levels. The report should also provide
detailed proposals concerning the following:
a) methods of erosion control and slope stabilization,
b) the locations of and methods of ensuring proper
functioning of the septic tank systems and tile
c) approximate building and driveway locations.
d) proposed alterations to grades and vegetation cover.
The Ministry of Natural Resourves, the South Lake
Simcoe Conservation Authority and the Medical Officer
of Health will be consulted to assist Council in
evaluating proposed development.
v) Where the existing topography and vegetation provides
inadequate screening adjacent to Regional roads, tree
planting and landscaping shall be provided in order to
screen dwellings from vehicular traffic and to provide
as much privacy and enclosure as possible.
vi) No dwelling shall be erected where there is danger of
flooding, subsidence or erosion.
c) General Residential Policies
i) That, wherever possible, residential uses adjacent to
arterial roads shall be developed with reverse frontages,
and with adequate lot depths to provide for the
appropriate landscaping and buffering;
ii) That detailed regulations regarding lot areas, building
heights, setbacks, parking and other similar matters
shall be established in the Restricted Area (Zoning)
iii) That the approximate residential areas and populations
for the Aurora West District be as set out in Table I
below. These should be regarded as approximate and minor
variations shall be permitted without Amendment to this
Approximate(lJ Approximate (2 )
Residential Area Area in Hec. PoJ;!ulation
North of Wellington St. W.
South of Lot 85, Con. I W.Y.S.
-Urban Residential 92 4,950
-Suburban Residential 50 750
North of Lot 78, Con. I W.Y.S.
(Golf Course) and
South of Wellington St. w.
-Urban Residential 41 2,200
-Suburban Residential 25 300
South of Aurora Highlands
Golf Course and
North of Henderson Street
-Urban Residential 9 470
-Suburban Residential 32 380
-Urban Res i den ti a 1 142 7,620
-Suburban Residential lv7 1 ,430
(1} Includes pesidential. uses~ local streets~ collector
roads; excludes inst"itutional and commercial uses~
parks and walkways~ open space lands~ reservoir and
arterial roads.
(2) Assumes average 3.4 persons per dWelling unit.
2. Commercial
It is proposed:
a) That a local commercial centre of approximately 1 hectare
(2.5 acres) be located north of ~!ellington Street at
the intersection of Aurora Heights Drive and the north-
south residential collector road. Although Schedule A
indicates the south-west corner, the centre may be located
elsewhere in the vicinity without amendment to this Plan;
b) That the local commercial centre may include such uses as
a food store, a variety store, personal service shops and
·other similar uses which cater to the day-to-day needs of
... the residents of the adjacent area;
c) That if it is determined that the local commercial centre
is not required, it may be used for the adjacent Urban
Residential land use without amendment to this
d) That regulations regarding buffering, landscaping,
setbacks, parking and other similiar matters be
established in the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law.
3. Schools
It is proposed:
a) To locate a public elementary school site in the order of six
acres south of the reservoir, adjacent to a neighbourhood
b) To locate a separate school site near Aurora Heights Drive
adjacent to a neighbourhood park.
c) That Secondary School pupils from Aurora West
will attend the Aurora Secondary School located at
Wellington Street West and McDonal~ Drive.
d) That where a school i~ not required by the York County
Board of Education or the York Region Roman Catholic
Separate School Board the site may be used for the adjacent
Urban Residential land use without amendment to this Plan.
4. Institutional
It is proposed:
a) To recognize the existing church on the north side of
Wellington Street West in the Plan. Any parts of this
site not required for church purposes may be used for
the adjacent Urban Residential land use without amendment
to this Plan;
b) That churches may locate throughout the Urban Residential
area without amendment to this Plan.
5. Open Space
It is proposed:
a) That parks be provided on the basis of 5% of the total
acreage within the Aurora West area. Cash may be accepted
in lieu of land dedication where appropriate. Lands subject
to flooding will not be accepted as park dedication.
b) To locate a neighbourhood park adjacent to each of the
proposed school sites.
c) To provide neighbourhood park facilities south of Wellington
~. Street West to meet the local recreational needs of the
residents in this area.
d) To develop a continuous greenbelt and walkway system
throughout the subject area utilizing, where appropriate,
the flood plain of the Tannery Creek and its tributaries,
and other environmentally sensitive areas.
l. The Roads Plan is illustrated on Schedule A. The Plan is
intended to be diagrammatic only and minor adjustments
shall be permitted provided the basic intention of the Plan
is followed.
2. The following road classification system and standards are
established within the subject area.
