BYLAW - Restricted Areas By law - 19780615 - 221378/(", f ' \ STRA'l'HY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM BARiUSTERS AND SOLICITORS -:,~ORMAN 0. SEAGRAM, Q.C. DEAN SAUL RICHARDS. THOMSON, Q.C. GEORGE A. WILSON, Q.C. R. DOUGLAS$, HUNTER, Q.C. HARRY R. VANOERLUGT STEPHEN R. CL..ARKE WILLIAM J. BURDEJ\1 JOHN M. WHYTE WENDA VENSON KARON C. BALES DAVID B. LIGHT ANDREW D. BRANDS WILLIAM J. H. OSTRANDER W. RODNEY R. PRYDE C. ROGER ARCHIBALD, Q.C. LESLIE A. WITTLIN MAR!'; L MADRAS DOUGLAS 0. LANGLEY R. DOUGLAS KNEEBONE ELIZABETH M. WAIGHT JOHN C. LONDON CLARA KISKO PHILIP W. THOMPSON JAMES D. SINCLAIR COUNSEL MONTGOMERY GUNN K. B. Rodger, Esq., Clerk-Administrator, Town of Aurora, 50 Wellington Street West, AURORA, Ontario. L4G 3L8 Dear Mr. Rodger: KEVIN R. AALTO GEORGE VUKELICH WILLIAM J. WALKER STEPHEN P. JOHNSTON JON VENUTTI KENNETH'·T, ROSENBERG OON!'Lfl'~. LEITH PHILIP J, B. HEATH CONSTANc;.:E C. OLSHES,KI THOMAS F. C. COLE, Q.C. . ;. Re: By-law 2213-78 38TH FLOOR COMMERCE COURT WEST BOX 438 COMMERCE COURT POSTAL STATION TORONTO, CANADA M!5L IJ3 TELEPHONE (416) 862-7!525 CABLE "SASCLAW" TELEX 06-23776 TELECOPIER (416) 862·7661 TCX BOX 42 AM-0379 REFER TO FILE NO. _ _:5:._-_::0_:::1:._7:...;:.5 __ December 7, 1984 I Cl3-=-J P I We have today received the Order of the Municipal Board, dated Monday, the 22nd day of August, 1983, approving the Restricted Area By-law 2213-78, and this is now enclosed herewith. Yours truly, STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Per: RST: ja R. S. Thomson Encl. . ' BEFORE; Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF section 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1980, c. 379), -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Comprehensive Restricted Area By-law 2213-78 R 830904 C.G. EBERS, Q.C. Member l 1 1 Monday, the 22nd day of August, 1983 THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing on the 22nd and 23rd days of August, 1983 at the TOwn of Aurora in the presence of counsel for the applicant corporation, counsel for a number of interested parties and of a number of interested parties appearing in person; and upon hearing those appearing in support of the by-law and those appearing in opposition thereto and it appearing that notice of hearing had been given in accordance with the directions of the Board, upon hearing the evidence adduced and upon reading the material filed and the Board delayed issuing its formal order so that the council of the applicant corporation would have an opportunity to consider certain further amendments to the said by-law and the said council having made such amendments and having filed certified copies with the Board of by-laws implementing such amendments and covering certain other matters and incorporating certain recommendations of the Board and the Board having dispensed with notice and hearing in respect of the said amending by-laws; - 2 - R 830904 1. THE BOABD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that by•law 2213 passed on the 16th day of June, 1980, as amended as hereinafter set out, be the same is hereby approved. 2o THE BOARD FURTHER ORDERS that the following amending by-laws of the said applicant corporation, which were presented to the Board at the public hearing, are hecaby approved. Qates shown are dates of passing of the by-laws. 2372•80 Jul.2l, 1980: 2383-80 Nov.l6, 1981: 2384-80 Oct. 6, 1980: 2393-80 Nov. 3, 19801 2395-80 Nov.l7, 1980: 2396-80 Nov.l7, 1980: 2397-80 Nov.l7, 1980: 2401-80 Dec.15, 1980& 2414-81 Jan.l2, 1981: 2428-81 May 4, 1981: 2436-81 Jun. l, 1981: 2444-81 Aug.17, 19811 2445-81 Aug.l7, 1981: 2446-81 Aug.l7, 1981: 2477-82 Jan.l8, 1982: 2484-82 Mar. l, 1982& 2481•82 Mar. l, 1982: 2495-82 May 3, 1982: 2497-82 May 17, 1982: 2506-82 Jul.19, 1982: 2508-82 Jul.l9, 1982: 2510-82 Jul.l9, 1982: 2512-82 Jul.l9,· 1982: 2521-82 Sep~,7, 1982: 2.'24-82 Sep.20, 1982: 2526-82 Sep.20, 1982& 2583-83 Jun. 6, 1983: 2589-83 Jul.l8, 1983: 2594-83 Aug.l5, 1983. 3. THE BOARD FURTHER ORDERS that the following amendin9: by-laws of the said applicant corporation which ha~ been passed since the date of the hearing to give effect to the Board's order at the hearing that certain lands in the Town be excluded from approval of By-law 2213-'8 until such amending by-laws were passed and to effect certain housekeeping and typographical amendments to the said By-law 2213-78 and to consolidate certain by-laws ~'~nded the said by-law prior to the hearing, are hereby approved without further notice or hearing: 2597-83 Sep. 6, 1983: 2600-83 Sep. 6, 1983: 2601-83 Sep. 6, 1983. --.::. R 830904 4. THE BOARD FURTHER ORDERS that the following by-laws of the said applicant corporation which were not before the Board at the date of the hearing, but of which certified copies with supporting material have been subsequently filed with the Board, and which consist of by-laws having the same effect as to by-law 2213-78 as they had to the applicant corporation's earlier general restricted area by-laws above referred to, and of by-laws amending the said by-law 2213-78, be added as amendments to the said by-law and are hereby approved without further notice of hearing: 2404-80 May 19( l~al; 2415-81 Jan.26, 1981: 2614-83 Nov. 7, 1983: 2635-83 Dec.l9, 1983: 2658-83 Mar. 5, 1984. ~ SECRETARY . ENTER!U"' / 0. B. No ....... ../C.$..~.::.;;;>. Folio No ......... ../b... ........ . l.Ji:.C p, '1984 . . '-~--· B E F 0 R E TOWN OF AURO RECEIVED '87 ~ A9:54 Ontario Municipal Board FILE Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario COM. TR$. WI<S ENG. sOL. sLOG, B·LAW CL. ADM PLG. FIRE II\:).L'PHE MATTER OF Section 34 (11) of .the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by The Iona Corporation for an .order .directing an a.'nendment to By~law 2.213:...78 of the Town of Aurora to change from "H" Holding to Cl (Modified) the permitted use of lands situated at the southeast · corner of .McClellan Way .and Henderson Drive, Block 122, Plan 65M-2374, Town of Aurora, to permit a local commercial convenience centre D. W. MIDDLETON Member ) . ) -and - R. D. M. OWEN Member ) ) l ) . ) Wednesday, the: 7th day of May, 1987 THIS APPEAL having come on for public hearing and after the z 860082 hearing the Board having reserved its decision until this day; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeal is hereby dismissed. j-3 <6 Sue e>'i;,Gu~!..+L oy-L ~w 13= fc SECRETARY TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law OF Tire Mll!IICIPAL CORPOIIA.TlOII OF Tire TOWN OF A!IROilA. Sein<J a JlltU.rict<od Area (Zoninql By-t.o.w to prohibit the woe of land and tlla erecuon or usa of buildin<J• or atructuru for cert.ain ~an and to regulate the u .. of lando, &lid the erecot:1on, llU, bulk, location and spac;in<J of buildinqa and acruct>,ttea in tlte T<:>wn of A~ra. l'h,. co..,ncil of the Corporation of the TOwn of Aurora enacu u follows• StC'fiOII 1 -Tnu: Thh ey-La" ,...Y boO cited as "TM zoriinq By-t.aw of the TOwn of ,o.urora". StCTION ~ • AIU:A RESTRlC'1'ED The lands aUecte<l by tt\is By-t.aw •hall comprue the whole of the'!'<>., of Aurora as eatal>liahed on J<Uiuary 1, 19n by The Reqional !o\ur.>C1pahtY of York .llct. ::;:;!:I!':'!O~!S .~.:, crns <>y-l«w tm1ess the com:exr otne,-wise requires, ;.. Accessory Buildbg or S~!"uc-::t.:re: :; • 7 3. 8 3.9 means a detacneo buJ.ldJ.ng o!' Structure that is not used for human habitation, but the use of which is naturally and normally incidental to, subordinate to, or exclusively devoted to, a principal use or building and located on the same lot therewith. Accessory Use' when used to describe a use, means a use naturallY and normally incidental, subordina~e a!'ld exclusively devoted to a main use and located on the same lot. !!f~ity ,'c:.e..l: . means an outdoor area which lS devoted to the use of the occupants of units within a r~w dwelling or an ap.rtment dwelling and may include a private outdoor living area. Alter: ---means any alteration to a bear~ong wall or partition, colWIIn, beam, girder, or other supporting mem.ber of a building or structure or any increase in the are11 or cubic contents of a building or structure, Anim11l Hospital: means the pt"efllises of a vetet"ina:ry surgeon, whet'e animals, bit"ds, or other livestock are tt'ellted or kept for treatmem: but not kept fot' board. Apartments: see Dwelling Unit Apartment". A'ttac~:!~:u~l~~~~ding otherwise complete in itself, which depends for structural support Ot' complete enclosure upon a ~ivision wall or walls shared in common wit:. adjacent buildir.; or buildings. Automobile Service Centre: means a bu>.id>.ng WhJ.ch may include more tnar. one use dll of which provi<:e services for the repair of motor venicles ar.j includes " muffler repair shop anc: transmisslon repair shop a tlre and automobile accessory sales area but not a public gara;e auto bodv. Automobile Service Station: means a t>u1id1ng or place where gasoline, oil, grease, antifreeze, tires, tubes, tire accessories, electric lig!':t bulbs, spark plugs and battet"ies for motor vehicles are stored or xept for sale, ~r where motor vehicles ma.y be oiled, greased or washed, or have their ignition adjus"::e::l, tires inflate.:! or batteries Charged, or w.~ere only minor<::' runnlng repairs essential :~ the actual operation of motor vehici.es are executed performed out shall not ir.~lude a public garage, auto boav or a mO!<:r venicle an.:! trailer sales area. Automobile Washing Es!ablisl'..r:.~c.:: means a c:.alc~ng or ;>art :.~ereof used for t~.e operation of automobile ~·ashing equipment which lS automatic, sem~o~.~tomati~. manuall·.: anc!for coin operate.:. 3.11 3 .lZ 3.13 Bakery: . . means a factory used for produc~ong, _m>.xing, compounding, or baking bread, bisCUl ts, buns, cakes, pies, >.cecream cones or o~her bake~y . products of which flour or meal lS the l?rlnc1pal ingredient, but shall not be deemed to 1nclude a restaurant or ottTer premise where any such product is made only fot' consumption on the premises. Bake Shop: means a retail stot'e or shop where products of a Daket"y are sold or offered for sale by retail, and where products are baked on the premises for sale by retail on the premises. Basement: ~s that portion of a b>~ilding which is partly undet"gt"ound out which has dt led.St one-half of its height from fJ.nished floor tc finished floor above the average finished grade adjacent to l:he exterior Wdlls of the building. 1~ Berm: 3.18 3.19 3.21 . ; ; 3.26 . ' . --means an earth embankment. aoardin~ or Rooming House: see Dweli1.ng, ~oardJ.ng and Roomlng House". Suilding: <:~eans anv structure whether te,por .. ry Ol" oermanent, usee or intenoea tc ~e \cse~ :~:" i:he shelter. accommodation or enclosure '"' ;>ersons, .an:.r..dlS, or chat!el~ . :>uilding, Heighl: of: means tne vertl.cal distance measured between the average finished grade level .anc any c: the following: ( ll on a flat t'OOf, the highest point of the roof sut"face or the parapet, whichever is the greater; 0) the deokline of a mansa:rd roof; (3) on a gabled, hip, gambrel or.any_other type of pitched t'OOf, the ma~n dJ.stance between the eaves and ridge of a roof. In calculating the haight of a building, any const:r11ction used as ar. ornament or for the mechanic.tl operation of the building such as a chinmey, towet", cupola Ot' steeple shall not ba inclu.dect. Chief BuildinR Official: means tne ofb.cer or e111ployee of the Town of Aurora who is given by the Cot"poration the ·duty of administering the pt"ovisions of the Building By-law. Building Line: means a line lying in the interior of a lot dt'awn parallel to a lot line for the pu:rpose of establishing the 111inimum distance that must exisl: between a .building Ot' structure erected upon the lot, and a lot line of that lot. By-law Enforcement Office>:": means the ofl1ce:r or e111ployee of the Town of Aurora given by the Cot"pOt'ation the duty of administering the pt"ovisions of municipal by- laws. c .. r Sales Lot : see Rotor Vehicle and Trailet' Sales Area. Carport: means a structut"e having a roof which hd.S less than sixty (601 pet"cent of the tota~ perimeter enclosed by walls, doors, Ot' w~ndows, used for the tei!IPO>:'&t'Y parking or storage of private passenger motor vehicles or commerc>.al vehicles of not more than one { l~ tonne .. maximum capacity; and wherein nelthet' ser~J.c>.ng nor repait"ing is carried on for remunerat1on. ror the purposes of this By-law l?erimeter includes the main wall of l:he bulldJ.ng to which the carport is attached. Cella~~ans that portion of a building whic~ is pat"tly or entirely underground but Whlch has more than one half (~) of 1ts height from finished floor to finished floor be loW the finished grade level adjacent to the exterior wall of the building. Cemet~~~~s a cemetery or columbarium Within the meaning o! "The Cemeteries Act". Church: --,-ee "Relig>.ous Institutions" . 3. 27 3. 28 3. 29 3. 30 3. 31 3. 32 3.33 3. 35 3. 36 3. 37 3.Ja 3.39 Clinic:: -----;;;e"ans a building or par1: "thereof used by medical prac"ti"tioners, den"tists, OS"teopath& or drugless practitl.oners, having treat~~~ent ro0111s and facilities for more than two (2) practitioners and used for publl.c or prl.va"te medical, surgical, physl.otherepeutic or other hwnan health purposes except when included within or accessory to a privl!.te or public hospital. Club, Priv11.te: means an athletic, recreational or social club opera"ted Without gain for its members which includes a lodge, a fraterni"ty or sorority house, a legion, and a labour union hall. Club, Commercial: means any club operated for gain and does not include a private club, as defined herein. Conni!!:s 0ih:d~=~~!~ of Adjustment for the Town of A':'rora as constituted by a Bylaw of the Councl.l of Aurora pursuant to Section '<1 of "The Planning Act". Co=er<:ial Motor Vehicle: means a COIIIIIer<:l.ai motor vehicle as defined in "The Highway Traffic Act". Condominium: means a form of ownership to which The Cond=inium Act, R.s.o. 1970 c.77, applies and enc0111passes a division of property into unitli indl.yidually owned and ca:DIIon elements owned as tenants in cOIIUIIOn by the owners of the units, with an administrative framework to enable the owners of the units to manage the property. Where reference is made to a condo.ainium: ( U a u.nit c0111prises not only the space enclosed by the uni't boundaries but all material parts of the land within the space; (2) the "c:omaon eiea~ents" 111eans all the property except "the units and private parking spaces. Convenience Retail Store: means a retaJ.l store serving the daily or occasional needs of the residents in the Uimediate area with a limited variety of goods such as milk, dail'y an<;! bakery produets, groceries, IDI!ats, Carbonate<;! bevera.ge 6 paten~ medicines, sundries, tobacco, ahtionary, maga:n.nes and newspapers. c=poration: me{llls )he Corporation of the Town of Aurora. Cou.neil: -----a:iiine the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. Day Care Centre: me{llls a building or part thereof, other than a private home or School, used for the super- vision of C::hild.ren within the 11eaning of "The D"-Y N11%'eeriee Act". Dayl~;!E;"' anor ..!!!hJr!:iWB!~ldings, structures, or obstructions and. which area is "to be detsrained by aeaturing, fr-the point of intersection of stteet line• on a corner lot, the distance required by this By•law along each such street line {!ltd. a joini.ng such points with a etrai.ght line. The 'triangular· shaped l{llld between the intersec1:ing street lines and the straigh1: line joining the points at the required distance along the street lines is the "daylighting triangle". !>rugless Practitioner: means a drugless practitioner within the meaning of "The Drugless Practitioners Act". Dr Cleaner's Distribution St4tion or De ot: means a Ul. g w 1c l.S use or t e receiv- ing, {!ltd. distribution of articles or goods of fabric: whieh have or will be dry cleaned or dry dyed in a place other than on the premises. Sueh a building may include a laundry. Drv Cleaning Establishment: means a buUdl.IIg Where dry cleaning, dry dyeing, cleaning or pressing of articles or fabric is carried. on but in which only non- inflammable solvents are or can be used which emit no odours or fu.mes {!ltd in which no noise or vibration eauses a nuisanee or inconvenience within or outside of the premises. Dwelling Unit: mean11 one (l) room or a group of rooms used or designed or intended to be used by one or more persons as a ~ingle, 1ndependent and separate housekeepl.ng est4blishment subject to the following conditions: (1) food Preparation and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such person or persons. (2) there is in existence a private entrance from outside the buil<:ling or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building; and ( 3) does not mean or inclu<:le a tent. cabin, trailer, mobile home. or a room or suite of roQals in a boarding house, in a hotel, 1110tel, motor hotel, or tourist home. 3.42 .1 3.42. 2 3.42.'< 3.'<2. 5 3.42 .7 3.42 .9 3.42.10 3.'<2.11 3.'<5 3.'<8 -' - Dwelling Type: Dwelling. Apartment: (a) means a bul.ldl.ng containing four (4) or more dwelll.ng units which have a c0111111on entrance from the street level and the occupants 01 which have the right to use in cO!Ulon. hallways, stairs, and/or elevators and yards, '"' (b) does not include a boarding or rooming house, a maisonette, fourplex, a group of dwelling houses, or a pair or group of sem1detached duplex or triplex dwelling houses, nor any dwelling house defined herein. Dwelling. Boarding or Roomins House: (a) means a dwelling in which lodging with or without 111eals is provl.ded for gain to five (5) or more persons other than the lessee, tsnant, or owner of said dwelling, or any member of his family and which is not open to the general public, but (b) does not include a 111ote1, hotel, public or private hospital, nursing home, hotel, apart- ment, apar"tment house, c0111111ercial or institutional use. Dwelling, Converted: mea.nli a dweihng existing at the time of passing of this by-law altered to contain a greater number of dwelling units, each being a selfcontained dwelling unit none of Which is located in a cellar or basement. Dwelling. Double Duplex or Fourplex: 111eans a bul.idl.ng thit consl.Sts of two (2) duplexes attached to each other. Dwelling, Duplex: means a buUding that is divided horizontally into two (2) dwelling units each of which has an independent entr{lllce either directly or through a eommon vestibule. Dwell ins, Link House: means a buJ.ldl.IIg vertically joined above or below ground for par1: of its dep"th. Dwelling. Maisonette: means a bul.id1ng that is divided into three (3) or more dwelling uni"ts, each of which has independent en1:rances, one to a common corridor and the other directly to the outsi<:le Yard area adjacen1: to the said. dwelling unit. Dwelling. Row-House: me{lllS a buUdirig that is divided. vertieally into three (3) or more dwelling uni"ts, each of which has independent en"tra.J\t!es to a front and rear yard immediately e])utting the front and rear walls of each dwelling uni"t. Dwelling. Semi-Detached: means a buUdJ.ng that is divided vertically into two (2) dwelling units eacn of which has independen1: entrances to a front and rear or side y.uod either d:i;rec"tly or through a c01111110n veetibule. Dwelling. Detached~ means a CQalpletely detached. dwelling unit. Dwell~:.:.s ~ihJ~iding that is divided horizontally into three (3) dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance either directly or through a e-n vestibule. Erect: ---means to build, construct, recons"truc:t, alter and relocate, and without limiting 1:he gener- ality of "the foregoing shall be taken to include any preliminary physieal operations, such as excava"ting, berming, grading, piling, cribbing, filling or draining, structurally altering any existing building or struc1:~.