BYLAW - Agreement With Bell Canada - 19790917 - 230379\ I ------·-~-~:..:._,;:;...,__. -·-· -: _, 'i-~·-· ·--ri"~~ ...... ~ ,;,.,,...,.-"""""""-.,.,..-~,~--· ~~"-----:.:.....:._ __ --~~~-·-------~· .. :....:..-~---~~-~~------- BY -LAW No. 2303 -79. OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Bell Canada. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement be.tween the Town of Aurora and Bell Canada. 2. A copy of the said Agreement is attached hereto. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ,1979. ······~··· 0. 7!~-......... MAYOR . . . ... • · · · CLERK r) \j READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /11ta.ay o~ ' 1979 . . ...... . { .. 0.-.. ~ MAYOR (~ .... -,,_ .. ,. •. •. ...... ~~ CLERK /. I '.J ·. ,, ) 11!.: ;) ll II til 11 •I I[ .II' ,, il' Ill ,:• ii ),, I\; ' :;1: I' c'-<J,. "j I'' i;! 1 ',1 ,, li II ,, ri. 'I il I[ 'I il I ,I i II . I l I• ~ il ,, if i I I lij t. ! ,, ~ I II j, 'I 'I il " ~ ,, ' THIS AGREEMENT made in quadruplicate this~ay of August, 1979. B E T W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA (hereinafter called the "Town") OF THE FIRST PART -and - BELL CANADA, 18th Floor, 393 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario. (hereinafter called the "Owner") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner has requested the Town of Aurora for a Building Permit to construct two additions to the Building on its lands hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS the Town has agreed to do so on certain terms and conditions; AND WHEREAS the said lands are subject to a By-Law enacted under Section 35 (a) of the Planning Act; ~ NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, the parties hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows:- 1. The lands subject to this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "The Lands" are situate in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional t' I' il ,, \t ,, I' 11 I' ·I I, ~ II I I ~ I ~ II ! ~ ,, II ~ II/ I J 'i [ I II ~ ,, II I ! i ' \' il \I ~ I I ! II I' .I lj i! ~ [I ~ ,, 'I !I ~ I I ~ ii 'I li li ,, II ~ !I I ~ I, .. 1 I . li ,, i' II ~ I' II I· II ,I j! .u ~ ' ll IIi Ill !I 'I II li i'' I: I: . I II 1 1! I'' II'. ,I l!i q 'il I' ,I !I ~ l11 II II II ' ' II IJ II, ll1 ''I II II !ii \:I ,, ~~~ 1:1 ,jl il, li ''I ill ljl i:! ~I II! .. [ I'' ~~ .II I" Iii ,I ' Ill ,. IIi ill i!l ''I ' ' PI ) ·- l(/ :: ., :: ! ir !; ,, li. ~ i ,, 'I I I I I I I i I I I! ~ I' .I II I· J ~ ~ II ~ I' II . I ~ H ~ I· J !I ii '· j! ' ,[ il 2. 3. 4. s. 6. -2 - Municipality of York, being Part of Lot 174, R.P. 1/246, 147 Yonge Street, South a·ttached hereto as Schedule "A". The Owner shall use the lands only in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Town's Zoning By-laws in force from time to time as they affect the said lands. Upon application for a Building Permit, the Owner will pay the following fee: 1. Site Plan Agreement Fee of $100.00. In addition to the above fee, the Owner will pay normal fees for the issuance of a Building Permit upon the application for such permit. The Building and structure to be erected upon the said lands shall be located only in the position shown on the Plan 78192-A1, dated July 31st, 1979 by E.W. Fullerton, Supervising Architect, Buildings Design, Bell Canada In accordance with such Plan, the additions are to have an area approximately 1,700 square feet on the ground floor and are to be constructed in accordance with the drawing 78192.A1 dated July 31st, 1979 by E.W. Fullerton, Supervising Architect, Buildings Design, Bell Canada, showing elevations and location, and attached hereto as Schedule "B". All constrnction shall comply with Town Building By-Laws and the Ontario Building Code. The Owner will construct and install all walls, fences, trees, shrubs, groundcover