Road Type
Bathurst Street
Wellington Street West
Major & Minor Collectors
Right-of-Way Width
Metric (Imperial)
36 metres (120 feet)
Aurora Heights Drive 20-26 metres (66-86 feet)
Orchard Heights Boulevard
Kennedy Street West
Henderson Drive
Local Roads 18-20 metres ( 60-66 feet)
1. Water
a) The subject area will be serviced by a piped municipal
water system supplied from municipal deep well ground
b) All lands generally below the 925 foot contour are included within
an established Pressure Zone and can be served by an
existing ground water reservoir located within the
subject area.
c) The development of the remaining lands within Aurora West
will require the establishment of a second pressure zone.
d) At the present time there are no distribution mains
within the subject area. It is proposed that these be
extended as required.
,_l !
2. Sanitary Sewerage
a) The majority of the subject area will be serviced by a
municipal sanitary sewerage system. Individual sewage
disposal systems will be permitted on lands designated
Suburban Residential.
b) It is expected that sewage treatment capacity will
ultimately be provided through the York Durham Sanitary
Sewage System. In the interim, the area will be serviced
if capacity is available, by the existing Water Pollution
Control Plan adjacent to Tannery Creek at Machell Avenue.
c) North of Wellington Street West, there are existing sanitary
sewers with capacity to serve the area to be sewered.
d) South of Wellinton Street West there is no sanitary trunk
to serve the subject area. It is proposed that trunk
facilities be extended as required.
3. Storm Drainage
a) The majority of the Aurora West storm water drains
into the Tannery Creek system, via a tributary which flows
easterly along Wellington Street. A small area east of
the existing urban development north of Wellington Street West
drains into existing storm water sewers within the
developed urban area, where capacity is available.
b) Prior to final subdivision approval a storm drainage plan
shall be developed to the satisfaction of the Town of
Aurora and the Region of York and in consultation with the
Ministry of Natural Resources and the South Lake Simcoe
Conservation Authority.
c) Storm water management practices may be employed in
the development of the subject area. In order to minimize
the rate of storm water runoff retention ponds may be
provided at appropriate locations to the satisfaction of
the Town.
This Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented as follows:
a) In general, new development shall occur by means of plans of
subdivision under Section 33 of The Planning Act. Where
appropriate, development may also be permitted to occur by
means of land divisions under Section 29 of The Planning Act.
b) Registration of all or parts of such plans of subdivision
shall be in accordance with the provisions determined by
Council, or, in the case of land divisions, by the Regional
Land Division Committee.
c) Approval of subdivisions, or parts thereof, shall be
conditional upon the availability of, or the ability to
provide, adequate municipal and other related services.
d) In considering specific development applications within the
Amendment Area, consideration will be had for the development
potential of the whole area in order to ensure an equitable
distribution of development potential consistent with the
overall population targets and the physical characteristics
and constraints of the site.
e) Restricted Area (Zoning) By-laws shall be passed to implement
the provisions of this Amendment as and when considered
appropriate, in conjunction with approved development
It is intended that the boundaries of the land use classifications
shown on Schedule 'A' of this Plan shall be considered approximate,
except where they coincide with roads or other definite phys i ca 1
features. Where the general intent of this Plan is maintained,
minor adjustments may be made in these boundaries for the purpose
of any Restricted Area (Zoning) By-1 aw without necessitating an
amendment to this Plan.
0 ...
s -
Ontario Municipal Board
R 771602
R 782843
R 783172
R 79488
IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The
Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349),
IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this
Board by the Honourable John R. Rhodes,
Minister of Housing, respecting requests
by Cadillac Fairview, Corri~or Develop-
ments Limited, Lebovic Enterprises,
Heath Downs Golf Course Limited and
Daleside Builders Limited for consider-
ation of those parts of the Official Plan
for the Aurora Planning Area as set· out in
Schedule "A" attached hereto
IN THE MATTER OF Section 35(22) oi
ihe Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349),
IN THE MATTER OF an appeal by High
City Holdings Limited for an order direct-
ing an amendment to By-law 986 of the
Town of Aurora (former Township of
King) to permit the development of
approximately 109 acres of land located
in part of Lot 84, Concession 1, West of
Yonge Street, Town of Aurora, for single
family residential purposes
IN THE MATTER OF Section 44 of The
·Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349),
IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this
Board by the Regional Municipality of
York on a request by High City Holdings
Limited for consideration of a proposed
plan of subdivision of lands comprising
part of Lot 81, Concession 1, in the Town
of Aurora, Region of York File No. 02-
19T -78070
IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this
R 783205
R 79640
R 79963
R 771602 R 783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
of Yonge Street, in the Town of Aurora,
Regional File Number 19T-760ll
IN THE MATTER OF Section 17(5) of The
Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), -
IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this
Board by the Honourable Claude F.