~re by an addition, deletion, enlargea~en1: or extension. Established Building Line: means the average d1.stance from the street line 1:0 existing buildings in any block where JDOI'e than half {~) the frontage has been built upon, at the date of the final passing of this By-law. Existing: means existing as of "the date of the final passing of this By-law. Farm: --means land used for the growing of trees, grain, vegetables, or fruit crops, the grazing cr panuring of livestock, or dairying and includes a dwelling and aceessory buildings. Floodplain: means the .uoea along either side of any watercourse or body of water, which might be flooded in the even1: cf the occurrence of a Regional stor~~~ as defined by Ontario Regulation 78217'< as amended by Ontario Regulation 3'<6179. Floor Area Residential: msans the total f ioor area of habitable rooms within a building which area is 111easure<:1 between the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centre line of a e0111111on or party wall, but excluding any private garage, bree:r.eway, porch or verandah, balcony, attic:, basement or cellar, stairwell, elevator shaft, e011111on hall, service room, or laundry room. .::: 3. 53 3.55 3. Si 51 '-i.l ::oor Area, Commercial an<! I:-.<!:.ostr~ai: ::.eans tt"le total area usee I or Commercial cr industrial purposes l.n a ::.uilding, i."lclud:..n,: any oasement area aesi~nea or used far commer- :iai or oifi:e ;>urposes, wn1cr. is measurea :>etween the exterior iaces of :C.e exterlor '"ails or from the centre line of a co!!llllon or ?arty wail, ana excluoes any, serv:..ce room, stairwell c:r elevator sh,.ft. ::"ra~e, ?rivate: ,7,eo.ns s~ruCtl!re, havlng a rcc:! ,.r.lcn :\as r..o,.e than sixty (6-J) percerH cf the total perime~er enclosed oy walls, ctoors or windows used for o;:i',e parking ""' stordge c:' private passenger •;enicles or ~r~c~<s or var.s or col:lmercial vehicles of r.:Jt more :rtan one ( l J tonne capacity; and wherein neitner servicing nor repairing lS ;::arried on :·or remuneration. ;,u-a~e. Public, .-:.~tobodv: ,7,eans a "'-'llClr.;;; or p~ace used as " motor vehicle repair shop lncluoing autooody repairs and spray painting and where lubricants may be Stored or Kept for-sale and where mechanical repairs, washing and cleaning of motor vehicles may oe carried on but does net ~nclude an automobile washing establishment, a:1 automobile service station or a motor vehicle and trailer sa1es area. Garaae, Public, Mechanical: means a bu-.ldJ..ng or place other than a prlVate garage-Where motor vehicles are kept or stored for·remunerat-.on or repair, or" building or place used as a motor vehicle repair Shop. This definition shall not include an automobile washing establishment, a motor vehicle and trailer sales area an automobile service station or a public garage autobody, Gasoline Bar: means one ( 1 l or more pump islands consisting of one (ll or more gasollne pumps and an enclosed shelter of not more than thirty (JO) square metres being used for the sale of fuel, lubricants ana a'~ to accessories i,;ut no~ for repairs. oil changes or lubrication. ~:;lf ;':curses: ,,eans a public or private area ooerated for the purpose of playing golf and includes a "par 3" or larger golf course b'-'t does not include driving ranges, :niniature golf courses and similar uses, ~rade, Established: means the average elevation oi the finished ground level adjoining the exterior walls of a building or structure exclusive of any art if ical embankment or entrencnment. -3reenhouse, Commercial: means a Oulld-.ng used for the growing of !lowers, fr-uits, vegetables, plants, shrubs, trees and similar vegetation Which are not n"cessarily transplanted outdoors on the same lot containing such greenhouse, but may t>e sold directly from the lot either at wholesale or retail. Greenhouse, farm: r,~eans " bUllding used for the growing of plants, shrubs, t:t"ees and similar vegetation which are transplanted outdoors on the s11111e lot containing such greenhouse. Habitable Room: meaJls a roo:;m designed for living, sleeping, e~t~ng or rood preparation, including " den, hbrary, sewl.ng room or enclosed sun room, Home Occuoation: ::.eans .. ny occupation which is carried on as ~~e~~'i~:s~~y d~~~l~~g t~~i ~~rsons reslding in Hospital: means a hospital "s de~ined b;· "The ?rivate Hospital .:'ct" and '-"e P·~blic l;;;spitals Act and.a sanJ..tarium as defined by "T!le Private San~tarla Act". [;otel: ---means any hote!, motel, tavern, inn lounge ~odge or public house used ma~nly f~r the ' purpose o£ caterlng to the nee~s o! tnc travelling publi<: by supplyln;; r'ooa .. n:: f:.~rnishlng sleeplng accommodation of not less than ten t:Ol guest rooms, whi~h guest rooms ":'ntain no pro':'isions for cOO><ing and includes a~l prem-.ses llcensed under "7:-.e i..i;;;;o.- License A;;;;r:" ana permanent sta:i acccr.uncdation. Kennel: ~ans a bu~lding or Structure wner-e animals, blrCis,. or other llvestocl: intended or used as domestlC household pets are kept or boarded. Land Division Commntee: means "'e i..and .:nv1sicn Committee c:f :'t~ Regional .~·~nicipali:·, ,; Yon •. :..anascapin~: :'leans anv combination of ~rees. snrubs, f~owers. P""Ss or otne.-such e.ements. together w.Ltn decoratlve stoneworK, pa·.-ong, screenlnl', or Other architectural elemen~s anci ar-·1 ~'.lrfacea ~a:J< or patio or si::-.o~ai' area ~ut . ccs net or.~luce ar,·; drJ,vewa·; ::-' rar.>p, .,het/-,eT" s~r:a::e.:: ~r n;;;;t, ar.y C'.l!":. :·.-:a!n;.~.~ "a::, par~<~n2 <1rea or any open spa::e bene.itl-. or •,.;othln ar.·: D~:il<!lrt~ or struc-::·-:"e. ). 65 68' l L68.: 3.68. 3 3 -69 J. 6S. 3.69. 3 3. 70 .71 Lane: --means a puolic thoroughfare which affords or,ly a seconaarv means of access to abutting lets ana wnich is not lntended fo:-~enerai traffic ::or<:UlatlOr,. ~.;undrv: ~ns a ouilding in which tne business o: .1 laundry lS conauctea on tne ground f loOt' by means oi one \ l) or more washers, havlng a <:apacity not exceeding thlrty (30) kilogram ~ach, and arvlr.g, ironing, finishing ana lnc-.oent"l equlpment, (a) 1n wn-.cn on.L'/ "ater or aetergents are or can be used, \b) which emit no oaour or fumes, noise or vibration causing nuisance or inconvenience within or ·...-ithout !rle premises; and in::luoes a busl."leSs wnere onl.y wasning or ironing is done, " selfMservice l.aunary and a laundr;r receiving depot. ~i!>rarv, Public: means a public library within tne meaning c: "':'he Public :..ibraries Act'' :_.;;ading Space: ::~eans an open area of land which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots uoon which the principal use is loc .. ted and whiCn area; Is suitable for the temporary parking of one (l) commercial motor vehicle while merchandise or l:lateridls are being loaded or unloaded from such vehicle, and such parking shall not be for the purpose of sale or display; :s not upon or partly upon any street, lane or alley; and Has adequate access to permit ingress and egress of a commercial motor vehicle from a street by :neans of driveways, aisles, manoeuvering areas or similar areas, no part of Which shall be used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles, ~ means a parcel or tract of land; '.-lhich ~s a whole lot as shown on a R-egistered Plan of Subdiv~sion, but a F<egistered Plan of Subdivision for the purposes of this paragrapn does not lnclude a Registered Plan of Subdivis-.on which has oeen deemed not to be a ?.egistered Plan of Subdivision under a by-law passed pursuant to Section 29 of The Planning Act; or Which fronts a public highway and is a separate parcel of land created by a vahd deed registered before the passing of this by-law without any adjoining lands being owned by the same owner or owners as of the date of passing of this Bylaw; or The description of which is the same as in a deed registration of which has !;><!en given consent pursuant to Section 29 of The Plann-.ng Act. for the purpose of this paragraph no parcel or tract of land ceases to be a lot by re .. son only of the fact that a part or parts of it has or have been conveyed to or acquired by Her Majesty in Right of Canada or in Right of Ontario cr by The Regional Municipality of York o-r by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. Let Area: ----mi'ins the total hori~ontal area within the lot lines cf a lot. In the case of a corner lot having street lines -rounded at one {l) or more corners with a radius of twenty (20)feet ol' less, the lot area is tc be calculated as if the lot line were projected to intersection points. Lot, Corner: means a lot situated "t the intersection of and abutting two ( 2) ':lr more streets or t"O {2) parts of the same street provided that the angle of intersection of such streets or parts thereof is not more than one hundred and thirtyMfive (l3Sl degrees. Lot Ccvera~e: means that proportion of the lot area covered by all buildings including accessory bu-.ldings wnich are .. bove ground leveL :.ct Depth: means the hori~cntal distance between the front and rear lot lines me .. sured along d ~i~=s~oining the mid-points of the said lot Lot frontdRe: means the continuous horizontal distance between tne side lot lines measured dt right angles. W"here the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the side lot lines are not p .. rallel, the lot fronta<!e shall be measured on a line seven decimal five { 7. S l metres back from "nd parallel to the chord of the lot frontage. for the purpose of this Bv-law the chord of the let frontage lS a cOntinuous straight line joining the t"O ('<) points wnere the side lot iines intersect the front lot line. ~"~. Interior: means a lot other than a corner lo~. Lot Line: ~s .. nv boundary of a lot . :.::: ~~rle. n .. nkage: :;-,eans " Slde lot l1ne whicl", .. buts a street on a corner lo~. 3.49 3.51 3. 5:1 3. 53 3 .s~ 3.56 3. 57 3. 5B 3' 59 3.60 3.61 3.63 floor Area, Commercial and Industrial: means the total area use(! for Collllllercial or indust:rial purposea in a building, including any basement area designed or used for commer- cial or office purposes, which is measured bet:ween the ex1:erior faces of 1:he ex1:erior walls or from the centre line of a coaunon or party wall, and excludes any, service room, stairwell or elevator shaft. Garase. Privat:e: means Structure, having a roof which has more than sixt:y {60) percent of the total perimeter enclosed by walls, doors or windows used for the parking or storage of private passenger vehicles or trucks or vans or commercial vehicles of not: more than one ( 1) tonne capacity; and wherein neither servicing nor repairing J.S carried on for remuneration. Garage, PubUc, Acrtobody: means a buJ.id1ng or place used as a motor vehicle repair Shop J.ncluding autobody repairs and spray painting and where lubricants may be stored or kept for sale and where mechanical repairs, washing and cleaning of motor vehicles may be carried on but doea not include an automobile washing establishment, an automobile service station or a motor vehicle and trailer sales area. Garage, Public, Mechanical: means a b•aid1ng or place other than a private garaga. where motor vehicles are kept or stored foi-remuneration or repair, or a building or place used as a motor vehicle repair shop. This definition shall not include an autolllobile washing establishment, a motor vehicle and trailer sales area an automobile service station or a public garage autobody, Gasoline Bar: means one Cl) or 1110re pump iSlands consisting of one (1) or more gasoline pumps and an enclosed shelter of not ll!Ore than thirty (30) square metres being used for the sale of fuel, lubricants and auto accessories but not for repairs, oil changes or lubrication, Golf Courses: means a public or private area oper.,.ted for the purpose cf playing golf and includes a "par 3" or larger golf course but does not include driving rangea, miniature golf courses and similar uses. Grade, Established: means the average elevation of the finished ground level adjoining the exterior walls cf a building or structure exclusive of any art if ical embankment or entrenchm.ent. Greenhouse, Commercial: means "-oulldlng used for the growing of flowers, fruits, vegetjl.})les, plants, shrubs, trees and si111ilar vege1:ation which are not necessarily transplanted outdoors on the same lot containing Such greenhouse, but may be sold directly from the lot either at wholesale or retail. Greenhouse. Farm: means a Duliding used for the growing of plant&, shrubs, treea and similar vegetation which are transplanted outdoors on the same lot containing such greenhouse. Habitable Ro0111: mea':s a ro0111 designed for living, sleeping, e~tJ.ng or fOf?d preparation, including a den, llbrary, sew1ng room or enclosed sun room. Home Occupation: means any occupation which is carried on as an accessory use by the persons residing in a dwelling or dwelling unit. Hospital: means a hospital as defined by "The Private Hospital Act" and The Public Hospitals Act and a sanitarium as Oefined by "The Private Sanitaria Act". Hotel: --m-eans any hot';'l• motel, tavern, inn, lounge, lodge or publ1c house used mainly for the purpose of catering to the neeos of the travo:ll~ng publi~ by supplying food and furn1sh1ng sleepl.ng accOilllllodation of not less than ten (10) guest roo111s, which guest rooms contain no provisions for cooking and includes all premises licensed under ''The Liquor License Act" and per~~~.,.nent st.,.ff accommodation. Kennel: ~ans a building or structure where animals, bJ.r<ts, or Other livestock intended or used as dofllestic household pets are kept or boarded. Land Division Committee: means tHe Lind b1v1sion COIIUilittee of The Regional Municipality of Yori<. Lanoscaping: ~eans any combination of trees, shrubs, .lowers, grass or otner such eLements, together <lith decorati':'e stonework., paving, screening, or other arohltectural elements and any surfaced walk or patio or sir.:~lar area but does not include any driveway cr ramp, whether surface(! or not, any curb, re~aining wall, parking area or any open space beneath or within any building or struct::re. 3.55 Lane: --means a public thoroughfare which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting lots and which is not intended for general traffic circulation. 3,65 Laundry: means a ouilding in Which the business of a laundry is conducted on the ground floor by means of one ( 1) or more washers, having a capacity not exceeding thirty (JOl kilogram each, and drying, ironing, finishing and incidental equipment, (a) in Which only water or detergents are or can be used, (b) which e111it no odour or fumes, noise or vibration causing nuisance or inconvenience within or without the premises; and includes a business where only washing or ironing is done, a self-aervice laundry and a laundry receiving Oepot. 3.67 Library, Public: means a public library within the meaning of "The Public Libraries Act". 3. 68 Loading Space: means an open area of land which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon which the principal use is located and which area; 3.68.1 Is suitable for the te111porary parking of one (1) collllllercial motor vehicle while merchandise or materials are being loaded or unloaded from such vehicle, and such parking shall not be for the purpose of sale or display; 3.68.2 Is not upon or partly upon any street, lane or alley; and 3.68,3 Has adequate acceas to permit ingress and egress of a COlllolllercial fllOtor vehicle fr0111 a street by means of driveways, aisles, manoeuvering areas or similar areas, no part of which shall be used fer the parking or storage of motor vehicles. 3.69 !:2!.:.. means a parcel or tract of land; 3.69.1 Which J.S a whole lot as shown on a Registered Plan of Subdivision, but a Registered Plan of Subdivision fer the purposes of this paragraph does not include a Registered Plan of Subdivision which has been dee111ed not to be a Registered Plan of Subdivision under a by-law passed pursuant to Section 29 of The Planning Act; or 3.69.2 Which fronts a public highway and is a separate parcel of land created by a valid deed registered before the passing of this by-law without any adjoining l~nds being owned by the s11111e owner or owner a as of the date of passing of this Bylaw 1 or 3.69.3 The description of which is the same as in a deed registration of which has oeen given consent pursuant to Section 29 of The Planning Act. ror the purpose of this paragraph no parcel or tract of land ce~ses to be a lot by reason only of the fact that a part or parts of· it has or have been conveyed to or acquired by Her Majesty in Right of Canada or in Right of Ontario or by The Regional Municipality of York or by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. 3.70 Lot Area: -niiiiii"s the tot:al hori:r.ontal area within the lot lines of a lot. In the case of a corner lot having street lines rounded at one (1) or ll!Ol'l!! corners with a radius of twenty (20)feet or less, the lot area is to be calculated as if the lot line were projected to intersection points. 3. 71 Lot, Corner: means a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting two (2) or more Streets or two (2) parts of the same street provided that the angle of inter!,lection of such streets or parts thereof is not more than one hundred and thirty-five (135) degrees. 3. 72 Lot Coverase: means that proportion of the lot area covereO by all buildings including accessory buildings which are above gro1.1nd level. 3.13 Lot Depth: means the nori:r.ontal distance between the front and rear lot lines measured along a line joining the mid-points of the said lot lines. 