BYLAW - Ross Street Extension - 19780905 - 217878BY-LAW NUMBER, 2178-78 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A CONSTRUCTION BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROSS STREET EXTENSION (PROJECT 537) SOUTHERLY TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF LOT 77, CONCESSION 1, IN THE TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $1,087,000.00. WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora has determined that it is desirable the the construction of this work be undertaken as soon as possible. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: J_ ~ THAT, the construction of the Ross Street extension and Street "A" ,in the amount of $1,087,000.00 as estimated by Reid and Associates, Consulting Engineers, dated January,l978 and including addendum number 1, dated February 3rd.l978, be authorized. 2. THE estimated costs are: Road Tenders $880,000.00 $132,000.00 Property acquisition, legal and surveys $ 75,000.00 $1,087,000.00 3. THAT, Reid and Associates Ltd. shall provide all the services, plans, profiles, and specifications, etc4, which may be required to complete the said work in a satisfactory manner. 4. THAT, the work shall be carried out and executed under the supervision and according to the directions and orders of the Consulting Engineers. 5. THAT, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized, to cause a contract for the construction of the said works to be made and entered into with some person, or persons, firm or corporation, and to sign any other documents necessary for construction of this work, subject to the approval of this Council, to be declared by resolution. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS DAY OF , MARCH, 1978. MAYOR----~--~~~--------- READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS -----------4-Q·-~----- ,1978. DAY OF , _____ L;:b_ MAYOR CLERK AMENDMENT NO. ::3 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The explanatory text constituting Amendment No.3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora by By-law No. in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the •••••• 5./:h ••••• day of .... September.· •••••••••• 1'9:ZI! ••• c:l 0~ ..... /~ .... (~····· MAYOR CLERK This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by .the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with Section 16 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No.3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. AMENDMENT NO. ~ TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE 1. Title and Components The Amendment when approved by the Minister of Housing shall be known as Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. Part III of this document constitutes Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 2. Purpose of The Amendment The purpose of this Amendment is to add to the Official Plan a policy to conserve and protect buildings, area, and sites of historic and/or architectural significance. 3. Basis of The Amendment There are a number of areas within the Town of Aurora which have historic and/or architectural value either as individ- ual properties or as groups of properties. It is Council's intent to protect these areas and to ensure that new develop- ment or redevelopment in such areas is compatible with and will enhance the historic and/or architectural value of these areas. A loca:a_ Architectural Cons.ervation Advisory Committee has been established by Council. This body has undertaken a survey of buildings of historic and/or architectural value within the Town and identified some areas having signif.O:. icance in this aspect.. Using this information as a basis, the Council of the Town of Aurora may through the following steps provided for in The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974 con- serve and protect the areas of historic and/or architect-· ual va"h.1e. l. Undertake a study of certain areas designated by by-law. 2. Prepare and adopt a Heritage Conservation District Plan which, will set specific policies for this District. 3. Pass a By-law designating the Heritage Conservation District. In this by~law the municipality has the auth- ority to regulate architectural design within a Heritage Conservation District and help to obtain or provide financial assistance for employment the policies of the Heritage Conservation District Plan. l. Purpose AMENDMENT NO. '3 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT NO. 3 Within the Town of Aurora there are buildings and groups of buildings which because of their design and structure or association with events-of historic significance should be conserved. 2. Policies Council intends to pass a by-law, under the provisions of Section 40 (Part V) of The Ontario Heritage Act, to designate certain areas of the Town as Heritage Conservation Study Areas to be studied with a view to establishing these areas as Heritage Conservation Districts under The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974. Buildings within the Study Area will be inventoried, and evaluated to determine their historic and/or architect- ural significance. Generally; buildings or groups of buildings of either distinctive architecture or architect- ually representative of a period in which the Town was - originally settled or buildings which have association with historic events will be considered for inclusion within a Heritage Conservation District or for individual designation. 3. When appropriate Heritage Conservation Districts have been determined through this inventory and identified for study by Council, a Heritage Conservation District Plan will be prepared and after consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee the area may be designated as a Heritage Conservation District under Section 41 of The Ontario Heritage Conservation Act,-1974. This plan would be reviewed and endorsed by the Ministry of Culture and Recreat- ion. 4. Where funding is available, the Town will encourage the restoration of certain especially important buildings. 5. Where redevelopment takes place the Town may require developers to incorporate buildings of architectural or historic value into the new development. This may entail specially designed developments which would complement the buildings of concern. ' . • -4 - Implementation (a) The Town shall establish, under the terms of The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974 a Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee. (b) After the appropriate studies have been carried out in consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, Council may, by by"'-law passed pursuant to Part V of The Ontario Heritage Act, designate certain areas of the Municipality as Heritage Conservation Districts under the terms of The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974. (c) After the appropriate studies have been carried out in consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, Council may, by by-law passed pursuant to Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974 designate certain buildings for preservation.