Bennett, Minister of Housing, on a request
by High City Holdings Limited to amend
the Official Plan for the former Township
of King Planning Area, now the Town of
Aurora Planning Area, with respect to
lands comprising part of Lot 84,
Concession 1, west of Y onge Street, in
the Town of Aurora, to permit the
development of single family detached
dwellings on lots having a minimum area
of 22,000 square feet for one parcel and
5,000 square feet for another and also for
parklands, open space and for a public
school site, Minister's File OPC-0025-
R.S. Thomson, Q.C.
N.Jane P(!pino
Kenneth Fukuda
M.J. McQuaid
R.M. Loudon, Q.C.
Paul R. Basso
Gerald Gold
-for Town of Aurora
-for Joseph Gellany Construction Ltd.
-for Revlis Securities Limited
-for Corridor Developments Limited
-for Three Seasons Homes Ltd.
Forsyte Homes Ltd.
Patricia Homes Ltd.
Edward V. Oakes -for Regional Municipality of York
Bruce R. Allen
George M. Dixon -for Knoel Farms Ltd.
H.H. Solway,Q.C. -for Cadillac Fairview Corp. Ltd.
M.Kathryn M. Robinson
J.Robert Boxma -for High City Holdings Ltd.
Robert W. Macaulay,Q.C.
R.K. Webb, Q.C. -for George Wimpey Canada Ltd.
R 771602
R 782843
H. 783172
R 79488
R 783205
R 79640
R 79963
a planning study commissioned by the Town in respect of the area west of
Y onge Street could be completed. As a result of that study and continuing
consultation with the parties involved in the. matters before the Board, the
Town set before the Board proposals for the modification of the Interim
Official Plan with respect to the referred matters. One of these proposals is
to modify the Interim Official Plan in respect of the applicable references to
the Board in accordance with the standards, designations and mappings in
Official Plan Amendment ~Jumher 9 adoptee' by the Council of the Town of
Aurora on \larch 19, 1979. This amendment will encompass the area of the
planning study west of Y onge Street. /\II the parties, except the Regional
,\1unicipality of York are in agreement with these proposals. The region,
however, still has some concerns with regard. to three areas referred to the
Board, all of which border Bathurst Street on the west, being the boundary
between the Town of Aurora and the Township of l<ing.
The three areas are referral area 3, being part of Lots 81 to 84
inclusive, Concession I \1/ .Y .S. (west Yonge Street) referral area 4 being part
of lots 79 and 80, Concession I W .Y .S. and referral area 6 being part of Lots
76 and 77, Concession 1 W .Y .S. all as shown on Exhibit 6.
All of these areas are designated 'rural' in the Interim Official Plan.
The Town now requests that the plan be modified to designate these lands
'residential urban', 'residential suburban' and 'open space' and to incorporate
the policies of proposed Official Plan Amendment Number 9 in the interim
plan so far as they relate to the referral areas.
The region is basically concerned with the proposed development
under the 'residential suburban' designation which would permit lots of a
minimum of one-half acre to be developed with private septic systems and
-4 -
R 771602
R 7828'n
R 783172
R 79488
R 783205
R 79640
R 79963
required plans would be developed to the satisfaction of the Town of Aurora
and the Region of York and in consultation with the "v\inistry of Natural
Resources and the South Lake ?imcoe Conservation Authority.
The region's concerns relate to its interim policies relating to
development on the Oak Ridges \·loraine which state in part that: "Council
will not encourage development proposals which are located either wholly or
partially within those areas --of first, second or third priority for environ-
mental protection". The Moraine covers the western half of reference areas 3
and 4 and all of reference area 6. It was the evidence of Mr. Knight, the
l'lirector of Development Planning for the region that this area should be
protected as it is a recharge area and development could reduce this water
source. He suggested that development could increase run-off and possibly
result in stream pollution. He was also of the opinion that because Bathurst
Street is an arterial road and because land use in the Township of King to the
west is basically rural that development bordering Bathurst Street should be
less intensive. The region is thus proposing an expansion of open space as
shown in Exhibit 13 and minimum lot sizes in the residential suburban
designation of I acre.