3.74 Lot Frontage: means the continuous horizontal distance between the side lot lines meas1.1red at right angles. Where the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the siOe lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be measured on a line seven decimal five (7.5) metres back from and parallel to the chord of the lot frontage. For the purpose of this By-law the chord of the lot frontage is a continuous straight line joining the two (2) points where the side lot lines intersect the front lot line. 3. 7 S Lot , Interior: means a lot other than a corner lot. 3.7E ~ means any boundary of a lot. 3. i 7 Lot Line, nankap.e: means a s1de lot line which abuts a street on a corner lot. -:. . 3. 78 J. 78.1 3. 78.2 3.78.3 3. 79 3.80 3. 81 :; . 02 3. 83 3. B'+ 3.8S 3.86 3.87 3.87 .1 3. 87.2 3 .a a 3.89 ~ot Line, front:: means t:he lot: line abutting a str-eet but:; :n t:he case of a corner lot, the shorter line that abuts a street shall be deO!IIIed the front lo't: line; " In t:he case of a corner lot with two ( 2) str-eet Lines of equal length, the lot line which abuts the wider-street or abuts a Regional or Provl.ncial Road or Highw&y shall be deemed to be the front lot line, and in the o::ase of both streets being under t:he same jurisdiction, or of the s....,.e width, the Municipality may design&te either street line as the front lot line; In the case of a corner lot abutting a one ( 1 J foot reserve the line so dbutting the one ( 1) foot reserve shall be deemed an exterior side lot line and the other line abutting the street shall be deemed the front lot line; In the <:lase of a through .1.ot that is not a reversed front lot, the longer boundary dividing the lot from the street sh ... ll be deemed to be the front lot .l.ine and the opposite shorter boundary sh&ll be deemed to De the r.ar lot line. In case each of sueh .I.Ot line should be of equ•l length, the Municipality may designate ei'ther street line as the front lot .l.ine. Lot Line, Rear: means the lot line mos't nearly opposi'te 'the front lo't line. Lot Line, Side: !..C1:, means any lot line other 'than a front or rear 101: line. Reversed-Front: means a through .l.ot designed with one (1) lot line abutting a controlled access road usually bordered 1.n a one tll foot reserve not permit- ting access and the most nearly opposite lot line, abutting a local or collector road permitting access whio;h shall be deemed to be the fron1: lot line. 7hrough: means a lol: bounded on two (2l opposJ.te sides by streets. :..ot Width: means the average horizontal disl:ance between the side lot line measured at right angles to the defined line indicating lot depth. Main Building: means the building from which the principal use of a lot is conducted, Main Wall: means the exterior front, side or rear wall of a building, and all structur&l 111embers essential to the support of a fully or partially enclosed space or roof, where such members are outside of the said exterior wall. Motel: ---means a building or buildings or part thei"<Jof on the S&lle site used to &<:lC<»aodate the travelling public by supplying thea with sleeping accaa.odation, with or-vithout ms&ls. Motor Vehicle and Trailer Sales Area: means a place comprised of land or a building or both, the purpOse of Which b for the display or sale, or both, of new and used motor vehicles and trailers. But does nqt include an automobile wrecking or salvage yard or scrap yard. Munic!S:!;tlhe Corporation of the Town of Aurora. Non-conforming or Non-comolying: means a use, a bu:!.ld1.ng or structure whio::h does not conform or c0111ply with the provisions of this By-law for the zone in whi<:lh such land., building or struceure is located as of the date of final passing of this By-law. 3.90 Nursing H0111e: · means a home within the meaning of "The Nursing Homes Act". 3.91 3.92 Obnoxious Use: means a use which constitutes a nuisance within the meaning of "The Public Health Act" or any use which is a nuisance by reason of emission, or the creation of odours, gases, dirt, smoke, noise, vibration, fumes, cinders, soot, waste, or the depositing or leaving of unsightly objects or o;hattels on land. Office Building: ?ark: means any building or part of a building in which one ( ll or more persons are employed l.n the management, direction or conducting of an agency, business, professional, brokerage, labour or fraternal organization, ana shall include a telegraph office. --means an area consisting l4rgely of open spao;e which may include a recreatl.ona1 area, playground, playfield or sir:ilar use, but shall not include a permtlnen-:: mobile nome or recreat:ional vehicle park. ?ark, Private: means a park other than a pu~!ic parr:. 3.96.1 3.96, 2 3.97 3.98 3.99 3 .100 3.101 3.102 3.103 3.lC~ 3 .lOE 3.!C7 J.lCi: Park. Public: means a park owned or controlled by a Public Authority or by any Board, Commission or other Authorit:y established under any statutes of the Provin<:le of Ontario. Parking Area: means 4n area of land provided and maintained <.tpon the same lot or lots as t:hat upon which the pr-incipal use is locaeed, which: Comprises all parking spaces of at: least the minimum number-required ac<:lording to the provisions of this By~lav, 4nd all driveways, aisles, manoeu~ vering areas, entr&nces, exits, and similar areas used for the purpose of gaining a<:lcess to or egress fr-om the said p4rking spo1ces; and Is provided and maint ... ined in aceordance with 'the applicable provisions of this By-law. Parking Lo];: means any parking area other than a parking area accessory to a pennitted use on the sa=e lot, Parking Spa<:le: means an 4X'f!a exclusive of driveways or ai&les used for the temporary parking of one tl) motor vehicle, •nd which has adequate a<:lcess to pei'IIIit ingress and egress of a motor vehicle to and from the space by means of drivew&y, aisle, JU.noeuvl!l."ing "'reas or similar areas, no part of which shall be used for the temporary p4rking or storage of one (1) or more motor vehicles. Person: --,-ncludes an individual, association, firm, partner-ship, corporation, trust, ineorporated company, corporation creo1ted under "The Con- dominium Act", organization, trustee or agent, and the heirs, executors or other leg4l representatives of a person to whom l:he context C4n apply according to law. Personal Service Shop: means a buJ.lCJ.ng or part of a building 1n which not more than twelve (12) persons are ~~~~~~:~ !~d a~~h~~i~~d:~i~~~~e;J\~u~~i~~;ng individual and personal needs of persons, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing may include such establishments as barber shops, hair dressing shops, shoe repair and shoe shining shops, and depots for collecting dry cleaning and laundry. Professional Office: means the use of a building OI' part of a building by professiona.lly qualified people and without limiting the genl!l."ality of the foregoing shall include a doctor's office, a lawyer's office, a dentist's office, «n architeet'a office, a stock broker's office or-an aecountant's office.. Publi~e:;h::!ttc;h.ool Board, Public: Utility Comm- inion, Tranepertation Coaaieeion, Public Library Board, Board of Parke Management, Board of Health, Board of C011aiseioner• of Police, Plannina: c-.ittee or other board or cc=aieeion or cc.aittee of the Tovn of Aurora or The Regional Municipality of York established or exercising -.ny power or authority under any seneral or 1pecial 1tatute• of Ontario with re•pect to any of the affairl or purpeae• of the Municipality or a pertion thereof • and includee any c01111.it1:ee of local au~horit~ established by a by-law of the HunJ.cip"';1ty, and the Province of Ontario and the Dom1.nion of Canad4· Public: Services: means a service provided by & public authority. Public Utility: means any building and/or structure, wires, pipes, conduets and other fittings and fixtures used for the supply of electricity, gas, steam and water and for telephone, telegraph, transportation, drainage, sewage t:reatment reclt1imation and incinera'tion servio;es supplied to the publi<:l or made available for the use or consumption by the public. Religious Institutions: means a bul.ldl.ng dedicated to religious worship and may ino;lude a synagogue, a church hall, church auditorium, Sunday school, convent, monastery or parish hall, retreat:s and related residential buildings. Restaurant: metlns a building or structure or part thereof where food is prepared and served to the public fer consumption within the building or structure or on a p4tio or terrace att4ched thereto llut does not include a drive-in restaurant. Restaurant. Drive-in or Take Out means a plao;e where food and drinks are pre- pared and served to the public but does not necessarily provide facilities for consumption thereof on the premises other than parking aretls, Retail Store: means a building or part thereof in whic~. goods, wares, merchandise, substances or articles are offered or kept for sale dl.rectly to the public at reuil. •.::s '.·./ J.ll2 3.113 3.11'> _;. 116 3.117 3.118 ::, 5::hool, Commerci<~l: '1!eans a scnoo1 OI. seven ( 7) or more pupils ::oncucted for gain, sucn as a secretari<~l school, ~anguage scnooi, ::rlving scnocl, et::. SchOO! f'riVate: r:-.eans a school other than a public school. operated by " nonwpro:'it orgam.~ation anc supported oy privilte means. ~~hool, ?ublic: means a public or separate school, a high school, a continuation school, a technical school, a college or university or any other school established ov a oublic authority and operated on " non-profit. oasis. Senior Citizen's Home: means a bu>.lal.ng used to lodge senior cit>.zens, with or without medical care, whether under private or public ownership, and with or without meals. Service Shop. Light: means a shop whether conducted in conjunction w"ith a retail store or not, for servicing or repairing radio and television receivers, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washing machines, sewing machines, and other dol!lestic appliances; musical instruments, sound and public address systems, hosiery, shoes, cameras, toys, jewellery, watches, clocks, safes and looks, bicycles, wn.eel Chairs, orthopaedic ~ppliances. Service Shop. Heavy: J.ncluoes a shop whether conducted in conjunction with a retail store or not, for servicing or repairing, tires, including vulcanizing or retreading, batteries, brakes or radiators, autOIIlOtive ignition, exhi!USt or electrical systems, furnace or oil burners, water and <1ir coolers <1nd drnnestic water heaters; fixtures and equipment and any other like ar"ticles, "the business of renting automobiles or -.:rucks, light construction or lawn c<1re equipmen"t, and incluaes "the regular place of !:>usiness of a mas-rer electrician or plumber. Service Room: ::1eans " room or Spdce in " building to accom- modate building service equipment sucn <IS air conditioning or heating appliances electrical services, pumps, compressors and incinerators. Setback.: --nie""ins the distance between a lo"t line and the nearest main wall of any building or structure. Shopping Centre: means a group of CO!llltlercial uses, which has been designed, developed and managed as a unit by a single owner or tenant, or a group of owners or "tenants, with offwstreet parking provided on the property, as distinguished from a business area comprising of unrelated individual uses. Sign: means any structure, device, l~ht or natural object including "the &round l.tself, or any part thereof, or any device attached there"to, or painted or represented thereon, which shall be used to identify, advertise, or attract attention to any object, product, place, act>.vity, person, in-Stitution, organi- zation, firm, group, coiMIOdity, profession, enterprise, industry or business, or which shall display or include any letter, word, model, number, banner, flag, pennant, insignia, device or representation used as <In announcement, direction, or i!dVertisement, and which is intended to be seen from off the pre111ises or from a parking lo-:. Site Plan: means " scaled drawing showing the relationship between lot lines and any use, buildings or structures existing or proposed on a lot, inw eluding such details as parking areas, drivew ways, Wi!lk.ways, li!ndscaped are<~s, buildin~ areas, lot sizes, b:.:ilding heights, floor <1reas, densities, <1reas ~or soecial uses, tile beds and re~erve <~rea if· required, ;.:oodlots, <~nd conto:.Jr lines. Sound Shadow: means "that area screened fror.-. noise b'l a herr.~ or similar structure wnen a s-:raight llne is drawn fr<:~m tne cen-:re o:· ~ .-~~lway trac): "t'O the top of the oerm and belo'"' tne project~or. of such plain in"to the area iying on the side of the berm opposite sucn railway track. :Otorev: --;n;;ans thilt oort~or. of a :Juilding Which i~ situated between "the top of any floor and th"' top of the !lao"(' !)ext above i:, and if there is no floor above i~, -:hat pcrtion between the top of such ::ocr and the ceiling above Storev, First: means the Storey >lith ~:s fl,or closest t~ grade ana hav~n11 i.rs ceil in~ more rr.ar.; .i: metres above overal!e finisr.eC ~raae o<ljaca~.~ :o the exterior "'"~J.;.. ~treat or f<oaC ?-..:~::.~: means a publ~~ h~Zh'-'"Y as c~:ine;l bv "Tr . ., Y.:.:nicipal /,~;" ar.~ "-:"~.e Hi~c ... ·ay Craf!ic L.ot" ~.·_: tl"li!Ll "XC uJ~ ., ;.a;-:e :-~ ~~-·.-::r,·.-ato- ~i~ntwofwWilv r ·~c.C.?ene-:: ,-c Olo/<1:":~~ ,_,.. ~'- ~>:rcet '-'nlc:-: 3 ~~·"'"'n c~. a ;:divislor, w lCI" .. ~as De"'"' gi~t.,re·~ "" n ~: ::.:~::i\•'.z :~· "":"C . .:> !l~-1q: !·.:-" HI i!Ssume:;: ,. :.c~ ;:>~·: .. erec ~ "'· r.:>t t ;:·e "e:-Se ''~'· c. C,dS 126 3. 127 3.128 .1:'9 3.130 3.131 3.132 3.133 3 .13~ 3.135 3.136 3 .13~ ------------------------- Street Line: 01eans the lir,~it of road or street allowance serving as the dividing l1ne between a lot ana a s-:reet. Struc-ture: :ne<1ns anything that is construc"ted or erec-ted "n tne ground or ilttacneo to sometnlng located on the ground excluding, nowever, a fence ot less than one dec.,.al five (l.Sl metres ~n height. Swimming Pool: :neans any body of water located outdoo~ on privately owned pr-operty, contained 1n part or l.n whole by artificial means and used and maintained for SWiiiiiD.ing, diving and bathing in whioh the noi'IIIal design depth of water can exceed 0.8 metres but does not include" farm pond, Tavern and Public House: me<~nS respeot>.vely, a tavern and public house <IS defined by "The Liquor License Act'', but does not include a motel or restaurant. Tourl.st Home: means a building containing fewer than 10 guest rornns which is used to accommodate the travelling public for gain or profit by supplying them with sleeping accommodation with or-without 111eals. Tour!st or Travel Trailer: !:leans a tent tra.>.ler, truck. camper or house trailer that is used or intended to be used for a short term and is located or parked on a si"te for a temporary or seasonal period. Tourist Trailer Park: Use: means an establlshment comprising land or pre111ises under single ownership used for the parking of tourist trailers on a temporary or season<~l b<~SlS, sucn as a d<1y or" weeK. --rneans the purpose for whicn :<~nd or a ouildin~ is arr<~nged, aes>.gned or lntendeo or for which either land or " ou1lding or structure is or may be, occupied or maintained. Warehouse: means a building where wares or goods '7'-re stored, and 111ay include ancillary re"tall uses. Watercourse: means a natural or artif>.cal channel for a stream and, for the purpose of this Bywlaw includes a natural channel for an intermittent stream and all watercourses shown on Schedule "A". >later Supph: means a distribution system of underground p1ping and related storage faci~i;ies. for '!'ard: water including pumping and pur>.fl.catlon facilities owned and operated by the Town of Aurora, The Regional Municipality of '!'ork. and/or the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. --means an open, uncovered space on a lot appurtenant to a main building (except a court) and unc;>ecupied by buildings or struc:ures except as specifically permitted elsewhere ln this By-law. In determining yard measurements the minimum hori~ontal distance from the appropriate lot line shall be used. Yard.m;~~~r~~~ ~~§!'yard ot "corner lot whi~h side yard extends from the front y<~rd to the rear yard t>etween the flankage lot llne and the nearest main wall of <~ny building or structure. Yard Yard front: means " vard extending across the full widtr• of" lot-between the trent lot line and tne nearest w<~ll of an•: main tmilding or struct:~re o~ the lot; the "Minimurn" ! ront Y<~ro me<~nS the minimum ailowed depth of a :'rant yaro <"lfl " lot between the front l"t line and the nearest main wall of <1ny main building or structure on tne lot. ii.ear: :neans " vard extending across the full widtr. cf a lot· between the rear lot line <1nd the nearest w<~ll o!' any main building or struc"ture on the lot; the "Minimum" rear y<~rd means the minimum allowed dep"th of " rear yarO on " lot t>etween the rear lor line and the nearest wall of any main buildl.ng or structure on the lot. '!'ard, Side ~o~e: means a yard extending from the front vard tc the rear vard of a lot between a Slde lc~ line and tne nearest wall cf any ma~n budding or structure on the lot; tt,e "Mini.Jnu.m" side yard means the minimum width cf a s1de varc en " lot oetween a s~ce lo:.t l~r.e dn~ tne• nearest main wall of <1ny main building or structure on the lot. --means a oesign<~ted a!'ea of lono usc snown c:: the Schedule "'A" to this Bywli!W. :~!' tZ'.e purpose o! t~.is 3v-la.,, tn~ :~;;~. c:' .'-.u!'O!'a ~;: :ivided into t;,e :'ollo<Oi~·~ ::c:leS. ~c.e oounoa!'ies ~· ·.·.1ic!l are snown on t!:e a;:;:acneo maos comp!'lSlm; ~:.1eoule "A": ?.esidential Zones i'-u!'al Resldentl<U <:state Residential ::etached Dwellir.~; Fi!'st Density Residenual ::e-cached Dwelling Second Density Residential Semi-De-cached and D'-lplex ;;,.ellir.;; Third Density :<:esidentl.a~ ::-iplex and ;;oc;ble ;)uplex fi!'5t ::ensi-cy ~lulti;:le Resicential Special Mixed C.ensity :<:esiaem:ial Zone ?<ow Dwelling Residen'tiai first Density Apa.-;:ment .0.esiaential 5econ:1 Density 1qartmen-: .".es~cent~<L" ::·.ird Densi'ty ,:,p<~rtment ~.esice:ltia: C::ommercia1 ;:ones :.::<::<Ll Comme!'Cl<L: ~ent:r<L: Commercia~ .~ig;o,way C.ommer<::ia: 5!1opplr.g :ent:re -o::-.mercia. :n~\.Ost:-ial Zen"~. 'estr~cted ~:-::::.:s~!'i":.. ~eneral ::ndustn~: <::<tractive ~n::ustrial ::~n:;:,; MAPS :;.~ a:~achec ::'.~;:s c:>:::;:,..:o:c.~ o~.~e~·,.~ :i.~e:: as :he ":~~.ir.g :-:~~;" r.e!'~:·t :~~:.<:-e~ ;~:-: -,:; tr.is :.·.'-l<L;.;: :Ochedule "A" :~.-p ::\urai Areas an:! .~ev :-:.-p ~ap 2 .'iorthwest Quadrant :'.a:> Northeast: Quadran--: ~ap Sout:hweS'I: Quaorar.~ :1ap Sou1:heast Qyaor<Lnt SE::r:~; -l:I!!:R?RETATIO.'l ZONE S'!MBOLS -:'he symbols used on ~i'.<> Sci'.edules a:t:acned hereto, rete!' to 'the appropri<Lte :ones established by this 8y-l4W, S. 2 ZONE BOe~~DARIES ; .