BYLAW - Agreement With Ontario Housing - 19781002 - 221278,> BY-LAW NUMBER 2212-78 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE ENTERING INTO OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AURORA AND THE ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION COVERING FIFTY (50) RENT SUPPLEMENT UNITS. l. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the Agreement dated July 26yh.l976 between the Ontario Housing Corporation and the Town of Aurora covering 50 rent supplement units. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 25th DAY OF September § n1? ' ------~LX/..:.._~--------- MAYoR READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF October LDCJ? --------~---~---~---L~----- MAYOR CLERK ,1978. ,1978. \ I RENT SUPPJ.EHF.NT PRCGRAM -SUBSIDY AGRF.F.HF.NT .THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate. the 29t)l day .. of ·September , A.D. 1975 BETWEEN ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION (hereinafter. called "the Corporation")· OF TilE FIRST PART -and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA (hereinafter called " Aurora " OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17 (I) (a) of The Housing Development . Act aS amended • Aurora _may, with the approval of the. Minister of Housing • enter ·into an agreement with a governmental~, authority for the maintenance cost of -~ housi~g ~roject, and WHEREAS the Corporation, being an agent of Her Majesty the Queen :l.n right of the Province of Ontario, has instituted a rent supplement housing · senior citizen" program to assist individuals/ana tam1~1es of lOw income obtain private rerital • accommodation within Aurora at rents which are scaled t"o their incomeS, whereby the Corporation pays to the owner·of such private accornmodat.:i.on. the differenCe-between such "reilts scaled in iricoine and the·usual market rents .charged. for same as well as certain other ~ncidenta+ ope_rating expenses, and VHEREAS, in consideration of the assistance given to such .pe-rsons, Aurora has ag~eed ~ith the CorPoration ~0 bear a portion of the annual operating losses pertaining· to ~mch program for projects situated within Aurora 1 and \II!ERF.AS Aurora has on the -P~---day of A.D •.. 1971 , passed By-La" No. :lJ./'L • 71 authorizing the entering into of this Agreement. .. ..;. I .. NOll THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH TIIAT in consideration of the premises ·and the mutual understandings hereinafter set forth, the parties. hereto, on behalf .of themselves· and their respective successors and aSsigns, hereby coven~nt and agree as follows 1. In this·agreement : . (1.)' "oWner" shall mean the owner of the building wherein housing units are. being leased. seniqr citizena (11) "individual/or family of low inco;ne" shall mean an · · · seniqr citizen · . individual;or family that receives a total income that in- the ~pinion of the Corporation is insufficient to permit · . ·senior citizen · : ·. . · · ... ,the individua1/or family to rent housing accommodation adequate for its needs at the· current rental market. in the . s'enior citizen area in which the individualjor famil~ lives •. . ·. (:iii) . ''rent. ·supplement" shall mean the difference between· the full monthly rents which would normally 'be charged by the owner for the housing units under the program and the . actual rentS. b~sed on the Corpo~ation 's rent-to..:.in.come · · · · or;eni,qr ci ti.,en scale, which are charged to the indiv~~ua~or. tami~Y of low 'income for the 'housi~g accommodation;· (iv) ''operating expenses" means. the total of: .a) the rent supplement.amounts paid in any ·calendar Year by the Corporation to ?wners within Aurora ... ·b)· the full market rents fo:r·any units which· the Corporation may be .legally obliged to pay to owners by reason of unavoidable vacancies occurring during the calendar year. c) · administrative expenses incurred Py the Corporation in· oper-~ting and car~yi~f? ou~ the ~progra:m• · prov~ding that the administrative. fee shall not .exceed .· $4.25 . . per housing unit per month, ·d)·._ cos_t of unit rede~oration for the purposes of assigning, subletting or reletting a unit. e) any other· legitimate expenses agreed to be paid by the Corporation to the owner pertaining to Units in the program. .·. f) a one-time development fee of $50.00 per housing ---,-,--T----,·-:-c:·.,-,.~---·-'·"""~··;.._"'--:."'~">;''"''~~x .. ~:;;.:~~;.,;,-;:.x~,;v-h'-~""v.,, •. '"'''~"""~~...,.~~~----~-:,., ---------.. ·'-~------·-~·--·~·--""<>f'-'"'•''""''""""'·~'-"=··---~-------- I 2. 3 •. 4. .. 5. The Corporation shall provide rent supplement housing senior citfZens accommodation to individuals/or families of.low income within Aurora by entering into rent supplement agreements with owners for the dir.ect leasing of' family units to . senior ci ti.z erill s~eh individualstor tamilies und~r which the Corporation shall pay the. operating expenses pertaining to the units. A list of the rent supplement agreements which the Corporation has entered· into with various owners to date is attached hereto as Schedule "A", and it is agreed that same will b~ added to from' time tO time ~S further agreements are CQDC~uded coyering'. · to a max~mum of 50 housing units further Units/and/or extending the terms u~der existing agreements. Aurora shall pay to the Corporation.on.or before the 30th day of June in each.year. a suin. equal to· seven-and-a-half (7~%)" per cent of the operating expenses incurred with respect to the rent supplement accommodation within Aurora· for the preceding. calendar year in acc~r~?P.ce with a certi~i_ed sta;ement to be deliver~d to Aurora by the Corporation on or before the 30th day of April in the year in which such payment shall be 111ade. • AU:!=<;>ra shall have the right, thro~gh its servants, &Rent!?_.or auditois, at ~ny ·time, ~po~ reasonable notice to the Co_rp~ra t~o~,. to examine ~he boo.ks and records of the · .corPoratiori ·per.tatntns to the rene supplem·ent accommodatiOn- with Aurora and, in the event that at any Aurora disputes the amount claimed by the Corpo~atiOn under the preceding paragraph· h~reof, and the parties h~reto-cannot resolve-such dispute, and-the Corporation shall· refer such dispute to a third party _&ccePta'ble to each of them, and th~ d~~iSion ?f such third party shall be final and binding on both parties hereto. This Agreement shall continue and remain in force for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date hereof, and shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the par~ies.hereto, their successors and assigns. Provided, however, that neither party to .. the agre'ement shall assign the agreement without the written' consent of the other party first had and obtained. IN Wl'J:NESS WHEREOF the parties·.hereto have hereunder affixed their ~orporate seals under the bands of their proper si~ning officers duly authorized in that behalf. ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION for VlCE-C!IAlRMAN .. Corporate .Secretary THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA • -~£~C . ' ' . ' ' RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM -SUBSIDY AGREEMENT SCHEDULE "A" Reference Page 3. 2. Units under agreement · to Jan.l/76 NAME OF PROPONENT # OF UNITS PLACE Sardina Inv. Ltd. (1/ll/75) 15-2 Bd. Apts. Wellington & 10-3 Bd. Apts. MacDonald Sts. Sardina Inv. Ltd. (1/l/76) 11~1 Bd. Apts. Wellington & 13-2 Bd. Apts. MacDonald Sts. l-3 Bd. Apts. ·.-;, :~