The evidence of Mr. Banda, operations engineer for the region, was
that the Town obtains its water supply from three deep wells and a fourth is
presently under construction. The recharge area for these wells and the water
supply to Newmarket and Holland Landing is in the highlands of the !\;loraine.
However, he did not have any evidence as to whether or not there is a hydrolic
connection between the wells and subject area of the Moraine. He also
indicated that there is an impervious clay layer at the site of the wells, but he
had no knowledge of the overlay in the reference areas.
R771602 R783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
sewage disposal systems, the review by the Town to ensure that lot sizes and
densities relate satisfactorily to the physical characteristics, such as
topography and soils, and that no dwelling may be erected where there is
danger of flooding, subsidence or erosion, is appropriate for these lands. He
was of the opinion that this low density residential suburban development
would provide an effective transition to the rural areas of King Township. He
also noted that the provisions of the Township of King zoning by-law permit
dwellings on lots of 15,000 square feet. It may be, however, that the Official
Plan policies of the Township permit few such lots.
Mr. John Griffiths, a forester with the Ministry of Natural Resources
and the Manager of York Regional Forest which encompasses some 5,000
acres, described the existing woodlots on the reference areas and expressed
the view that these areas should be preserved in their natural state as the
trees protect the slopes from erosion, and provide water retention areas,
reducing run-off and spreading water flows over an extended period. He was
of the opinion that even if a large number of the trees were retained but under
private ownership within individual lots that this would not be the best way to
maintain the woods. He did not feel that the proposed standards of
development where specific enough to ensure preservation. He did acknow-
ledge under cross-examination that engineering methods could be employed to
alleviate the run-off problems. He also knew of no intension by the Ministry
to acquire these woodlots.
The Board is of the opinion that the proposed designations for these
three reference areas are reasonable given the policies for development which
will apply, and the controls available to the Town, the Region, the Ministry of
Natural Resources and the Conservation Authority and that the policy as to
R 771602 R 783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
encompass the entire watershed of the Tannery Creek, much of which is in the
Township of King. He suggested that such a study could be undertaken by
consultants under terms of reference to be set out by the Ministry of Natural
Resources. He did not know how the study would be funded. Mr. Ronald
Hicks, Watershed Planning Engineer with the Ministry of Natural Resources
supported a comprehensive study. He further stated that plans for individual
subdivisions may not permit the best locations for control mechanisms.
Apparently neither the Conservation Authority nor the Ministry have
developed firm policies concerning storm water management. The Ministry
has a discussion paper in process but the ultimate policies that may be
endorsed are as yet unknown. 1\1\r. Dake indicated that in his experience, the
requirement for an overall storm drainage plan was not usually found in
Official Plan policies, and that he was of the opinion that such a requirement
could greatly delay any development in the watershed area. He believed that
the requirement to provide individual plans, together with subdivision agree-
ments, would be. sufficient safeguard to the concerns expressed with regard to
storm drainage. Counsel for the region, however, argued that because this is
an area of special environmental concern, special provisions are required.
The Board is of the opinion that, as there are as yet no final policies
concerning storm drainage management by the Region, the Authority or the
Ministry, and as an overall study, involving some 7 square miles, 60 per cent of
which is in the Township of King, and as the need for such a study as opposed
to the individual plans required has not, in the Hoard's opinion, been
substantiated, no modification will be made which would require the overall
drainage study.
Mr. Klaus Wehrenberg, a citizen of the Town of Aurora, gave
R 771602 R 783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
the valley lands, but felt that these should be set out specifically in Schedule
A to the plan. He expressed the view that the natural areas should be
preserved, including the Oak Ridges Moraine. While some of the matters
raised by Mr. Wehrenberg are not before the Board, we have. considered the
relevant points raised by him before concluding that the Town, in evolving the
Interim Official Plan and the modifications proposed, has by way of consider-
able public participation obtained a general concensus and has developed the
goals of the plan from that background.
The Board finds the proposals of the Town of Aurora to be appro-
priate and accordingly the Interim Official Plan will be modified as follows:
Referral Ill
The lands contained in referral area number one shown in Schedule A
Land Use Plan of the Interim Official Plan (Exhibit 2) be designated Urban
Residential except for the southerly part which will be designated Commer-
cial. Both designations being based on the boundaries established by the
municipality on Schedule X to By-law 2153-77. (Exhibit 4)
Referral 112
The lands contained in referral area number two shown in Schedule A
Land Use Plan of the Interim Official Plan (Exhibit 2) be designated Urban
Residential west of the CNR and Industrial east of the CNR.