~ The extent 4nd boundaries of <Lll zones .. re shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto, and all such :ones are hereby defined as areas to which the provisions of this By-l<LW shall l"I!Spectively <~;>ply. ;.;ne!'e tne Oo·~ndary cf ar.:: :::~.e. as showr. -,~ ti".e a:tac~.ed schecules, ~" ~n~er:ain, ~"" fc::~·,.ir.~ ;:!'cvisions snail apph': ~~) ;mere a zone bounC<L!'V :s 5'10\Yrl as a;>:l"CY.~::-.ate,·.­ :c"iow~ng - :.J the centre u~.e c:· a ~treet, :.;~,,.,, railwav, oc:bl.i.o -~~;,i~ies ~i~:l:-:·:-w;;.·. or \Yatercours,, :c.e oau:-.:ar•: f ..• ,:: f'=lllo•.; seic ~ent~!l llnc, ii) a 1:>~ line, ~:le ;~un:!a!':: zh<L;.!. said lot line, ~iil the lir..it ": :C.;; : !.·:OOd?!a>.n ~"~ :oyn~a~-.· shall follow sa>: lir:.it. (bl wnere it is not possi!:.:ie to establisr. a zc:-:e limit b'l anv of tt'.e orovi.sions ~r. (a) aocv" or by cti:nance snown' on the "'"'P trom a lu'~ so est:at>l~shed, the location snall be oetermin"c by scale from 'the schedule at the or1~ir.a: scale. SPECIAL Zm/ES AND PROVISI~l;: Where a zone svmt>ol 1~ followed bv a dash and a numoer (for example, ":-!l-!."l, the lanes so des1gnate<! shall be subJect to alL t:he provis1ons of the zone !'epresented by sucn symboi. e~cept as othe!'WlSI! provided by tne spec~al pr:wlsions of --:he tone s~ designated. :r. tnis By-law \Yorcs '.~Se~ :, the .-esent tense include t:he future; words :-.the in~>:ular inciude :r.e plural; ~<or~s in :.~e ~ ·~::-a; ~ :ll.oce c:-:e sin~>:C!l<Lr: <Lnd the words ""sed'' an~ " :cuo1<> " oh<Lll ·o~here. :r.e context indicates ~e 1 terp!'e e: to "'ean "i:'ttendec, arranl!ed O!' :es ~:'te<l ~ ~e us .. : C!' occupied"; t:-.e ;:ord ''s:-.aj,~ :s ~ ... :a~orv :r.c :l<:t :li!'ectory. ~r.~ c::mtents cf tn'.s !>ection ,;,9plicatior. or Ov-l<l" .~.:::esSO!''I ~u1loings an~ i.is~; BC!ilding Desi!{n and Constt".lCtion 5uilding £xtension and >alr 3uilding ~e!'mit lssued ·~onformity With An Established Building Ll:le ~h<Lnge of Use :~:'ltinuat:ion of ~xist:ing Uses .s.:: .:ontinuat:ion of farming Use :welling Unit: Belo" Grade :wellbg Unit in a ;;oni\esidential <:on& ·:.:" rieignt :<est!'~~t:ions ;; :::·ec: ~: £:-:p!'opriation :.oxious Use ?<Irking Space Requirements Design, Construction, Location Parking Areas E. 20 ?a.-king Areas & • 3~ 6.32 6. :;3 ~i;:s and Qu<Lrries ?lanned Width of Ro<Ld Allowan<::e ?Lanting Strips Public Uses Permitted Raii\Y<LY C!'ossing and Sight Distance ?.educt:ion of Requiremem:s ~eduction of Requirements Clue to i'loodplai:l Signt or Uaylighting Triangles Signs :h!'ougn ~c~ :railel" or Boat Sto!'a~e :.;ses Prohibited :>ses i<estrictc:l 10 1~ .•S '.'<~cant Lot Storage 'lard E::<<;ept:~on 1errain '-'"~uitaoi:itJ' ~.~a ·rard and Setback Enc!'oacrunents ?ermi;:te.:! SECTION ~ -GE:l/ERAL PROVlSIO!/S !he follow1ng general provislons st.all apply to all zones. '· . 2. AP?LIC~.T!OH OF 3Y-l.A'..; ~~w~e~~0 ~u~~~!l d~~I~!~t:~y o~r;~,~~u f~n~ A~f t:;h~hi s i>y~i.aw use any l>uiloing, structure ~r landO!' erect or use any building or struct·~.-e except in conlormitv with the 1>rov1slons -:,i t~.is av-l<L\Y rel .. cing to sue.~ zone lJl "'hich t"e ia,c, ~uilding "" ntructure is loca'l:e<'. ,"..CCESS~P.'{ a:.;ILDlNGS AUD U~:S~ ;.,nere this ay-iaw provid<'s tn<L~ a lo~ ::'.av be useo ar a building or structu!'e ma·1 t..e erected or used f:>r a pu.-pose, :r.a~ purpose sr . .:~ll l"~lJ::e an accessorv ouilJing o!' s~ructu!'e as ;>!'OV>dc:! fo!' "· :Ins Ov-l.d<O, out shall :.ct 1nclude an·: cc~upatJ.or. oonoucted J.n tr.~s ~uil:::i;,~ o!' ~t:'JCt'~!'C except "' ~rcviCed :cr ln :~.:.~ i>v-~~;;. 6.2.:; i. 2 ,4 s. 3.1 6. 3.2 6. 3. J 6. 3. s 6." '· 5 6.0 Location i:xcept as otherwise provided herein, ar.y <~cceSSOt"/ ::.uilding or structure WllCh is not part :>:' ~he main building shall be erected to tne rear of t;,e required front yard and shall comply with the yare requirements of the zone in which S\lcn building or struct\lre is situated with t.~e exception of the :-ear yard whicn shall be a minimum of one (:) metre. Height Except as otherwise provided herein, no accessory building or structure shall exceed three decimal five (3,5) metres in height in any Residential or Co!Miercial Zone, Lot Coverage The total lot coverage of all accessory buildings and structures on a lot shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the lot area unless otherwise stipulated in this By-law. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION OR PUBLIC GARAGE The following provisions shall apply to automobile service stations and public garages: Lot Frontage Hinimum Lot Depth Minimum ~0 m. ~0 m. No person owning or keeping an automobile service station shall use or pel'ltlit it to be used for the purpose of wr'eckil]g, parking except customer ana staff parking, storing or selll.ng motor vehicles, or, except, in an enclosed building, for washing motor vehicles or VUlcanizing tires or tubes or for any minor or running repairs to autO"lobiles. Daylight Corner W'here an automobile service station or public garage lS at the intersection of two (21 or more streets, the daylight corner referred to in Section 3.~1 shall be provided by measuring a distance Of fifteen (15) metres in bo"t:h directions from the intersection of street lines. Location of Gasoline Pumps 0 Canopies (a) minimum dl.stance of pumps ana canopies fro<r. the street line of the street upon wnich the lot fronts shall be four oecimal five (~.S) metres, (b) minimum distance of pUIIlps and canopies from the nearest part of the daylight corner shall be three (3) metres. Ramps (a) minimum distance between ingress and egress ramps shall be three ( 3) metres, (b) minimum width of ramp shall be ten (10) metres, · (c) !IIinimum distance between ramps on any street shall be three (3) metres, (d) minimum distance from the intersection of the street lines to any ramp on either street shall be three (3) metres, (e) minimum interior angle of ramps to street lines shall be thirty (30} degrees -maxilllum interior angle of ramps to street line • ninety (90) degrees. BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Not withstanding any other provisions of this By. law no building shall have exterior clading of any of the following: building paper or tar paper, asphalt shingles, asphalt insulating siding or asphalt roll type siding, BUILDING txTENSION AND REPAIR Non-conforming Buildings Nothing in the &y-law shall ,,.·event the strengthening to a safe condition of any buO::ling or structure or part of any such building """ structure whicn does not comply with ~he provisions of this By· law, provided such alteration ;r repair does no~ increase tne height, size or ·:olur.le or change tne Clse of such building or struc!·".-e. :UILDING PERM!t ISSUED The provisions of this By-law snal~ :~ot apply tc prevent the erection or use !'~.-a purpose prohibi teG by this By-law of anv buildin~ ~r structure, t~.e plans for which prioi-to "the One "f passing of this By·law have been approve; oy the Chief Bui<.ding Official, provided that the c:se of such building or structure was in compliance with the relevar.~ By-laws of the Town when suer. ?lans were so ... pprove<!, and so long as the building """ structure when e.-ected is used and continue5 to be used for the purj)ose for which it was ere~~~" and orovided t~" erection of such building or :;~ru"turi. is commenced within two (ll years a:'ter ~,..~:late of the pass1n; -o:' this Sv·law an~ such e>ui::oc.o ~r st.-·~cture :c ~<>mpleted Wltl'.i:;" t'easonaDl< :1::-.e ar::~r tr.e erect1or. thereo:' is ~cmmencE:. 6. 7 Ei .10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.13 .1 s .13.2 6.13. 3 13.4 6.13. s 5.13. 6 5.1~.: O.lS C0/jf01<!1!1'Y WITH AN ESTABLISHED BUILDING LINE :.otwithstanding any other provHions of tnis. By· law l.n anv Zone, stroc1:C~res O:lilt between exlsting buildlngs' within sixty UO) mecres on each side of :he proposed buildings on the same block. may be ::.uilt with a setback which is equal to the average setback of the aojacent ouildings but tnis depth shall not be less than three ( ;) metres rrom the front lot line ana need be no greater than setback regulations prescribea in tne zone in which it is situated, CHANG£ OF USE .'1 use of a lot, building, or structure which under !he provisions hereof is not oermissable within the zone in which sucn lot, bUilding or struc1:ure is located, shall not be changed excep't to a use which is permitted within such zone without the approval of the Committee of Adjustroen't pursuant to Section ~2(2)(ii) of The Planning Act. CONTINUATION OF EXISTING USES The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any purpose prohibited by this By-law, if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the date of passing of this By- law, so long as it continues 'tO be used for that purpose. CONTINUATION IJF FARHING USE Nothing herein containea sh ... ll prevent the continued \.!Se of any land, builaing or strucl:ure for farming or farm specialized purposes ... s permitted in this By-law or any addition or extension of such use provided that any addition or extension of suo;h use shall comply with the requirements of the appropriate Rural Zone as to coverage, yard and height provisions, and al.l special provl.sions regarding setbacks and abutting uses. CORNElt LOTS :lotwithstanaing any o1:her provisions of this By- law, on a corner lot r.o part of any building, ~ccessory building, or sooi.mming pool, shall.be erected closer to the lot l1ne of the flankl.ng street than the minimum setbacK required for the immediately adjacent let on the flanking street. DWELLlNG UNIT BELOW GRADE No dwelling unit shall be located in its entl.rety in a cellar or basement. DWELLING UNIT IN A NON·RESIDENTIAL ZONE No person shall use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for the purpose of a separate dwelling unl.t on a lot zoned other than for residential purposes except in accordance with the following regulations: A dwelling unit shall have sepaz·ate bathroom or washroom and kitchen facilities from those of the non-residential use. A dwelling unit shall be part of the main structure and have a minimum floor area in accordance with the provisions for an apartment dwelling stipulated in Section 7.'+ of this By-law. Each dwelling unit shall have ... separate parking space as provided in the parking requirl!lnents for that use. The dwelling part of the building shall have a separate building entrance to that provided for the non-residential use. !n a non-residential building in a Co!M>ercial Zone, any dwelll.ng unit shall be located on the second storey of such building, or at the rear of such building if on the main floor. The floor ... rea of the residential portion of a non-residential building ln a Commercial Zone shall not exceed fifry (50) percent of the floor area. :;WELLING Ut.lT U~l A ~·:7 A:JJACE!;T 70 A RAILWAY Where a lot is ad-jacent to a railway, no person shall erect or use anv dwelling situated thereon except ln accordance wit~. the following regulations: Where there is no sound shadow, the distance between a residential buildin~ wall and the boundary of the railway right-of-way shall not be less tnan twenty eight (2B) metres. Where there is a so\lnO snadooo, the building can t:.e built on any p"rt of a site suoject to the applicable zone provisions being compl~ed with ~rovided the full helgnt of the b·~ild~ng falls within the sound shadow. !:X!STI~IG BU:LDI!lGS ><nere a building has been erected prior to the ~ate of the passin; ":' ~r,is ~v-1<~'-'• or. d lor ,,aving less than m~nir.tum tronta~e and/or area. o,- .~aving less tnan tne minimum setback and/or sid"' yard and/or rear vard required by this By·law, the said builCir..;: mav ~e enlarl!ed. reconstructed, repaired or renovated provided "tt.at the enlargement, reconstruction, repair or renovatlon aces not ~·~rther recuce a front varo and/or sJ.ae yard dndlor rear vard havim: less tnan the mlnimu!II required o·; i:r.is Bv·;a\:i; <~nd •h~: a~l other provisions :: this av·law are co:oplie-:: wiu:. 5.16 6.17 5.17 .1 5.17. 2 6.17. 3 6.18 6. 20 6' 21 6. 21.1 :; • 21.;: ~. 21 EXISTING UNDERSIZED LOTS A vacant lot held in disl:inc"t and separa"te ownersni;> on the date of pass1.ng of this f>y~law except tor a lot ln a registered plan deeme<l not to be a plan under Section 29 of The rlanning Act having less than the minimum trontage and/or area requ1.red by ~~;s ~~~=l~~ :~J:c~e s~~~d l~~r i~ i~~~~!~ ~~~~~~!~d in t;,at all ol:her applicable provisions in this Bv- law are complied wJ.th. FLOODPLAIN No person shall use any land or erect, alter or use any Duilding or structure in a floodplain as defined in Section 3, 53 for any purpose excep"t a golf course, a parking lot, a priva"te park. (See Section 6.39). No land shall be used for the purpose of a tile field for a sewage disposal system except in conform~ty with the regulations of the Hinistry of the £nv1.ronment or controlling body at "the time. No person shall erect any building or struc"ture in any fill and Construction Area as shown en Schedule "A" 'iiX"Clip'i"'Tn accordance wi"t"'l'"the provisions of Ontario Regulation 78217~ as amended by Ontario Regulation 3~6/79. F-RONTAGE ON ROAD OR STREET No person ~hall er.ect or use any building or structure 1.n any zone unless the lot upon which such building or Sl:ructure is 1:0 be erecl:ed fronts upon a public street. For the purpose of this By- law a "Public Street" does not include an unopened road allowanee, or an unassumed road in a Regis"tered Plan which has ceen deemed no-t to be a Registered Plan under Section 29 of The Planning Act. The above provision shall not apply to restrict the erection of any building or a lot in a registered plan of Subdivision where a subdivision agreement has been enl:ered in-to out the streets will not be assumed until the end of the maintenance period. GROUND fLOOR AREA LESS THAN I(EQUIRED Nothing ~n "this By~law shall ;>revent an altera"tior: being made to a. permitted dwelling which dwelling I!Xl.Sted at the time of pass1.ng of this By-law, but which has a ground floor area or dwelling unit: area less than that required by this By-law, provided such alteration <:Ices not contravene any other provisions of this By-law. HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS Unless specified elsewhere in this By-law the maximum height for buildings and structures in all ~ones.shall b'! ten (10) metres. Howeyer, nothing J.n thls by-law shall apply to prevent the erection and/or use of a church spire, a belfry, a flag pole, a water tower, a windmill, an eleYa'tor per.thouse, an air conditioner duct, smoke stack, barn. a silo or a telecommunications tower which does not comply herewith. HOME OCCUPATION Where a home occupation is permitted in this By- law a person occupying a dwelling and intending to c=ry en a home Occupation shall comply with the following regulations: There shall be no exterior evidence of the occupation being conducted therein. There ~h~ll be n<;> t;utside storage of materials, commodltles or flnlshed products. <here shall be no mechanical equipment used except where ordinarily used for domestic p·~rposes. .21 No person, other than anoccupant o~ the premises or one {l) outside employee, shall be engaged in canvassing, deliYering or acting as a go-between in distrl.buting merchanoJ.se to cus"tomers. 0.2~.; Not more than one person nol: resident in tt.e dwelling shall be employed in "the home occupation. ~.21.0 There shall be no display, O"ther than a legal sign, to indicate to persons outside that any part of the dwelllng house, unh or lot is being used for a purpose O"ther 'than a dwel,J.ing. 6.21.7 Such a home occupation shall be clearly secondary to the main residential ':'se of a building and shall not change the resldential character of a dwelling house or unit nor create or become a pub~ic nuisance, P~t~cularly in regard to noise, ~~;~~~~.odours, emJ.ssJ.on of smoke, traffic. or ~.21.: Such home occupation shall not interfere with any television or radio recep"tion. .:':.; No goods, wares or merchandise, sr.all ~e p~~licli' offered or exposed for sale on tne premises. 5.~1 Not more than twentv-five C25) percent of :~.e floc:' "rea of the dwelling shall De us<!~ !'or the ?urpos" of home occupatlon uses. C.2l.~: for every twentv~=ive {~5) s~uare ;oetres ~:·floor space occupied for home occupational. purposes one parklng space, ln addition to th" resicential requirement, shall t>e prov~dec. 0. 21.12 Such home occupation uses mav include but are no"t limited to an artist's s"tuciO. dressmaking, ~he ~onsulting >;com of a m<;dJ.cal or ctrugless practitioner, .Lawyer • en~1.neer, archJ. teet. accountant , real estate or lnsurance agen"t: and teaching and musical lnstrU'?"tion stuoio when lJ . .':li"ted to a slngle pupil at a t1me. ~.2; :..MID SUITABILITY FOR US:: 6. 23 s. 24 6. 2£ 6. 26 6.26.1 )iotwithstanding any otner provisions of this By- law, no habitable bul.lding or structure shall be erected, altered or used on land which, by reason of its rocky, low lying, marshy or unstable charac"ter is unsuitable for the provision of sa"tisfactory 01ater supply, sewage disposal or drainage facilities. EFFECT Of EXPROPRIATION Where the dimensions of a lot are reduced by an expropriation, such reduction shall not prevent the use of the lot for a purpose or in such a. manner; and a building or structure may be erected altered or used thereon as would haYe been allowed for the lot as it exis"ted prior to such u:propriation. MULTIPLE USE Where any lot or building is used for more than one (1) purpose all provisions of this By-law relating to each use shall be complied with provided that no dwelling shall be located closer than six (6) metres to any other building on the lot except a building accessory to such dwelling. NOXIOUS USE No use shall be permitted which from its nature or the materials used therein is a noxious trade, business or manufacture. PARl<lNG SPACE REOUIROU:NTS 7he parking space requirements of this By-la" shall apply i.n all cases whereYer a lot or building is used or is conYerted for any use and unless stipulated elsewhere in this By-law, one (l) space having dilnensions of three (3) metres by six (6) metres together 01ith aoequate provision for manoeuvering space or driveway purposes shall be provided in accordance with the following standards: Type of Building For each dwelling unit in a detached, semi-de"tached, duplex, triplex, or double-duplex dwelling. Minimwn Parkins Reguired one (1) space For each d01elling unit in a maisonette, row-house, apar-tment building, or a building containing both commercial and residential uses. one and one-half ( 1':1) spaces. A minimum of twenty ( 20) percent of the spaces provided shall be set aside Any commerc1.al use in- cluding a clinic, except in those uses speeifical- ly listed elsewhere in this section, Type of Building 0.26.1." An office. 26 .1. 5 factory or indus-,rial building 26.1.6 Storage or warehouse Auditorium, .arena, hall, restaurant, theatre, club and other places of assembly for and visually identified as visitors' parking. 