BYLAW - Amend 1452 - 19790618 - 225579I I ! HEil·~C l\ BY··~Ll\\'1 rro amend By-lil\'1 lt1S2, ns mnenck:d to :reitH3tntc l\urora llr..:dghts Dr.ive an a through lii(jllvtuy. ) WIIEHJ~l\.S the Nunicipal Corporation of the rrovln of l\Ul"O:CU dG(·).1i1S it '' .. cxpedit,nt to rcpCill lly-lc\\'1 1452 ilS amended. : I I I I i l l I I I I ~-­ l .l ' J'' ., ~OW THEREFORE the Nunic:i.pul Council of tho 'l'O\Vn of l'\urorc1 enacts as follo·..:s: - 1. That Clause 2 be mnended by adding thereto: North/Nest Sector From To !iame Aurora Heigl}ts Drive The i'ie s t Liwi t of 'l11e lvcs t End of Yonge Stree_tr North Aurora Heights Drive 2. That this By·-lm·l shall become effective. h'hen approv8d by the Regional Hunicipality of York . READ A FIRST AND SECOND THIB THIS lJ.th DAY OJ" ,Jnne 1979. HEAD A TIIIRD 'l'HlE AND FINALLY Pl\SSED THIS . J.eth DAY OF ' 1979. Clerk I, Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clci"k of the Nun.icipa1 Corporation of the Tmvn of Aurora do hereby Ct~.rtify that. the abov(~ is a t.rue copy of B'y·-law 2255·-79 passed by the Council of tt.e said OJ.r ... po.r.ation on ,June J.Bt:h, 1979 . -~~, ·-·----tMIL~-----Da ·te : June 22nd, 1979 . a ff1-rt. . co l.cen E. Gowan, A.!· ... T. Approved~y lause ~ ?f R:eport 14 of the Engineering Committee, adopted by the Council of The Reg1onal Mumc1pality of York on the 26th day of July 1979 TfiE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK , . . ~-· ,., "o9am~ c~ Acting C:erk August 2, 1979 •, . I, 'f ' 1 \ ' l ~ ! ' .j