and other landscaping as shown on the plan attached as Schedule '·'B", and shall use the areas shown on the said Plan as landscaped, for no other. purpose. The Owner will maintain the landscaping and sodding above referred to in good condition and will promptly replace any grass, trees or shrubs which die. The Owner will further provide for removal of snow from all access ramps, il (I I' ,j ji :I I; I! II I' I J II II II I ~ ll r ,I jl II 1 I I ~ II ~ ~ i! II II I· ll II ,. ,, I! li ~ ,! ~ ·I 1: II p ,, j! li li ,, I jl ,, II I' j! l; i; ,, ,, ji ,, ,. ' ' il ii li ,, ,. ri II I' i! i: ' li II ,, ,, !! ,_., :J· 1)i ill lrl 1:, ,li l!j Iii ill 1 1 : ,! 'I I r r;----· i I I ill I jl l1l Iii I i ' I l ' li j_ I I r I' 1~: Ill ·'I ~I ~! q, jil I' ' ' ,, ill ill ,,, 'II I, I~ Iii il: 1'1 It' !,/ I! ," ;:• ' .. ,;, I ;I ' I' . li' H ii I I I I' I I ,, II I j It I l ~ ,, It ~ ~ ~ r J p I ~ il If ij 'r ~ ,, ~ !I !! 7. 8. 9. 1 o. 11. -3- driveways, parking areas and walkways as the same is necessitated by climatic conditions. The Owner will further keep in good condition and repair all of the said access ramps, driveways, parking areas and walkways. In the event that the Owner fails to carry out any of the duties required by this paragraph, the Town may perform the same at the expense of the Owner, and add the cost of such performance to the taxes levied against said lands pursuant to Section 469 of the Municipal Act. Vehicular parking areas, loading areas and access driveways shall be located as shown on the plans Schedule "B". The specifications for such facilities shall be in accordance with Schedule "C". Precast concrete curbing shall be installed as shown on the said schedule, and be a minimum of 6" in height. Where continuous poured concrete curbing is used, it must project at least 6" above grade. All outside lighting must be installed and maintained in good condition and must be operated so as not to interfere unduly with the enjoyment of abutting properties and streets. All electric (Bell and Television) services for the lands and buildings are to be underground. Provision for storage of garbage must be made inside the building and no outside storage thereof will be permitted. It is understood and agreed that no one may occupy or use any part of the said additions until a Certificate of Compliance (occupancy permit) is issued by the Town. All drainage works shall be in accordance with the drainage shown on Schedule "B". No change in grading, elevation or contour of the lands, or change in the method of disposal of storm, surface and ii II I' 1l rl ,, !I II I' 'I II ll ij II ' I I .I I' II II !I I. ~ II ~ II 1 : I ,, ,, II ~ li i II II I' II ~ II ~ II ·I f J ~ I· II ~ ii [, II I , h I' II 'I :r I' II I .I ,, 1: ~ II !I !' ~i ~ I. ,I {! ji d i; '• li --~~~---~-------~~-· ~~-'--------'"---~--· -~·-·-~~~~-----"'=-=~=~ = ,,,,~"''=~--~-.. ---~,.~=---·---"-~-·--- i! il !: ,, " Iii II 'II I, ii I 'I It Ill ft I I I, 'I I Ji r ! I " lj ! !I! II ,II li !I ii\ l'i.l I, i ~ i\l HI II ;! li. ·I il I' !I I! ~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ I ~ ~ II ~ ~ I, ~ ~ h ,, i! ~---~---... ~~"---~-~ -4- waste water from the lands and building shall be made without the prior wr~tten agreement of the Town. 12. If the construction of the building shown on the said schedule is not commenced within 12 months of the date of signing of this Agreement, this Agreement shall lapse and thereafter any development of the said lands may take place only if a further agreement is entered into. 13. When the Owner begins construction of the building as aforesaid, such construction will proceed with all due dispatch, and the Owner will complete the installation of all sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, lighting and landscaping called for