5. 5 spaces for sach ninety ( 9 0) square metres of cOIIIlllercial floor space of the building except for supermarkets located outside of a Shopping centre where a minimum of 10 spaces for each ninety (90) square metres of floor area will be required. Minimum i'arking Reguired 3.3 parking spaces for each nin<!"ty (90) square metre;; of commercial floor area of the building one (1) space for each 50 square metres of floor area one ( 1) space for each ninety (90) square metres of floor area of the building '.-'here there are fixed sea"ts, one (l) parking space for every five (5) seats or three { 3) metres of bench space of its maxJ.mum seating capacltv. ;;here there are no fixed seats, ten (10) parking spaces fer each ninetY (9C') square metres of f:oor ared devoted to publlc ·~s" except drive.in restaur.:ants where a mlnlmum of l~ spaces will be requlre:. '.; :>a.rKir.~ spaces for 'i!a.ch ninetv (;~) 'quare metres cf :':~~r area. of tr.'i! :·.o:Ci:"lg ~.;::.:.· ~~!~Ha.~. ~~na.tor!,..::.. :,•"rsing nome :r.~ (: l ;>a.r><ing o;>a.ce ior ea.c!o two (ll beds a.t ::-.a.ximum capacity ~.25.1.10 Elementary, ?ublic an::. one ( l. 5) parking space for each ~ea.ching classroom Separate Schools 5. 26. 1 . J.l Secondary Schools ~our (~) parking S?ace for each teaching Classroom ?lus twen-.:y-five ( 2 5 l additional parking spaces for student parking 6.2£.1.12 Libraries 3.3 parking spaces ~or each ninety (90) square metres of ! J.oor area ~.2€.1.13 Public Authorities Bllildings l. 3 parking spaces f:>r each ninety (90) square metres of floor area Tvpe Of Building .'Hnimum Parking Required 5.2£.1.14 Hotels and Hotels one (1) parking space for each guest room or suite plus one (1) parking space for each ninety (90) square metres of floor area of the building devoted to use by the public funeral Parlours one <ll parking space for each five (Sl seats capacity of the chapel with a minimum of ten ( 10) parKing spaces Bowling alleys and curling rinks one ( l l parking space for each two ( 2) per5ons in the designed capac:ity c! the establishment, (designed capacity shall mean six ( 5 l persons per bowling :ane and eight (8) persons per curling sheet) in addition :o the requirements for the rest of the building. 5.26.1.~7 Church one ( l) parking space for each ten (10) seats or six ( 6 l metres of bench space of its maximum seating capacity 5. 27 DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION AND LOCAtiON 5. 27.1 6. 27.3 All parking lots and access driveways required in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6.26 and all automobile service stations, public garages, motor vehicle and trailer sales areas, residential buildings or structures to be used, erected or enlarged requiring 5 or more parking spaces in one parkl.ng area and all commercial, l.ndustrial and institutl.ona.l parking areas Shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following provisions: Surface "I:reatm.ent Maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles to be specified by the Town. Curbing Shall be curbed With permanent fifteen (lS) centimetre high concrete or treated timber curbing. Grading Graded or drained insuch a manner as tc ensure that surface water \ol~ll not escape to neighbouring lands, to be specified by the :own. Whenever the surface of the pari<i~.g area. ~s ::1ore ~h.an ten ( lCl centimetres higher cr "ower ~l".an anv aC::joining lana, a suitable :-etilinin~ w.,;.: shall ~e installed along the edge o! t~e parK~r.g :~t or along the :c: line. ~ightir.~; ~-~tn~!i~~~"~s 0 ~~t~~.~~r~"·~;.~t :~c.~";. i~~.~a~ ;e~e~~~cte~ a"<J.Y from alJ. nearb\" resi<:.er.t'"' Cistricts or ~evelopmen~, :c oe spec1: :ec : · ~he lo,;~ .. :..O.nelscaped Open S;:""~ i<lhenever any aojoir.ing ar.c ~~ :n a residentia: ~:>ne, tne parkin~; are.a ~.,:: =~ s~~arate~ fro"' ~: ~~n1m~~n~~n~~~s o~~~~~l c i -~:n~~~~~e~.e~~:~ ~):~~~ a 7C.is shall te plantec -..· t.-. s~o.:a~ie t!'ees not less :nan one deci:nal :·1·:e ( .Ol ::-.~~res in neigl:.t wni~'' snall te :>lante<:: ;o ~s c scr~~n tne ~a<"king area :rom the aajo~nlng resl e~.;:la~ .an:: su~n tree~ ;~.all be maintalne:: "' :-.ea:~.-.·: state. '· 6. 27. B 6.27. 9 6. 28 6. 29 5. 30 6. 3~.1 -9 - W":>e!'e a ;:arKing lot or ?arKing area having capac it•: :::-:ive or "'ore cars, wanoeuvering area, or ::-~veway serves an apartment building O!' any otne!' .7.·~:-.:~;>le fa.<nllY use, no parking space manoeuve!'in; "''""" anc/or criveway shal~ be locateo witlll:l ;;~::e yi!rC or rear va!'c closer to any wall of :·~i.:Cing than one Oecimal fi•1e (:.5) mecres. :::-Str.,et i'ari<ing in Ya!'ds ::o off-street parKing otner than in a dr1vewav, shall be permitted in any front yard in any R;,si- .Oential Zone .. :;o off street P':'<"king. Other than visltors park~ng shall oe permltted ~n any front yard in any Restricted industrial (Mll Zone. Where parking is permitted in a front yard, the parking area shall be separated from any adjacent street line by a strip of land not less than one decimal five (1.5) metres in width, which shall be reserved f:>r landscaping purposes and such a str1p shall be bordered by a curb or similar barrier except for entrances and exits. !ngress and Egress Unless otherwi5e required by an agreement under -;:he provisions. of Section 33 of this By-law the following requuements will apply to all parking areas and lots except those serving ~ or less dwelling units established under the provisions of this By-law. (a) Ingress and egress, to and from required parking spaces and areas shall be provided by means of unobstructed driveways or passage ways at four (4) metres but not more than nine (9) me-.:res in width; (b) The maximum width of any joint ingress and egress driveway ramp measured along the street line shall be nine (9) metres; (c) The minimum distance between a driveway and intersection of street lines me8sured along the street line intersected by such driveway shall be fifteen (15) metres; (d) The minimum interior angle of intersection between a driveway and a street line shall be sixty (50) degrees; (e) Entrance and exit ramps for au-.:omobile traffic shall not exceed two ( 2) in number and each such ramp Shall b-e a width of seven decimal five (7.5) metres at both street line and edge of pave111ent; (f) Approaches or driveways to any parking area, shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt and the limits of the parkings area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitaole obstruction. Access to co!llll!ercial and industrial zones from residential zones: (a) no land in a residential zone shall be used for the purpose of vehicular access to any land in a commercial or industrial zone; (b) pedestrian walkways, suital>ly fenced wherever the walkway abuts a residential zone, shall be permitted, PARKING ARtAS Parking areas as defined in this By-law shall be used for no other parking purpose than for the parking of operative passenger vehicles and vehicles used in operations incidental to the permitted uses on the lot, all bearing currently valid license plates. Provided that no person shall in any Residential Zone use any lot for the parking or storage of any ccm~~~ercial motor veh~cle in excess of one (1) tonne c:apacity. PITS AND OUARRI£5 The making or establishment of pits or quarries is prohibited in all zones and no person Shall use land or erect any building or structure for the purpose of processing, W'li.Shing, sorting, screening or crushing rock, sand or gravel. PLANNED WIDTH Of ftOAD ALLOWANCE Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, where a lot abuts a road which is designated on Schedule "B" to have a planned width of road allowances which is greater than the present width, that portion of the lot lying between the limit of the planned width of road allowances and -;:he Present roao allowances shall not form part of the lot for applying the provisions of this 8y- ~aw. ?!-A!ITI::G STRIPS :>.eouirements for l;on•Residential Uses '.;here a lot is used for a Commercia:, Industria2. ~!' institutional ?Urpcse and the interior. sice cr !'ear lot line abuts a Residentlal or Hold1ng <:on<±, then a strip adjoin~ng sucn abutting lot line shall be used for no purpose other than that ~rovided fer in this subsection. Width o! Planting Strip J'.in1mum three (3) metres 6. 31.3 6.31.~ 6. 31. s 6.32 6. 32.1 u .. A planting strip shall be used for no other ourpose than a continuous unpiercad hedge row of suit:able trees or shrubs, no.t less than one decimal five {1.5} metres high, immediately adjoining the lot line or portion thereof along which such planting strip l.S required herein, orovided tha"t no fence or hedge row shall be required or permitted to ,. height ~n excess of one { ll me-.:re closer to ,. street line than the required yard depth. I~. ai: cases where ingress and egress driveways or walk"'"Y extend through a planting strip, it shall be permissible to interrupt the s-.:rip within "three {3) metres of the edge or such driveway or within one ded.mal five {1.~) metres of the edge of sucn walkway. Landl!c&ped Open Space A planting strip referred to in this subsection may form part of any landscaped open space required by this By-law. Notwi ths"tanOing "the provisions of Sec"t ions 6. 3 S. 1 "through 6.35.4 the Town may require the provision of such walls, fences, hedges, trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover to provide for adequate landscaping of the land or protection to adioining lands where a development agreement is entered into. PUBLIC SERVICES PERMITTED The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to the use of any land or to the ereot>.on or use of any building br s::ructure for the purpose of public service by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, and/or any Public Authority, The Regional Municipality of 'fork, the Government of Canada, or Ontario including the On"tario Hydro, or any telephone, telegraph or gas company, provided that where such land, building or structure is located in any Residential zone' No goods, material or equipment shall be stored in the open, except as permit-ted in such zone. The lo-r coverage and yard requirements described for such zones shall oe complied with. 6.32.l.3 Any building erected under the authoritv of this paragraph shall not be used for the purPose of an office and shall be designed and maintained in general harmony with residential buildings of the type permitted in such area. 6. 32 .1. 4 Parking and loading requit"ements as con-rained in this By-law shall be complied with. 6.32.2 Installation of Services and Public Utilities Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the installation of a waterma.in, sani-eary sewer main,· storm sewer main, gas main, pipe line or overhead or underground electric, and telephone line provided that the loca"tion of such main or line has been approved by the Corporation. 6.32.3 Notwiths"tanding any other provisions of this By- law, Publ>.c Parks as defined in Section 3.107 of thh By~law shall be a perml.tted use in any Residen"tial Zone provided requirements of the Open Space and Envirolllllllntal Protec"tion Zone are complied with. 6.33 RAILWAY CROSSING AND SIGHT DISTANCE Where any road or public s-.:ree"t crosses a railway at the sa:1e grade, no building ot' structure shall her-eafter be er-ected within the triangulal' area enclosed by the intersection of street lines (or right of way limit} and the railway limits (or right of way J.imit) for a distance of fifty (SO) metres fl'Qm the poin"t of intersection. 6.3~ REDUCTION OF REQUIREMENTS No person shall change the purpose fot' which any land or building is used or erect any new building or addition to any existing building or sever any lands fl'OID an existing parcel if the effect of such action is to cause the original adjoining or remaining buildings or lands to be in contravention of this By-law. 6. 3 S REDUCTION Of RE:OUIREHENTS DUE: TO FLOOD PLAIN Notwithstandin!J ~Y minimum lot size, side yard, or rear yard provl.S>.ons of this By·law to the contrary, where. a lot leg~lly existing at the time of passing of th>.s by-law. u located partially in the Environ- mental Protect:~.on Zone and partially in a Residential, Coamercial, Industrial or Institutional Zone, the area of the lot in the Environmental Protection Zone may be used to compute the minimum lot area and miniJIIum yards required by the zone in which the lot is located provide<! that all buildings and structures are located only in the Residential, Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Zone portion of the lot. 6. 36 SIGHT OR DAYLIGHTING TRIANGLES 6. 37 On a corner lot, a fence, sign, hedge, sht'ub, bush or tree, or any Other str>.~oture or vegetation shall not be erected or permited to grow to a height greater than one ( ll metre above the grade of the streets that abut the lot within the triangular area enclosed by the intersecting street lines for a distance o! six (6} me"tre~ from their point of intersection. .rnlli! Th~ ··~ovi.sions of this By-law s~.all not apply to prev~nt the erection, alter ... tior. or use of any sign provided such sign complies wi "th the By-laws of the Town of Aul'Qra regula"ting si~j:ns. 6. 3e SWIHMING POOLS 6.38.1 In a Side :lard A_ swimming pool erected in any Residential Zone snall be permit~ed in tne side yara of any lo~ provided that' 6.38.1 ~lo pat't of such pool shall oe loca"ted cl~ser -::c any front lot line or s"treet line tnan the minimum distance required for the main bu>.lding locatea on such lot. Any building or structure, shall be ln accordance \olith the provisions applicable to accessory buildings on such lot. 5.38.2 In a Rear Yard A s':'imming pool as an accessory use to a permitted res>.dential or rural use shall be permitted in the rear Yard of any lot provided that no pdrt of such pool shall be located closer to any lot line or street line than the minimum dis-.:ance required fot' an accessory building located on such lot. 6.38.3 Swimming Pool fence Every swimming pool erected in any :z;one shall comply with the provisions of the Hunicipa1 By-law governing swimming pool fences. 6. 39 TE:MPORARY CONSTRUCTION USES PERMITTE:D 6.42 6.44 6.44. 3 5. 44.4 -1: - Nothing l.n this Bylaw shall prevent uses incidental to cons-truction such as a construction camp or other such temporary work camp, ,. tool shed, scaffold or other building or stt"uoture incidental to the construction, provided that these uses shall be permitted only for so long as the same ar':' necessary for work in progress which has been nelther finished nor abandoned, ana for which a building permit has been issued and remains in force. n!ROUGH LOT Where a lot which is no-.: a corner lot has a frontage on more than one (1) street, the setback and fron-r yard requirements contained herein shall apply on each street in accordance with the provisions of the zone or zones in which such lot lS situated. TRAILEII. OR BOAT STORAGE: In any Residential Zone, no lot shall be used for the storage of any boat, "tourist trailer, mobile home, truck c!llllper, or othet' similar vehicle in any yar-d except that two (2) such vehicles may be stored in a rear yal'd provided that in the case of a boat, the overall length shall not exceed six {6) .metres and in the case of a tourist trailer, mob>:-le home, truck camper or simil<lr vehicle, said vehJ.cle sh ... ll not exceed seven point five {7.5) metres in length, and provided such vehicle is not used for human habitation. TRUCK, BUS AND COACH BODIES No truck, bus, coach or street oar body, shall be u.sed for human habitation within the Town of AurOl'a whether-or not the same is mounted on wheels. USE fOR HAZARDOUS PURPOSE:S No land, building or structure shall be used for any commercial or industrial purpose as is likely to create danger to health or danger from fire or explosion except in accordance with the provisions of any regula"tions under The Gasoline Handling Act. USE:S PROHIBITE:D No~withstanding any other ;>revisions contained in th~s By-law, the following uses are prohiblted in the Town of Aurora: The use of any land or lot for the purpose of a tourist tr ... iler park or the use of a tourist trailer, for human habitation. The use of any land or lot for the purpose of a track for the racing of motor vehicles or motorcycles or go7carts or snowmobiles except by a club or organ>.zation which is licensed by the Mun>.oipality for ~Uch use$. The use of any land or lot for the purpose of scrap or salvage yard. The use of any land or lot for the purpose of a waste disposal area, landfill site, or dump except for public l ... ndfill sites owned and/or operated or approved by the Town of Aurora. USES 1\ESTRICT!:D /lo~withstanding any other provisions contained in "t~lS. By-law. the following uses are prohibited wnh1n SlX hunOred (600) metres of anv Res1dential Zone' · ";"he manufacture or storage of fertilizers from human or animal wastes. s. 48 6. 1!8.1 VACANT LOT -STORAGE Notwithstanding any other prov J.sions of this By- law, on any .lot in a Residential Zone on which a main building has not been erec1:ed, the s1:orage or parking of a motor vehicle, boat, tourist trailer or other siDiilar vehicle shall not be permitted. 'fARO EXCEPTION TERRAIN UNSUITABILITY Where in this By-law a front, side or rear yard is requit-ed, and part of the area of the lot is usually covered by water or marsh or swale or is beyond the rim of a river banl<. or wate't' course or between the top and toe of a cliff or embanlalent having a slope of thir-ty (30) degrees or DQr'e from the horizontal then the required yard shall be m.easured fl'Olll the neares1: main wall of the 111ain building or structure on the lot to the edge of said area covered by water or ntarSh, or to the rim of said river bank or watercourse, or to the top or toe of the said cliff or l!lllbaJUc:nent if such is closer than the lot line. YARD AND SETBACK ENCROACHMENTS PERMITTED Every part of any y.uod required by this By-law Shall be open and unobstructed by any StT"Ucture from the ground to the sky provided, howeve't', that the StT"Uctures listed in the following table shall be permitted to project into the mini.-um yards indicated for the distances specified; 11axiaum Projection 7. 3.1 7. 3.2 7. 3.3 The lot or parcel is held under separate ownership fi"OD adjacent lands according to the registration thereafter in the Land Registry Office, of the Divisioll of York North or The lot or parcel is described as a lot or block in a registered plan of subdivision according to the registtation thereof in 'the l..and Registty Office, of the Division of York North or The consent of the l..and Division c.