Referral //3, //4 and //6:
The lands contained in referral areas numbers three, four and six
shown in Schedule A Land Use Plan of the Interim Official Plan (Exhibit 2) be
designated in accordance with the land use plan being Schedule A to proposed
Amendment 119 entitled Aurora \Vest Sec-nndarv Plan IFYhihit 9\ ;md that a
Referral f/5:
R 771602 R 783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
The land contained in referral area number 5 shown in Schedule "A"
Land Use Plan of the Interim Official Plan (Exhibit 2) was not before the
Board because it was withdrawn by the Honourable the Minister of Housing.
Referral/17: (Schedule "D" Interim Official Plan)
Delete Schedule "D" to the Interim Official Plan.
Referral 1/8: (Index Interim Official Plan)
Delete reference to Schedule "D" in Index of Interim Official Plan.
Referral 119: (Page 6 Interim Official Plan)
Delete the words "The population increase will have to be staged to
enable a relatively steady growth rate over the planning period and shall
conform with "Schedule D -Development Area Plan" and substitute the
following "Therefore, the population increase will have to be controlled so as
to ensure a relatively steady growth rate over the planning period".
Referral Ill 0: (Page 66)
Delete the words "For these purposes this plan includes a staging
programme which is indicated graphically on "ScheduleD", "Development Area
Referral fill: (Pages 66, 67 and 68)
Reference number eleven did not specifically include the first
paragraph of clause 2 of Section 9 but in order to make the desired
modifications to the referred parts it is necessary to modify two words which
will not constitute a substantive change.
R 771602 R 783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
(2) In the first line following the heading
in clause 2 delete the words "Develop-
ment Areas" and substitute the words
"Planning Districts" so that the line will
read "Development within each of the
Planning Disticts will be . . ."
(3) Delete the heading "Development
Area I" following (a) in clause 2 and sub-
stitute the words "Lands within Planning
Districts l through 5"
(4) In the first line of clause 2(a) delete
the words "Development Area I and sub-
stitute the words: "Lands within Planning
Districts I through 5"
(5) Delete the second paragraph of clause
2(a) which reads as follows: "In addition to
the presently built-up portions of the
Planning Area, Development Area I will
include those vacant lands where new
development is regarded as infilling and
those lands immediately adjacent to the
built-up areas".
(6) In the last line of the third paragraph
of clause 2(a) delete the words "Develop-
"Planning Districts 6 and 7
R 771602
R 782843
R 783172
R 79488
Development of Planning Districts 6
and 7 shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Appendix A (being proposed
Amendment /19 now appended to the
Interim Official Plan as Appendix "A")
(8) In clause 2(f) delete the heading
"Extension of Services Beyond Develop-
ment Areas I and II" and substitute the
following heading "Extension of Services
Beyond the Planning Districts" and in the
text of clause 2(f) delete the words
"Development Areas and II" and
substitute the words "Planning Districts".
Referral 1112: (Page 69)
R 783205
R 79640
R 79963
Delete the entire clause 3 Section 9 headed "Implementation" and
substitute the following:
Development will be implemented and
controlled by the appropriate zoning to
assure the orderly development of the
Planning Districts, dependent upon the
availability, extension and provision of
required services.
Schedule C to Interim Official Plan
-ll -
R 771602 R 783205
R 782843 R 79640
R 783172 R 79963
R 79488
as areas B and C on Schedule A to propos-
ed Amendment 119 appended as Appendix
A to this decision.
Section 9: (Page 66)
(I) The following clause will be added to Section 9 of "Interim Official Plan"
as clause 4 -The lands in that part of Lot 84, Concession I east of Old Yonge
Street may only be developed when capacity is provided by the York-Durham
servicing scheme or by utilization of unused capacity for the system proposed
for the remaining lands in Lot 84, Concession I, east of Old Yonge Street.
(2) The following clause will be added to Section 9 of "Interim Official Plan"
as clause 5 -The provisions of Appendix A shall apply only to the lands in
Planning Districts 6 and 7.
At the request of counsel for the owners of the properties which were
the subject of other matters before the Board the following action was taken:
R 79488
R 79640
R 783205
R 782843
R 783172
R 79963
George Wimpey Canada Limited adjourned sine die
George Wimpey Canada Limited this matter was incomplete,
therefore, no consideration was given.
High City Holdings Limited adjourned sine die
High City Holdings Limited adjourned sine die
High City Holding Limited dismissed
Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited adjourned sine die.
DATED at Toronto this 24th day of May, 1979,