by this Agreement for the "outside work" within 12 months from the time when the said buildings are first used or occupied. With the execution of this Agreement the Owner agrees to deposit with the Town an irrevocable Letter of Credit or Performance Bond or Bonds in form acceptable to the Town in the amount of $5,000.00 to cover the cost of construction and maintenance of the outside work, which Letter of Credit or bond is to remain in force until all obligations of the Owner to complete the outside work are discharged. In the event that the outside work is not completed within the said 12-month period, then the Town may call upon the said Letter of Credit or Performance Bond and complete the outside work from the proceeds thereof. Upon the completion of the outside work to the satisfaction of the Town, the Owner shall continue to maintain in force such Letter of Credit or Performance Bond for a further period of 2 years to ensure that the obligations of the Owner to replace landscaping and repair other outside works are carried out. The Town may reduce the Performance Bond from time to time at the request of the Owner, upon the Owner furnishing an Engineer's Certificate showing the stage of completion of the work, provided that such reductions do not decrease the said bond or Letter of Credit below the value of the work yet to be completed, Final ); !I !! I! li ~ I I ~ I! ~ ,, ij I I ! i I I I II ~ I I ~ I I 'I ~ ! I i II ~ ,, I , I' II ! ,I I . II ·I II ,, II I' II ~ ~ ~ 1, ,, ' ' I' I' ·' ~ ~ II n ~ ~ I' ~ (! ' . j: ' i! ,, II \I i• il II II I~ ,, ::: i:i ji! ,I! oil jl! Ill ill iii 'I· ~I ~ 1 1 .... ···· ~ • • I t I II I II I ! II Ill 111 Ill I'! 1 ·11 ...• ~ ·~ II! ''i ill 'II ,,, 111 ''I I' ,I I'll !: ill I I! ii . 'I 11 BELL ;i n .. ·;! li II I I I,! I I I I I I I ANAD.~ It! Ill 'I' ill; 'I ;~ roved ~iJ form 'I " I'll ,, ,, :·; 1!, ''t '\_•v<•''"•' Jl ''I i!! i i' 'I 'I II :i it: •' l:i I ,, I·' La Dept. Onta o Region !I II ,. ·I !i 'I I, II ,I II H I• jj i[ II 1: ~ ! :1 II ll i! :I ,, ,, !I :I ,, -5- decision on the value of the uncompleted work shall be at the discretion of the Engineer of the Town of Aurora. 14. The provisions of this Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their corporate seal duly attested by their proper officers in that behalf. B~ll CANADA Approved as to terms and conditions. 1 :!ieal Estate ~partment THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ,.,, 4 0. 2,- MAYOR Per: / ~P'l.lnA-Y~ ,..., BELL CANADA p~//1/fhJI;;!J~ DIVISION BUILDINGS & REAL ESTATE MANAGER (S/W.A,) ! I ii li I! I' I! 'I :, [1 I' r! II ~ t! . I I' I! II !I !I ![ II It ~ ~ ~ II 'I il li II It il h !· ~ ~ 'I I, ~ I ,I ' ' I I I' II !I II i! " !i li I! I, 'I I· ,, ., II li ~ r .I li ji I! !t I• !· \i ·' . . .~· ·:i ,II 'I. i i "I ~ Jl, II' I' I I l~ ~~~·' /' I'' IJ I I I I I I' 1!~- 1 ., I, .~ I' l i·- 11! 'I' 1·1 II~ 11 1 "I 1;1 II: ,, Ill ,,, II 't'' . , !I I!J II. il J;l !'! 1:! . . :;t-~' iii J:l ,!j l;; ,, 1,: I'' i I> I!• I I I Iii: ~·I ,. 11· " i'" I II I I I I ~ 'I ! ~ I I' ,l !! li ,, ,, ~ ~ l 'i I I :i I' I~ 'i ,, I• i! !I ,, i! I[ II li I~ _·_:__ _____________ .........;__ ____ . --'"'·--·-·--~-~~---·'''"''"''""""'"'''''''''''"'''"""~"~-'"'""""""'""~'====·=-=~=--· .-.. ~-~-~-~'-·------------·--·~---·-------·-- -6-• SCHEDULE "C" Parking lot construction shall be in accordance with the following M.T.C. specifications and compaction requirements:- Asphalt: M.T.C. 310 and 1003 Granular M.T.C. 1010 100% Standard Materials: ·. Proctor (Maximum dry density) Earth Fill: 95% Standard Proctor (Maximum dry density) i: I ii il 'I !I ~ i II i ~ I 'I ' : I ! I ,, I I' I' II 'I I. II II I I I ! ~ !l 'I I ~ I l I' I! it p !I II !l II li , . ,, I! li r: ~ I !I ,, II ~ i1 tl #~ ji ,I !I ,, ii ,, l! " ;(fJl li !· I• 1i ,, ii il i! ' ,, ,. ! li