-ittee has given to the division of land pi"ior 'to the passing of this by-law and The lot or parcel has a lot frontage of at least twelve (12) metres and an area of not less than four hundred and fifty (1150) square metres in an area serviced by municipal water supply and public sanitary services or meets the miniJaum requireaents of the Medical Officer of Health in an area not serviced by sanitary services. 7 . II Fl..OOR AREAS Unless otherwise stated in this By-law, a dwell.ing unit l.n all apartments, maisonettes, I"owhouses, triplexes. and double duplexes or shall have miniaum floor areas according to the following provieionB: !lacheloi" One ( 1) Bedroom Two (2) Bedroom.s Three ( 3) Bedrooms ~ 0 square metres 50 square metres 65 square metres 75 sQuare metres sills, bel.t any yard courses ,cornices, decimal seven (.7) 7.S metres GARAGES DR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS gutters, chimneys, pilasters, eaves, parapets or can- opies. one <1) metre and a maximum Where garages o.-accessory buildings are per~~~i tted in a RH Zone or RA Zone all of the exterior wall.s thereof shall be constructed of or faced with materials Bimilar to those used in the facing of the main building. window bays front, rear and exterio't' side yards only width of three 7. 6 KEEPING AND/OR RAISING Of ANIHAI..S IN REsiDENTIAL AREAS balconies, steps open, roofed porches not ex- ceeding one ( 1) storey in height; uncovered ter.-aces, Patios, sundecks (3} metres front, rear and two {2) me1:res exte"t"ior side yards only for detached, semi- detached, duplex, and triplex dwellJ.ngs, and any yard for other residential buildings front, rear and exteriol" side yard.s only two decllo.al five (2.5) metres including eaves and cornices 6. liB. 2 No1:wi tstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law, drop awnings, clothes poles, flag pole&, ganlen trellises, fences, retaining walls, signs or similar accessory uses erected in accordance with the provisions of the By-law regulating signs shall be permitted in any required yard or in the area between the road o.-street line and the required setback. S£CTION 7 GENERAl.. PROVISIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONES The following provisions shall apply to all Residential Zones. 1.1.1 7 .l. 2 7 .1. 3 7. 3 ATTACHED GARAGE SIDE YARD Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, in any Residential Zone, where a pi"ivate garage having no rooms above, is attached to a single family detached dwelling, a duplex dwelling ol" a t.-iplex dwelling, then; On the side where the garage is located the min:UIIum side ya:rd between the wall of the garage and the side lot line shall be one (1) metre, and On the other side the miniJDu.m side yard shall t>e the required side yard setbacks of the applicable ~one foi" the particular use. But in no case will an attached garage t>e permitted to encroach on an ex'ter ior side yard of a corner lot. AMENITY AREA Where the By-law permi'ts a kow house or Apartment Residential development an amenity area shall t>e provided subject to the following provisions: Eighteen (16) square metres per suite (dwelling uni'tl but having dimensions of not less than six ( & ) metres by six ( & ) metres located in a yard other than a front yard unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this by-law. ICXEt!PTION FOR LOT FRONTAGE AND AREA REOUIRO!EtiTZ Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By- law, 1n any R2, R~, R'< orR~ Zone a single family dwelling may be erecte<J, used, altei"ed or repaired. on a lot or parcel of land which existed on the da1:e of the passJ.ng of this By-law, provided that: ,_, No ~erso':' shall use any land or building 1n a Resl.dentlal Zone for the l<:eeping or raising of any domestic fowl, pigeon, bull, cow, ox, st>eep, goat, horse, rabbi't or any reptile or any wild animal including any tamed cr domesticated wild aniaal except as allowed by a specific municipal by-law which sets out regulations for keeping of same. PARKING fOK COit'I.ERCIAL MOTOR VEHICI..£S No person shall in any R Zone use any lot or part of a lot for the parking or storage of any commei"cial JDOtor vehicle in excess of one (1) tonne capacity. SECTION 8 -RURAl.. RESIDENTIAl.. CRR) ZONE The following proviuions Shall apply to all Rural Residential (RRl Zones. 8. 1 USES Pt:RMIT!'ED '·' a. 2.1 B. 2.2 8. 2. 3 one det...,he<~ dwelling per lot. accessory buildings home occupation ZONE REOUIREKENTS l..ot Specifications l..ot Area ( mi.niDiuml l..ot Frontage (minim\1111) 8.000 square metres q!) metres Siting Specifications r.-ont Yard !1inimUIII Setback FI"OIII Centre l..ine of Road Allowances as follows; Roads under jui"isdiction of the Town of Aurora Roads undel" jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of York Rear Yard (minimum) Interioi" Side Yard (mini.mWII) on -one side -other side !:xterior Side Yard (mini.mUIII) Suilding Specifications Floor Area (minimum) 30 metres 33.5 metres 22 metres S metres 4 .!> metres 15 metres -one storey -two storeys Lot Coverage (maximum) Height (ma.xia\1111) 1110 square metres 165 square metres lS pei"cent 10 metres SECTION 9 -ESTAT!: RESIDENTIAL lERl ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all Estate ReBidential (ER) Zones. S .1 US£S PERHil"t"ED '.' s. 2-.1 -one detached dwelling per lot (including a separate dwelling unit for servant quarters) -accessory buildings ~ a home occupation ZONE REQUIRE!'ItNTS Lot Specihcations Lot Area (lllinimu.ml Lot r.-ontage (minimWII) 8000 square metres 1!5 me"tres -ll . 3. 2. , . 2.3 '." Siting Specifieations Front Yard {minillluml Rear Yard (minimUIIIl Interior Side Yard (minimum} on -one side -Ol:her side rxnrior Side Yard (minillluml Bllilding Specificnions 15 mel:res 22 mel:res 9 metres ~.5 metres 15 mel:res Floor Area (minimum) 195 square mel:res floor Area -Servant Quarters (;ninimum) 55 sqllare metres Lot Coverage (maximum) 15\ Height (main building) (maximum) 10 metres Notwithstanding the abov!l :tone requirements, in the case of a registered plan of subdivision :toned for Estate Residential uses on the schedules 1:0 this by-law, the minimum lot area requirements above set out shall not apply and the frontage and area of each lot shown on a plan of subdivision registei'I!d on or Defore the date of pa.ssing of this by-lew shall be deemed 1:0 comply with the frontage and area. requirement, Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9 .2. 2 respeeting fronl: yard setback and rear yard requirement buildings to De erected on the lands in part of Lot 71, Concession 1 E.Y.S. shown as parts 2 & 3 on a plan deposited in the Land Registry office for the Registry Division of York North as 65R- 32S6 shall have a. minimllm front yard setback of 12 metres and 7.5 metres respecl:ively and a minimum rear yard of 12 .:netres. StC'!ION 10 -DETACHED DWELLING fiRST otNS!,? RtSibi!N I tAL ( Ri l ZbNt The following provisions shall apply to all Detached Dwelling Firsl: Density Residential (Rll Zones. l:l.l USES PERMI'M'ED one detached dwelling per lot accessory buildings or use a home occupa1:ion 1J. 2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS :o. 2.: 10.2. 2 10.2. 3 Lot SpecifJ.cations Lot Area {minimum> Lot Frontage (minimum} Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard tminim~m~l ZOOO square metres 30 metres metres metres Interior Side Yard (minimum) on -one { 1) storey 't.S metres -two ( 2) storeys Exterior Side Yard Building Specifications Floor area (minimum) -one {ll storey -'tWO (2) storeys Lot Coverage Cmaximu111l Height (~r,ain bllilding) 4. 5 metres 9 metres 120 square metres 140 square metres "' {maximum) 10 metres SECtiON 10,3 -DETACHED DWELLING FIRST DENSITY RESIDENTIAL IR1-il tktEPiiON iOt>t 10, 3,:, USES PERMI'M'tD 10. 3. 2 10. 3. 2.1 10.3. 2. 2 In accordance with Section 10.1 hereof, ZONE REQUIRtHEIITS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum> Lot Frontage (minimum} Siting Speeifications 935 square metres 22 metres In accordance with Section 11.2.2 of this By-law. !n aecordance with Section 10-<.J of this By-law. SEC':'!c:: 11 -DETACHtO DWELLING SECOND otilS •• ~ US!Dtf11 !At tR1 / "'bil!'. The following provisions shall apply to all Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2l Zones. 11.: 11.2 11.2.1 ll. 2." UStS PERMITTE:J one detached dwelling per lot -accessory buildings -a home occupation ZONE REOUIII.EMt!ITS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum> Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard (minimum) Interior Side ¥ard (minimum) -one ( 1) storey -two ( 2 l storeys Exterior Side Yard Building Specifications floor Area (minimum} Ll60 square metres 1~ metres b metres 7, 5 metres . 2 metre , 5 metres ~ metres -one (ll store'/ :~~ -two (2) storeys :;" :.ot Coverage (maximum> iieight (main ::uildingl (maxim~r.tl SEC':' ION ll. 3 -OETACHtD DWELLING SECOND 5f.NS!lr P.!.Sibtfll!AL tR1-l/ txttPI!ON ZONE ll. 3 .1 USES PERMITTED In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. ll. 3. 2 ZOtiE REOUIR01£NTS ~l.J.2.J. Lot Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2 .1 hereof. 11.3.2.:1 Siting Specifications In accordance with Section ll . 2. 2 hereof. Building Specifications Floor Area (minimuml -one (ll storey -two ( 2 l storeys 100 square metres 110 square metres SECTION 12 -SEMI-DETACHED AND DUPLF:X DUELLiNG 1Hikb btNS!IY RESibfNTIAL IR3l ZONE The tollowing provisions shall apply to all Semi-Detached and Duplex Dwelling Third Density Residentl.!ll (R3l Zones. 12.1 USES PERMIT'l'Ell one semi-detached dwelling per lot -a duplex dwelling per lot -accessory buildings 12.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS 12.2 .l Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) ''" 12. 2.2 ~2 .2.:; Lot Frontage (minimllml Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard (minimum) Interior Side Yard (111inimuml -one ( 1) storey -two ( 2l storeys Exl:erJ.or Side Yard (minimum) Building Specifications floor Area (minimullll Per unit -one ( 1) storev -:wo (2) storeYs (semi-detached} :.ot Coverage (malCimum) Heighl: (main building) (maximu.ml SECTION 13 -TRIPLEX AND DOUBLE DUPLEX FOURTH DtNSifY RESIDttltiAL I R4 5 ZUtlt '"' "" square metres " metres • metres i., metres 1.2 metre ' metres ; metres square metres square metres "' " metres The following provisions shall apply to all Triplex and Double Duple~t Fourth Density Residential (R't) Zone. 13.1 USES PERMI'M'tD 13.2 13.2.1 13.2. 2 13.2. 3 -one triplex dwelling per lot -one double duplex dwel11.ng per lot -accessory buildings ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) 835 sq. m. Lot Frontage (minimWIIl 21 metres Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) metres Rear Yard (minimum) 7, 5 metres Interior Side Yard (min,)2.5 metres Exterior Side Yard (min.) 6 metres Building Specifications floor Area {minimum) per dwelling unil: Lot Coverage (maximum) 3S\ Height (maximum) 10 metres SECTID~ 1~ -SPECIAL MlXtD DENSITY Et.S!ttzntA .. O!OSJ ZONE Double Duplex 1110 sq. m. 22 metres 5 metres 7,5 metres 2.5 metres 6 meti'I!s 75 sq. m. ;s; lO metres ':'he following provisions shall apply to all Special Mixed Oensity Residential (R5l Zones. 14 .l USES PERMITTED one detached dwelling per lot one semi-detached dwelling per lot one duplex dwelling per lot one triplex and double duplex dwelling per lot one converted dwelling per lot accessory buildings ZONE REQUIREMENTS 1~, 2 .1 Lot Specifications 1~, 2.1 .1 Detached Dwelling In accordance with Section 11.2 .l herecf · 14.2 .1. 2 Semi-detached Dwelling ln aceordance with Sect ion 12.2 .1 hereof . 1~.2. 3 D·Jplex Dwelling I:1 accordance with Section 12.2.1 hereof, 1~.2.1.'< ':'riplex and Double Duplex Dwelling . rn accordance with Section 13.2.1 herem. : •. ?. Sitin~ Specifical:ions -··•-< ~etached Dwellll'lg ::1 accordance wit~. Section 1:.:1.2 herP.o:'. Semi-detached Z~o~elli:1; :c. accordance '.lith Se:tion 12.<.2 hereof. Duplex Dwelling In acc;crdance with Section 11.2. 2 hereof. 1~.1.1.4 Triplex and Double Duplex Dwelling ln accordance wi til Section 13. 2 . 2 here<:~f. 14.2. 3 Building Specifica1:ions 14.2. 3.1 Deta<::hed Dwelling In accordance with Section 11.2 .3 hereof. Semi-deta<::hed Dwelling !n accordance with Section 12 .2. 3 hereof. Duplex Dwelling In accordance with Section 12.2 . 3 hereof. Triplex and Double Duplex Dwelling h.3.l 14.3. 2 14.3. 3 1~ -~ .l 14,4. 2 14.4. 3 14.4. s 14.4. 6 In accordance with Se<::tion 13.2.3 hereof. The exisung building on the lands designated RS-1 m.ay De used for not more than 2 medical or dental offices provided that all other applicable provisions of this By-law are complied with and provided that the required parking is to the t'eat' of the building is screened in accordance with the provis1.ons of Sec1:ion 6.27.5 herein. The existing building on the lands designated RS-2 may be used for a photographic studio provided that all other applicable previsions of this By- law are <::omplied·with and provided that the t'equit'ed parking is s<::reened in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.27.S herein. The existing buil<:ling on the lands <:lesignated RS-3 may be used fer an art gallery pt'ovided that all othet' applicable provisions of this By-law are complied with and provi<:led that the required parking is screened in accordance with the pr<:~visions of Section 6.27.5 herein. CONVERSION OF AN EXISTING DWEL!..ING -~ CONJA!N GktAitk NUH!ltk 01 D .. :.,.LWG UNITS A conversion of an existing <:le1:aohed dwelling unit to a greater numbet' of dwelling uni1:s shall be pet'mitted in the R5 Zone only l.n accol'dance with all of the f<:~llowing requirements, That such <:lwellings shall have been in existance priot' to the enactment <lf this By-law, That such dwelling be in compliance with the require~~~ents of Seotion 14.2 for a <:letache<:l <:!welling prior to c<:~nverting the building to contain a gt'eater nUlllber of dwelling units. That the Buil<:ling Inspector shall have certified the building l.S structurally sound fot' such conversion. Ihat such <:!welling shall have a minimum floor area of not less than one hun<:lred eight-five (185) square metres and such fl<lOt' area shall have a minimum ceiling height of not less than two Qecimal three (2.3) mett'es over at least 75 percent of the requireQ fl<:~or area with a <:lear height of two decd.mal one (2.1) metres at any p<:~int. That the exterior appearance of such <:!welling shall be preserved. Off-street parking shall be pt'ovided in accordance with Section 6.27. SECTION 15 -ROW DWELLING RESIDENTIAL (R6l ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all Row Dwelling Residential Zones, 15.1 USES PERMITTED -t'OW housing maisonettes -link houses -accessory buildings lS. 2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS 15.2. 2 Lot Specifications Lot Area pet' Dwelling Unit ~ow Housing (minimum) Link House Maisonettes Lot Frontage (minimum) Row Housing • total parcel (minimum) -per unit (minimum> Link House • total parcel <minimum) -per unit (minimum) Maisonettes -total parcel (minimum) • per unit (minimum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum> Rear Yard (minimum) Side Yard (minimum) :.in<:~bstructed Distance Between B<Jildin~s on the Same Lot a·~ildin~ Specifications rloor Area (minimum) :..ot Cover11~>;e (maKimuml Height (maKimuml ??!VATE OUTDOOR L!VING AE .. ~. 2)0 square metres 280 square me1:res 280 square metres 30 metres 6 metres 36 mett'eS 9 mett'es 36 metres 6 metres S metres . 5 metres 5 mett'es 3 mett'es 75 square me1:res "' 10 metres A private outdoor livin2 a.-ea s. all be provide:! :'oi-each d~o~ellir.g unit a ... : eac.-. p:oivate outc!oo!" :iving area snd:l: Be adjacenl: 1:0 th" wall of the dwelling unit and have access to a hdbi table room (other than a bedroom) or to "' halL Have a width equal to the width of the dwelling '.~nit and have a minimum depth (ft'om the wall of the dwelling unit) of siK (£) metres. Such privacy ar-ea shall be defined by a wall or fence. 15.4 15.4 .1 15.1!. 2 No more than eight (8) units of row housing Ot' link housing shall be dttached in a continuous row in any row development. No mot'e than sixteen (16) units of maisonettes shi!lll be attached. SEC"riON 16 -riRST DENSITY APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL (RAl) ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all Apartments Fit"st Density Residential CRAll Zones. 16 .1 USES PERMIT1'ED -one apartment building per lot • accessory buildings 16.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS 16-2.1 16.2.1 lB. 2.3 l-ot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) 160 sq. m./dwelling unit Lot Frontage (minimum) 30 metres Siting Specifications Ft"ont Yard (minimum) 'I the height of the builr:iing and in no <;ase less than nine ( 9 J metres ft'om the stt'eet line Rear-Yard (minimum) 9 mett'es Side Yal'ds (minimum) ;, the building height and in no case less than six (5) metres Exterior Side Yar<:ls ~ the building height a.nd in no case less tha.n nine (9) metres from th" Stt'eet line auilding Spe<::ifications Flo<:~r Area (minimum) Bachelor 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms Lot Coverage (maximum) Height (maximum) ~ 0 square mett'es SO square metr"s 6 S square metr"s 7 5 square metres "' 28 metres SECTION 17 -SECOND DENSITY APARTMENT RESIDtNUAL {itAil ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all s .. cond Density Apartment Residential (RA2l Zones. 17.1 17.2 17.2 .1 17.2 .2 11.2 .3 USES PERMITTED -one apartment building pet' lot -a<::ceasory buildings ZONE REOUIREHENTS Lot Specific:ations Lot Area (minimum) 13(1 square metres/dwelling unit Lot Front•ge (minimum) 30 metres Siting Specifications Front Yard <minimum) Redr Yard (minl.muml Side Yat'<:l (minimum) Exterior Side Yard(min.) Building Specifications rloor Ar"a <minimum) Ba<::helor l Dedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms Lot CoVet'age Height (maximum) 1:1 th" height of the building and in no case less than nine (9) me1:res from the street line 9 mett'es lj the building height dnd in no case less than six ( 6 l lj the building height and in no case less than nine (9) menes ~o square metres 50 square metres 65 square metres 75 square metres "' 28 metres SECTION 18 -THIRD DENSITY APARTMENT k£SID£NIIAL (kA3) ZONE The following pr<:~visions shall apply to all Thir<:l Density Apartment Residentilll (RAJ) Zones. 18.1 USES PERMITTED 18.2 18.2 .1 18. 1. -13 • -one apartment building per l<lt -a<;cessory buildings ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specificatl.ons Lot Area. (minl.muml 9S square metr.,s/dwelling unit Lot rt'ontage (minimum) 30 metres Sitl.ng Specificati<lns rrcnt Yard (minimum) ;, the height of the . building and in no case less than nine ( 9 l mett'es ft'om the stt'eet line Rear Yard (minimum) 9 metres Side Yard (minimum) a, the building height an<:l in no case less than nJ.ne (9) mett'eS EKterior Side 'fdrd (minl l:l the building height and in no case less than n1.ne ( 9) metres 16.2 .3 Building Specifications f1<X>l' Al'ea (minimum) Bachetlor 1 bedro0111 2 betdrOOIIIB 3 bfldrooms Lot Covetrage Height (minimum) (maximum) 40 square me1:res 50 square mettoes 6 5 square metres 7 5 square metres "' ~ s totoeys n met:res SECTION 19 -GENERAL PROVISIONS fOR CbkkfkCIAL {C) ibNfS The following provisions shall apply to all COID.IIlercial CCl Zones. 19.1 19.2 19 .2.1 19.3 19.3.1 19. 3. 3 19.3 .4 19. 3. 5 19.3 .6 19. 3. 7 USES PERMITTED No person shall nereafter within a C0111111ercial (C) Zone use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except in accordilnce with the following provisions. LOADING SPACE The owner or occupant of a lot, building Of' st-ructu-re ill a COJIIIQel'cial CC) Zone, including building or parts of buildings used for office COIIUilercial use, which J.nvolves the roece:i.ving, shipping, loading or unloading of goods, wares or merchandise, shall proov:i.de and maintain in a location suitable to the Municipality load:i.ng or unloading spaces nine (9) metres, long, three decimal five (3.5) metres wide, and having a vertical clearance of at least four (4-) metr-es in accordance with the following standards: Total Commercial Floor Al'ea Nu=ber of Loading of Buildins or Sttoucture Spaces Required lifO squatoe metres or less lifO squiltoe metres or more but less than 300 square metres 300 square metres oto mo-re but less than 2,500 square met toes 2, 500 square metres or more but less than 7,500 square me1:res '1,500 Sq~Uore metres or more OUTSIDE STORAGE AND DISPLAY Of MODS AND MAitk!ALS 1 additional space for every 7,500 square metres or fractional part thereof On lands in COJD.IIIercial zones where outside storage and display of goods and materials is permitted the following provisions shall be complied with: The area used for outside storage and display shall not be more than twice the floor area above grade of the commercial building, or portion of any S\Lch b\Lilding constructed upon the lot, and used for the COJD.IIIero::ial p\Lrpose for which outside storage is permi1:1:ed, and in any event, such area for outside storage and display shall not be more th&n thirty-five (3Sl percent of the lot area. If the;lot \Lpon which outside storage and display is permitted is adjacent to the boundary of a reside'ntial zone, a landacaping strip at least one decim.il five (1.5) metres in width shall be planted and m,!l.intained along S\LCh boundary line, The landa'caping shall c:onsist of a thick hedge of hardy shr\Lbs or suitable trees not less than one decimal five (1.5) metres in heigh1:, and shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance. All:ernatively, the Town may req\Lire the provision of such walls, fences, hedges, trees, shrubs or other S\Litable grc\Lnd cover to provide for adequate landscaping of the land or protec1:ion to adjoining lands J.n a development agreement in acco~Cdance with Section 33 of the By-law. Where lighting fac:ilities are provided, they shall be so ilrf'&nged as to deflect the light into the O\LtSide storage and display area, and away from adjoining properties and streel:S or as specified by the Town in a development agreement in accordance with Section 33 of this By-law. The area \LSed for O\Ltside storage and display shall be in addition to and separated from the areaa requ:i.red for parking as provided for in all Commercial zones. The area used for outside storage and display shall provide side and rear yards in accordance with thl! proviaions fer the zone in which 1:he land is situated, bu1: in any even1: shall not be closer 1:0 any side or >:'ear lot line than three (3) metres. The area used for ou1:side storage and display shall be surfaced and main1:ained with either concrl!te, asphalt, crushed stone or other hard surface and dustless matl!rials, or maintained as a lawn in a heall:hy growing condition or as specified by the Town in a development agree~~~ent as provided in Section 33 of <this By-law. Prior to the establishment of an area for the outside storage and display, the owner shall file in Wl'iting With the Clerk of the 11unicipality a notice <thereof giving full particulars including a skl!tch or survey of the lands to be used in relation 1:0 all b\Lildings or 01:her Structures on the same lot. 19.4 PROPERTY ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL ZONE Where the front, side or rear lot line abuts a Residential Zone, planting strips adjoining such abutting lot line or portion thereof shall be provided within t!te C Zone in accordance with the requiremen1:s for planting strips set out in Section 5. 31 hereof. SECTION 20 -LOCAL COMMERCIAL tCll ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all Local Commercial tCll Zones. 20.1 20.2 20.2 .1 20. 2.2 USES PERHI'I'Tlll -convenience re1:ail store, personal service shops -one apartment cwelling unit in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.4 herein ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specific:ations Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard tminimu.ml Side Yards Cminimu.ml &xterior Side :lards (minimulll) Building Specifications Lot Coverage (maximu.ml floor Area {111aximu.ml for e&c:h commercial unit Maximu.m floor area for each commercial co11ple.~ '" "' "' square 111etres " metres 7 .s metres '"' 111etres 4,5 metres 7, 5 metres "' Sq\Lare me1:res square metres SECTION ?1 -CENTRAL COI1HERCIAL (C2) 20NE The following provisions shall apply to all Central Commercial CC2) Zones. 21.1 21.2 21.2.1 21.2.2 ?1.2.3 USES PERHI'I'Tlll -banks or other financial establishlllents -business or professional offices, commercial schools, commercial clubs clinics funeral parlors institutional uses, including churches, libraries, government offices, post office hotels or motels places of entertainment restaurants -retail stores service shops, light service shops, personal -st\Ldios -supermarkets ZONE REOUIRD!EN'I'S Lot Speeifications Lot Area C111inimum 230 square me1:res Lot Frontage (mini.mu.m) 10 squllr7 m~tres Notwithstanding the above, a 101: legally exl.stJ.ng on the d&te of passing of this by-law may be used for a permitted use provided all other req\LireJ!Ients of this By-law are met. Siting Specifications Rear yard (minimum). &lCterior Sideyilrd (minimullll Building Specifications Gross Floor Area 7 .S metres 1 .S metres Maximum of all buildings lSO percent lot coverage Height of Building {maximu.ml 28 metres SECTION 21. 3 -CENTRAL COKMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL id-1l b!CtPIION 20Nt 21.3.1 USES PERHITT&O -dwelling "'nits above use permitted by Section 21.1 of this By-law 21.3.2 ZON& REOUIRD!£NTS 21.3,2.1 Lot Specifications In accordance with Section 21.2 .1 of this By-law. Siting Specifications ln accordance with Section 21.2.2 of this By-law. Building Specifications Gross Floor Area (maximum aU buildings) 21.4-.l Floor Area (per dwelling unit) {minimum) Height of Building (maximum) In accordance with Section 21.2.3 of this By-law In accordanee with Section 7.11 of this By-law In accordance with Section 21.2.3 of this By-law -in acco>:'dance with Section 21.1 hereof ZONE REOUIRDIEN'I'S -1n accordance with Section 21.2 -llf - ~ ?rooerries within rhe Cenrral Business Llistrict whir::h have oeen placed "Environmenral Prot.,ction ~E.~.) Zc:;e WJ.ll ~e re~onea ro Central Commercial FloodplaJ.n_<.xce~rlon (C2·<l :~·c.e uoon complJ.anc;:e with rhe policies o: Sec;:tJ.On 4.5b.(l><) c: :c,,; Official Plan. SEC-:'1:!:: 2:' • SERVICE COMMERCIA:.. (_J) ::c!i" (QRBANl The following provisions shal~ apply to all Service Commercial (C3l Zones. 12 .• 22. 2. 2 22.: .3 IJSES PERMITTED animal hospitals antique shops automobile servic;:e srations and service centres automobile washing establishments clinics convenience retail srores dry cleaner's distribution depots gasoline bars -garden and nursery sales and supply establishmenrs • hotels, motels and tourist ho.,es, • motor vehicle and trailer sales areas • public garages, mechanical -public transporta"tion terminals -restaurants and take-out restaurants • supermarkets • retail stores accessory to the above one apartmen't dwelling unit in accordance with "the provisions of Section 7 ·" outside stprage in ac;:cordance with the provisions of Section 19~1! may be permitted in conjunction with an above noted pennitted use ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications :..ct Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications Fr'ont Yard (minim\lm) Rear Yard (minimum) • 11her'e abutting residential uses Side Yard (minimum) • where abutting residential uses Ex'terior Side Yard (minimum) auilding Specifications Lc~ Cover"age (maximum) Height ("'aximwn) 1,~00 square metres 30 metres 10 metres 7. 0 metres 10 metres "'etres 10 me1:res !0 metres 35\ 10 metres SE:TION 22.3 SERVICE COMMERCIAL C3-1 ZONE (RURAL) 22. 3. 1 USES PERMITTED animal hospitals and kennels antique shops automobile service st;~.tions convenience retail stor"es farm implement dealerships gasoline bars -garden and nursey sales and supply establishment including commercial gr"eenhouses. One apartment dwelling unit above in accordance with the pr'ovisions of Section 7. II herein. -outside storage in accordance with the provisions of Section lS .4 may be permitted in conjunction with the above noted permitted use. 2 2, ~, 2 ZONE REQUIRDIENTS Lot SpecifieatJ.Ons Lot area 2,000 square metres l.ot frontage 30 "'etres Siting Specifications In accordance with Section 2 2. 2. 2 her"ein except that a canopy 2: • 3 , 2 • 3 Building Specifications !n acc::ordance with Section 2 2. 2 . 3 herein s<::TION 23 -SHOPPING CEN'I'RE COMMERCIAL (C~l ZONE T:,e following pr"ovisions Shall apply to all Shopping Centre Commercial ( C~) Zones. ; :; .1 USES PERMITTED <:\. • automobile service cen'tt"<!! • banks or financial establishments • bowling alleys business and professional offices clinics drug stores libNries, post offices and governiDI!nt administr'ative offices laundrys gasoline bars and automobile washing establishments medical and dental labor"atories places of entertainment personal service shops restaurants retail stor'es supermarkets 1 apar'tment suite per' ~hopping centre for caretaker accOIMiodatior. in accordance with the provlsions of Section 7 ·" ZONE REQUIREMENTS Let Specifications ~ot Area (minimum) ~"t Frontage (minimum) O,OQO square me'tres :;~ metres 23.2. 2 :3.2.:; Siting Soecifications Front Yai-d (min:unum) Rear Yard (minimum) Side Yard (minilr.uml E:xl:erior Side Yard (min:;J!Iuml 3uilding Specificatic::r.s :..or Coverage tmaxi:nUJ:!) !-!eight (maximum) " " !:1el:res ' metres ; r..erres ~2 metr-es :>5\ ~: metres SECTIOtl 2~ -GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR INDUSTRIA!. (~l ZOl/ES The following provisions shall apply to all Industrial (H) Zones. 2~. l 24.2 .1 2~. 2. 2 24.2 .4 '". 2 .s 24.2 .6 2~ .2. 7 2~. 2.8 24.3 24.3 .l 24. J. 2 USES PERHITTED No person shall hereafter use any building, structure or land, nor erect: any bu~lding _or sl:ructure l.fol any Indus'trial (Ml Zone except ~n accordanc;:e Wl.th the following provisions. LOADING SPACE The owner or occ::upan't of any lot, building '?r struc::ture in an Industrial (M) Zone, excludJ.ng buildings or portions of buildings used. f'?r office commercial use, which involves t~e recelVJ.ng, shipping, loading or unloaoing or _goo'?s, ."ares or merc::handise, shall provide and maln~aln 1n a . location suitable to rhe <own, load1ng or unload1ng spaces nine (9) metres long, 'three dec::imal five (3.5) metres wide, and nav1ng a vertical clearance of at least four (4) metres according to the following cri1:eria: Total floor Area of Building or Struc::ture 140 square metres or less 140 square me'tres or more bu't less than 300 square metres 300 square metres but less than 2500 square me'tres 2, 500 square feet or more but less than 7,500 square me'tres 7,500 square metres or more Number of Loading Spaces Reguirec l additional space for every 7,500 square me'tres or ~rac'tional part thereof Access Notwithstanding any o'ther provls>.ons of thJ.S By- law, for driveway Wldth, access to ~oadJ.ng or ~i~~an~g m!~~;: ~ge s~~i!s~a~~c~ ~~~~:~a~r!tdt:!~~ly linked in a lane or roadway. Location The loading or unloadJ.ng space(s) requJ.red shall be located in the J.nterlor SJ.de yard or rear yard unless setbac;:k from the street line is a "'lnUI.Um of sixty (60) metres. Additions to Buildings . The loading space or unloading space requJ.ref!len~s referred to herein shall not apply t'? any buJ.;dJ.ngs in existence at the da'te of the pass1ng of thlS By-law, so long as the floor area as i~ ~xisted_at such date is not increased. If an a~dlt~on(s) lS made to the building or struct\lre whJ.ch 1norease~ the floor area then additional loading or unlo~d~ng spaces shall be provided according 1:0 the prOVlSJ.ons of this By-law. PARKING SPACE LOCATION Where a parking space or ~paces are required in an IndUS'trial (Ml Zone by rhJ.s By-law, such spaces shall: Be located not less rhan one decimal five (1.5) metres from any side or rear lot line· YARD ABUTTING A RESIDENTIAL OR HOLDING ZONE Notwithstanding any other provisions cf this. By-. law where an Industrial (M) Zone abuts a R~sJ.de':'tJ.al or Molding Zone or is separate~ from a ResJ.dentJ.al or Holding Zone by a street, hlghway or ~and only, them a yard in addition to the yard requ1re~ ~y the applicable zone of thirty (30) metres 1UnlJIIU"' shall be provided and maintained as a landscaped open space l.n accordance w1 th the requirements of Section 6.35. YARD ENCROACHMENT PERMITTED ~~~!i~~~~:nding the yard provisions of this By- law, a ga'tehouse shall be pertnJ.tted in a front or side yard in a General Industrlal (M2l Zone. \olhere the lot abuts a railway, rhe yard on tho;. side of the railway right of way shall be a mlnlJilum cf zero (0) "'etres. SECTION 25 -RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL (Mll ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all Restricted Industrial (Ml) Zones. " " : S. IJSES PERMITTED 'IS. 'I 2S. 2 .1 25.2. 3 25.3 ""Y m.anufactut"ing Or' industriai ·~ncertak ng rhat is conauctec M\U .. no;..iv con-o:a~nea " !~in "" encloseo l:>uilclng anc is not ooncxlo'~ cr ~azardous :,v reason c:' soum::. oco~:o. lr.: amabilit·. dust fum .. s Or' smoKe .. nc ;;r,ic~ or.,.u ~.n detrimental in appearance or e:':'e::~ ':C surrounaing uses and s:.a:l inch:ce lig:\t metal products ;::..dnts, ;:rintin~t es"tablisn::>en'ts, "'at'ehousing,of£ices O::cidenta.i. tc an ir.::~strid: use and light service snaps. dwelling unit of a caretaker or person employed in the maintenance staff of a oermitted industrial use on the same lot· in accordance "'ith the provisions of Section 24.~ ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Spe<:!ifications Front Yard (minimum) i<ear Yard (minimum) Side Yard {minimum) Exterior Side Yard (minimum) Building Spe<:!ifications :.ot Coverage (maximum) Height (maximum) OUTSIDE STORAGE 1,400 square metres 30 metres 9 metres metres metres 3 metres "' lil metres In a Restricted Industrial U1ll Zone, the storage of goods, material or ma<:!hinery shall not be permitted other than in a "holly enclosed building. :7 .•. 27.2 27.3 27,4 US!:S P::RMITTED :~ncrete oatcr,ing cr ~~;>r.dl: ~-~"-'" sana, gravel or roc" :>!'oces$in~. :;d3nlr.~. ;~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~;~g or ~!'uSnlng o;:er<mcr.s ::.:::OUIREHE1lTS ~ct Specifications :..ot Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications Front ~ard (minimum) Rear Yat"d (minimum) Side Yard (minimum) Exterior Side :tard (minimum) YARD ABUTTING PUBLIC ROAD :a:.. 3C· mett"es :!0 metres 30 metres " metres Not.,ithstanding any other yard requirements in this 6y-la.,, where an Extractive Industrial (M3) Zone abuts a public street or road, then on the yard that so al:>uts there shall be a yard o! sixty (60) metres in which no digging of materials or quarrying of stone shall be permitted. YARD ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL OR HOLDI!>G ZONE llot.,ithstanding any other provisions of this Bv- la.,, "'here 4n Extractive Industrial (M3J Zone · abuts a Residential or Holding Zone: SECTION 25.4 -RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL SERVICE (Ml-1) 27 · 4.1 The removal of sand and gravel shall l:>e prohibited "'ithin one hundred t"'enty (120) metres of the dbutting Residential Zone. u:CEPTION ZONE 2.5.4 .1 2S.4. 2 USES PERMI'l"I'ED commercial uses in<:!idental to or in combination with manufacturing im:luding business and professional offices, hanks, restaurants recreational facilities including arenas, curling rinks and pr"ivate clubs, bo.,ling alleys, swimming pools, l:>anquet facilities, roller skating rink any use permitted in Section 2 S ,1 hereof ZONE REOUIREHr.tiTS 1n a<:!<:!ordance "'i th Section 2S. 2 of this By-law, SECTION 2e -GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (H2l ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all General Industrial {H2) Zones. 26.1 26.2 26.2 .l 26.2. 2 26.2. 3 USES PERI'JI'I'TED all uses permitted in a Restr"icted InduStr"ial (Ml) Zone automobile service stations l:>akeroies contractors' yards and supply oper4tions dry cleaning establishments food processing plants heavy service shops ll.u•l:>er yards machine or welding shops !llanufacutring establishments including prilllary processing, fal:>ric4tion or assembly of ma'terials plumbing shops pul:>lic garages mechanical or autol:>ody sheet metal shoos trucks or !:>us si:orage areas or terminals "'a rehousing ZONE REQUIREHENTS J.ot Specifications Lot Area {minillluml Lo't Frontage {minimum) Siting Specifications Fron't Yard {lllinimuml Rear Yard {minimullll Side Yard (minimum) Exterior Side :tard (minimum) Building Specifications Lot Coverage (ou•ximum} Height (maximum) 1,400 square metres 30 metres 9 metres 9 metres 3 .metres 9 metres " ' 10 :u•tres 26.3 OUTSIDE STORAGE Any open or outside storage. accesso,.:: to the main use, and par"klng of comrnerc1a~ vehlC.I.es, ?roviciing that such storage and/or parklng is :imited ~c s~de and/or re<ll" yards screened from the street by a ;Jall or decora'tive close hoard or ::.asonrv ~vpe fence not less than t"'o (2l metres a:>.:! not·m~re ~h"n.t"'o dec~al five (2.S) metres o:~ !Ieight. ~ot.,lthstandl.ng the. above, the ooen storage :>!' structural steel, eltner fal:>ricai:ec ~r untacricdtec. shall l:>e permitted provided that tr.e storage area is not closer ~han fifteen ( 15) metres to the lot boundary and SlXty (EiO) metres to a ~one ~n ;:nict. residential use lS permitted. s::CTio:; :' ~ EX'!'RACTIVE INDUSTRIAL (!-!3l ZOII!: :'he following provisions Shdll apply to ail Lxtractive Industrial (H3) Zones. 27.4. 2 27. 5 27.5.1 27. s. 2 27.6 27.7 The removal of quarry stone Or' the processing of sand, gravel, or stone at the extra<:!tion area shall oe prohibited "'ithin two hundr"ed ten (2101 metres of the abutting Residential Zone. YARD EXCEPTION BUILDING AND STORAGE No building, plant Or' product stock pile of a pit or quarry shall be located on the pit or quarry property within: Thirty (30} mett"es of the boundary of the pit or quarry property, Ninety (90) metres of any al:>utting Residential or Holding Zone. FENCING REQUIRED Every owner or operator of an Extractive Industrial (t\3 l use, pit or quarry, shall erect and maintain a fence of heavy duty farm or legal fencing at least one decimal five (l.S) metres in height which shall follow the contours of ~he surface of the ground along the perimeter of 'the lot or area of the lot to be used for a pit or quarry operation. BUFFER SCREEN REQUIRED NotwithS'tanding any other requirements of this By- law, a Duffer screen unbroken exceot for entrances and exits, consisting of suitable trees and numbering a minimum of two hundred fifty (250) trees per hectare and having a minimum height at planting of t"'o {2) metres and "'hich "ill att4in a minimum height of six (6) metres shall be provided and mainta1ned within the required front, side and rear yards surrounding the Extractive Industrial Use, pit or quarry and located a minimum of fifteen (lSl metres from any property line abutting a public street or highway and fifteen (15) metres of any land in a Residential or Holding Zone, except that a J:>uffer screen may l:>e supplemented or replaced by 4n earthet"n berm, high enough to interrupt the view of the pit or quarry from adjoining lands and in all cases at least t"'o { 2) me'tres 1n height, properly seeded and graded and located in the same required location as a buffer screen consisting of trees. SECTION 29 -INSTITUTIONAL (I l ZONE ~~~ ~~*!~~ing provisions shall apply to all Institutional 28.1 ~ 15 - :.JSES I'ERMI'l"''ED arenas armout"ies .. uditOt'la or meeting halls cemetet"~es children's homes colleges or :.>niver"sities college or university residences eating eStdblisiu:len~s ~ay care centres gover"nment buildings inclucing o!fices hospitals libr"aries n<lrsing homes pul:>lic or ?r"ivate schools senior citizen's homes private club religious ~nstitutions dwelling units for persons .. ssociarec:l "'ith a permitted use in ac<:!orciance "'ith t:>e ~revisions cf the R2 Zone. · 2a. 2 ZONE KEOUIREMENTS <6. 2 .l za.: .• 26.2 .2 l.ot Specifications Lot Area (miniJn\lm) Lot frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications ':-ont Yard (minim,.ml Rear Yare! tminim,.m) SJ.de Yard (miniJnuml ~so square metres 30 metres lQ metres lS metres 1:1 the height of the building ancl in no case less than four decimal five (4.S) metres Exterior Side Yard (minim,.m) 10 met:res Building Specificlltions Floor Area ( mini.m11111l Lot Coverage (maximum) Height (maximum) 100 square metres m 28 metres SECTION 2S -RURAL GENERAL ( RU) ZONE The following provisions shllll apply to all Rural Generlll (RU) Zones. · 29.1 USES PERMITTED agri<:l\lltural uses incl1.lding farming, soil cultivation and livestoc:k rearing breeding, raising and training of farm ani.mals and horses churches c:r plllces of worship home occupations horseb&ei<. riding cl\lbs farm greenhouses one single family dwelling inc:luding an accessory attached residential dwelling unit oooupied by a person employed full time on the farm where the farm is not less than ~0 hectares in area buildings and uses accessory to any of the '"ses pern~itted 29.2 . ZONE REQUIREMENTS farm and/or Residential 2g.2." i..ot Specificat:ions Lo1: Area (miniJnum) 10 hec1:ares Lo1: Frontage (minimum) 180 metres Notwithstanding the above, a i"t legally existing on the date of passing of this By-law having a minimum frontage of thirty (30) menes on a public road and a mini.mu.m area of one thousand eight hundred {1,800) square metres may be \~Sed for a single family residential dwelling and accessory use. 29.2.2 Siting Specifications front :lard Minimum Setback from Centre Line of Road Allowance Roads Under Jurisdiction of the Town of Aurora 30 metres Roads Under Jurisdic· tion of the Regional Municipality of York 33.5 metres Rear Yard (minimum 22 metres Side Yard (minimu.m) 9 metres Exterior Side Yard(minimuml 15 metres Notvi thstanding tha above noted sida y..rd requirement for a legal lot as specified under Section 29 .2.1 the minimum side yllrd shall be 3 metres. 29.2.3 Building Specifications (Residential) Gross Floor Area (minimum) 110 sq,.are metres Building Height (maximum) lD metres Lot Coverage (maximllllll 20\ 29.3 Notwithstanding the prc:visions of Sec:t:J.on 29.1 a telecom~~~unications tower and accessory building existing on the date of passing of this by-law may be enlarged or extended in accordance with the regulations of the a\lthorJ.tY havJ.ng jurisdiction for the establishment of suc:h tower. SECTIOU 30 -ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC"I"ION (E.P. l ZONE The following provisions shall apply to all Environ.'llental Protection (E.P.) Zones. 30.1 USES PERMI"I"'l'I:D agriculture athletic fields conservation forestry hortiC1.ll"t1.lral nurseries golf co\lrses parks, public and private wildlife areas JC. ~ ZONE REQUIRD1ENTS No buildings or struc:tures shall be erected in this. zone whether or not ancillary to tne uses permltted. SECT!~!; 31 • MAJO?. OPE/I SPACE (Cl ZONE :~e fe>Uowing provisions shall apply to a: •. '1ajor ~;>en Spac~ (~·) Zones. .... ··~----------------~------------ 31.1 USES PERMitTED 31.2 31.2 .1 31.2. 2 agric:\ll ture a1:hletic fields conservation forestry horticultural nurseries golf courses parks, p1.lblic and private wildlJ.fe areas buildings accessory to --:ne above noted <.~ses ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifical:ions Lot Area (minimum) 2,000 Lot frontage (minim= 30 Siting Specifications front Yard (minimum) Rear :tard (minimum) Side 'iard (minimum) With Without Buildings B1.lildings square metres Nil square metres Nil u metres Nil u metres Nil ; metres Nil 31.2. 3 Lot Coverage (maxim\1111) "' Nil Height (maximum) SECTION 32 -HOLDING (H) ZONE " metres Nil The following provisions shall apply to the Holding (Hl Zone. 32. 1 USES PERMITTED 32.2 32.2 .1 32.2. 2 any use within an existing building on a let lawfully used for such purposes on the effective date of this by-law any existing use on a lot lawf\llly used for such purpose on the effective date of this by-law buildings and uses accessory to legal existing \lSeS ZONE REQUIREMENTS The minimum front and rear yard depths, the maximum lot coverage and building height shall be not less than those lawfully existing on the. effective date of this By-law. The foregoing shall not apply to prevenl: the enlargement of exis1:ing buildings and str\lctures S1.lbject to the approvaJ. of plans in accordance with the provisions of Section 33 of this By-law. SECTION 33 -SITE PLAN CONTROL 33.1 The Town of A1.lf"Ora as estllblishad by The Regional Municipality of York Act is hereby designated as a Site Plan control area as referred to in Section 35(al of The Planning Act. SECTION 34 -ADMINISTRATION 34 .1 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR This By-law shall be administered by a pe~son designated from t:ime to time by the Councl.l. 34.2 ~ In case any building or struct,.re is or is proposed to be erected, altered, reconstructed, extended to enlarged, or any building or structure or part thereof is or is proposed to be used, or an~ land is or is proposed to be used, J.n contravent10n '?f any requirements of this By-law such contraventJ.on may be restrainted by olction at the instance of any ratepayer or of the Town of A1.lrora p1.lrsuant to the provisions of The Planning Act in that behalf· 3 ~ • 3 lli!E.!.ll 34.4 If any section, clause or provision of this By-law including anything contained in the Schedules attached hereto, is for any reason declared by a court of competent j1.lrisdcition to be invalid, the same shall not affec:t the validity of the By-law as a whole or any part thereof other l:han the section, cla\lSe or provision so declared to ~e . J.nvalid and it lS hereby declared to be the lntent~on that all the remaining sections, cla,.ses or prov1s1ons of this By-law shall remain in full force and effect until repealed, notwithstanding that one or more provisions thereof shall have been declared to t>e invalid. ~ Any person convicted of a breach of the previsions of this By-law shall be s1.lbject 1:0 a penalty not . exceeding One Thousand ( $1,000.00) dollllf"S, exclusJ.ve of cos1:s, for each offence as provide~ for in The Municipal Act. For the purpose of thls By-law each day in violation may constitute a separate offence. BY-!.AWS REPEALED By-laws 985, as amended. 1141-77, as amended, and_ 1863, as amended. are hereoy repeal~d, S<J~h re~ea~ to come into effect upon the date or passJ.ng o. this By-law. !:!TEC"!IVE UATE No part of this By-law will come into for~e without Onl:ario Municipal Board approval. but &\lb)ect to s\lCh approval, ~ne By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. CONVERSION OF METRIC STANDARDS USED IN BY-LAW Length (Conversion factor 1m: 3.281 ft.) :-letric: Standard • . ; . ' L2 ' '.; ;; '" "' Metric: §tandard (m j 1100 11100 2000 2500 5000 7500 aooo "• 10 ha Imperial Conversion ( !t .l L6110S 2 .2967 '. 281 3 .937 £. 562 a. 2025 g. 8~3 13.124 14. 76~5 16.405 19.686 22.987 24.6975 26 .2l!8 29.529 32.81 39.372 "9. 215 £5.62 68 .901 72.182 75.463 78. 7ll4 8 2.025 >8.43 "" 7. 545 164.05 :80.1165 196.66 213.265 229.67 246.075 262.48 278 .BBS 295.29 328.1 Imperial Conversion (sq. ft.) 11836 15064 2U20 26900 53800 80700 86080 2.471 ·~. 71 Area (Conversion fac:'tor 1 sq • .':t. • 10.76 sq. ft.) Metric~ Standard c Imoerial Conversion <sq. t. 10.76 il. 5:! l2. 38 43.04 :3 .s 64.56 75.32 86. OB 96.84 107.60 161.4 193.68 215. 2 "' 322 .s 376.6 430.4 484.2 "' 591.8 645.5 699 .4 753.2 '" 860.8 9h.6 968.11 l02Z.~ 1076 1183.6 1291.2 1396.8 1306.~ 1614 1721.6 1775.~ 1990.6 2474. B 3228 4842 '+9119 .5 5971 .a 69911 898~.5 ; READ A FIRST TIME THIS . .:J :51/oA'l OF.~,~.......!'~._. READ A SECOND TIME TIUS_;::_;.~fxDA'l or ~,.._.:._l . .._, 19 7f " ~-=:;·MAYOR Mi'><>• READ A THIRD TIME AND fiNALLY PASSED "rHIS 12 fu ·~ .J .. 2!' -lO - t::tr:K i /'"'• RESIDENTIAL ZONES CJ[J Rural :::::E1D Estate =aD Single Family Detached Dwelling First Oenslly ::B:D Single Femlly Detached Dwelling Second Density ::JIIJ Semi-Detached & Ouolex Dwelling INDUSTRIAL ZONES CJ!ITJ Restricted :::J!!IJ General C!diJ Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES :::r::::J lnatltutional Third Density RURIIIL ZONES ::a:IJ Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling cruLi Rural Fourth Density ::ns:::l Special Mixed Density om:J Row Owetling OPEN SPACE ZONES DlAIJ illpartment First Density [J[AIJ Apartment Second Oen1rty C1iED Apartment Third Density a!:J Environmen1al Protection c::JLJ Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES ClCJ Holding COMMERCIAL ZONES a:r:J Locel cc:IJ Central ctiJ Highway aiJ Shopping Centre Fill & Construction illres ! ' "OTE: Th h""""''"" or t~o E~•,.onmontot ProtoettOft Zono ond rno Fur ood Courrocto.,. Aroo wooo ooottod lrom "'•ooong ot r•o sour• lo•o so .. ooo COMor .. uon Aur•orn• •"'"" ••• o•ooorod """V rno On!Orlo In o~ro•OO llogulouon 712170. For moro ooourO\o rocoloon roloronoo ••oul<l bo modo ro '"' o"gonol moooong. THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO SY-LAW No. 2213•78 PillS SED THIS 1611> DillY OF JUNE 1980 CLERK: ;· 8 RC:O~£R MAYOR: ~£0/?G£ 0 T''ofPSO·V TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 1 PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Pl1nnln~ Oeplltment RESIDENTIAL ZONES CJLJ Rural a:B:J Estate RU H ~ Sln~e Family Detached Dwelling First Density c::E.lLJ Single Family Detached Dwelling Second Density c::::B:L:i Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density • R4 ' Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density r.:.::B:D Special Mixed Density c::::BB:J Row Dwelling CB.ID Apartment First Density CB:m Apartment Second Density CB:ATI Apartment Third Density COMMERCIAL ZONES CCD Local ~Central RU INDUSTRIAL ZONES CMIJ Restricted c:J!iD General c::::M:a:J e·xtractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES D::l Institutional RURAL ZONES ~Rural OPEN SPACE ZONES Ge::J Environmental Protection LO:J Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES cs=J Holding Fitt & Construction Area ~ ' . c::::c::IJ Highway c::::c:D Shopping Centre NOTE: The Boundaries of the Environmental Protection Zone and the Fill and Construction Area were plotted from mapponq of the South Lake Simcoe Conservatoon Author1t1 which was prepared usinq the crtterill on Ontario Requlatlon 782174. For more accurate location reference should be made to the orlqlnal mapping. ;: THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No.2213·78 PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JUNE 1980 CLERK; 1{._/l _f?._O_D§Cl?_ MAYOR ; tjf_QR_Gff_{2-_[IMNQ/! ___ _ TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 2 . ~ - ---·-,.,. .~. ______ ...... PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Planning Department '"""~ J ~ RESIDENTIAL ZONES [::e=J Rural ~Estate CBIJ Single Family Detached Dwelling First Density ~ Single Family Detached Dwelling Second Density ' H ~ Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density ~ Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density CJB:] Special Mixed Density c::B6:] Row Dwelling CBAIJ Apartment First Density CB:AlJ Apartment Second Density CB'ill Apartment Third Density " ,,, ' -" INDUSTRIAL ZONES CMIJ Restricted C1i!IJ General ~ Extractive N INSTITUTIONAL ZONES CI:J Institutional RURAL ZONES Of!:O Rural OPEN SPACE ZONES aD Environmental Protection CJLJ Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES CB:J Holding Fill & Construction Area [==:J COMMERCIAL ZONES ctiJ Local ~Central [llJ Highway CIT] Shopping Centre NOTE: The Bounderie• ol the En¥ironrnenhl Protection Zone end the Fill end Conuructoon A••• were ololled horn rnepping of the South Lake Simcoe Con•er¥etlon Authority which waa prepered uling the criterie In Ontaroo Regulation 782174. For more eccurate location rataranca should ba rnada to the orlglnel m•pprng. -21 - j ' -- RU H ! I ' f THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No, 2213·78 PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JUNE 1980 CLERK: ~-fto._ffgpq~lf--------------- MAYOR: fj_~QR_GLILUYE~Q./If. _________ _ TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 3 ~----·-•K,.,. PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL. MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Planning Department I ! • ; - I i ' ;; :rtl---1 ' j_ ' I '111---i I H -"'=_}'----,-----, lit-! i _J I i r,::~LJJ1, '~ : 1. H /I HENOERSON RESIDENTIAL ZONES INDUSTRIAL ZONES CKJ Rural !::::::MIJ Restricted aB:J Estate c::MIJ General II """ J I ""' w ' -' IRA3 u 'I ,d{;jA ~~JI i. ·~~dJ/1\ilrl D~ r /// urr·ru:ui!!J_w .. nu if'. 11~/E ~'/.::;:;..-. . . Jlli!dl, 81'"' ,.,....~ . I v, ~~-~ I i i i 1 FT, IlL '--h"LI "' f-l I I i-1 . \,-1 I- I I i '-- H n I~ I j " C4 THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. 2213·78 PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JUNE 1980 I I I LJiiJ Single Family Detached Dwelling c::::MIJ Extractive CLERK; IJ-Afi'PP!iff! _______________ i First Density O!LJ Single Family Detached Dwelling INSTITUTIONAL ZONES Second Density CI::J Institutional CB:I:l Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density RURAL ZONES c:::ftD Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling CI!!IJ Rural Fourth Density c:::B:S:J Special Mixed Density c:::Em:J Row Dwelling OPEN SPACE ZONES C1lill Apartment First Density c:e:m Apartment Second Density IJlill Apartment Third Density ~ Environmental Protection c::JLJ Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES CEr::J Holding COMMERCIAL ZONES ~Local UD Central CCI] Highway CJ3:J Shopping Centre Fill & Construction Area NOTE: The Boundaries ollhe Envloonmenut Protection Zone end the Fill and Consuuctoon Area were plotted !rom mapping ot the South Lake Simcoe Coneerutlon Authority whoch wss prepared ua1ng the critena in Onurto Regulation 782/74 . For more accurate location reterence should be made to the original mapptnQ. :2 - MAYOR: q~QR_G_~_f2-JJ¥t:§Q/1 __________ I TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE to 'A' BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 4 '""'"'-·~----·-,,.. ~------"""' PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Planning Department •• <«..,. ST~E(T J ~ RESIDENTIAL ZONES CB::] Rural aB:J Estate c::::m:J Single Family Detached Dwelling First Density c::B:D Single Family Detached Dwelling Second Density c:::B:I:1 Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density c::B:D Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density c::B:O Special Mixed Density c:::BB:J Row Dwelling c::BAIJ Apartment First Density c:em Apartment Second Density c::Bill Apartment Third Density COMMERCIAl ZONES c::::c:IJ local INDUSTRIAL ZONES []!IT] Restricted c::MD General c::tn:l Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES CI:J Institutional RURAL ZONES onrJ Rural OPEN SPACE ZONES Uf::J Environmental Protection CJLJ Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES c:::H:J Holding Fill & Construction Area C=:J UD Central ~Highway CJ::IJ Shopping Centre NOTE: The Boundarin ol the Environmental Protection Zone and tha Fill and Cona!Tuctlon Area were plotted from mapotng ot the South Lake Simcoe Conlerv•tlon Authority whiCh waa oreparad using the criterl• In Onterlo Ragul•tion 782174. For more •ccurate location reference ahould be mede to the original maoolng . '~ RU ' I THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. 2213·78 PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JUNE 1980 CLERK; !L~RPP§fl] _______________ _ MAYOR; (l{QR§f_Q.TLM.P§{J!! __________ _ TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 5 ---- ---.. ,. S«IL, ~ N -• - -"' -"""' PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Planning Department .. " TO/I'N OF NEWIIA/IIf(£T J ') "=---, 1..... 26 ' -- 1 ... : I: ., c@)_ I s 1: - ~l, \-" 0 ! ' t ~ ' • 1 ' : f ~ w ~ _/'--,._ ~' : ~ '" .~ ·, ~ ~ ~,; i 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I .. -··-----.. --... -.. ~~ ~ I ~ ' J /' r , ,\l , __, ~ ;;;l · /fl '"N4a ~ •"N m I' ~ 8LOQMINGT ROAD , -j' : TO"N OF RICHM0/110 HILL i ( I ...... r::l-~ ~ "i:l.....::l~~·~~-~~- TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'B' TO BY-LAW 2213-78 THIS IS SCHEDULE 'a' TO BY-LAW No. 2213-78 PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JUNE 1980 CLERK; if. fl"--fjQ_D§£1!_ MAYOR; q;p!J.G_f_D.: fj4!_P_?QIY._ PLANNED WIDTH OF ROAD ALLOWANCES ••••••••••••.. 20 METERS 25 METERS 30 METERS 35 METERS • .;l'flfl-.~-=-~~~ ·111-P!IOYIIICIAL HIGI1'11.lS \111-REGIOIW-ROAD$ PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPARTMENT