BYLAW - Amend 1998 73 - 19770718 - 214877BY-LAW 2148 -77 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY LAW 1998-73 WHEREAS IT IS DEEMED EXPEDIENT TO AMEND BY LAW 1998-73 NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign the Amending Subdivision Agreement between Westview Golf Holding Limited and the Town of Aurora. 2. THIS By-Law shall come into full force and effect on the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /f~ay of H ' 1977 d READ A THIRD AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /f day of ' 1977. MAYOR • '· \~ •.. / ,• R 771(1)2 . SCHEDULE "A" TO THB,ORDEn OF THE ONTARIO l·illNICIRAL.BO!IRD MADE ON THE 24th DAY OF MAY, 1979 . · Referral Ill The J~ds contai~ed in referral area number one shown in Schedule A· Land Use Plan of the. lnteri m Official Plan (Exhibit 2) be designated Urban Residential except for the southerly part which will be designated Commer- cial. Both designations bcing based on the boundaries established by the municipality on Schedule X to By-law 2153-77. (Exhibit 4) Referral /12 The lands contained in referral area number two sh~wn in Schedule A Land Use Plan of the Interim Oificial Plan (Exhibit 2) be ·designated Urban Residential west of the CNR and Industrial east of the CNR, Referral 113, 114 and /16: The lands contained in referral areas numbers three, four and six shown in Schedule A Land Use Plan of the Interim Official Plan (Exhibit 2) be designated in accordance with the land use plan being Schedule A to proposed Amendment /19 entitled Aurora West Secondary Plan (Exhibit 9) and that a copy of Amendment /19 (Exhibit 9) along with proposed amendments to Amendment /19 as set out in Exhibit 10 be appanded to .the Interim Official Plan as a modification to establish the standards for considering development applications in the referral areas. Referral/15: The land contain~d In referral area number ' shown in Schedule "A" Land Use Plan of the Interim Official Plan (Exhibit 2) was pqt before the · Board because it was withdrawn by the Honourable the Minister of Housing. Referral/17• (Schedule "D" Interim Official Plan) Delete ScheduJe uo" to the Interim Ofiidal Plan. Referral 1/8: (Index Interim Official Plan) .. Delete reference to Schedule "D" in Index of Interim Official Plan. ... ·- .. . I I r ('~ l i '<...J B E F 0 R E : ·H.E; STEWART Member -and·- ·D .H. McROBB Member R 771602 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, c. 349) -and IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this Board by the HonoUrable JOhn R. Rhodes, Minister of Housing, respecting requests by .Cadillac Fairview·, Corridor Developments Limited, L€bovic Enterprises, Heath Downs Golf Course Limited, Dixon Pencil Company Limited and Daleside Builders Limited fOr considera-. tion of parts of the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, the 24th day of May, l979 THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing on the 2nd day o:r April, 1979, at the Town of._Aurora anQ c¢ter the hearing of' the application the Board having reserved_ its decision until this day; THE BOARD ORDERS that the objections by Cadillac Fairview, Corridor Developments Limited, Lebovic Enterprises, Heath Downs Golf Course Limited, Dixon Pencil Company Limited and Daleside Builders Limited, are hereby dismissed and this referral to this Board by the Honourable John R. Rhodes, Minister of Housing for consideration of parts of the O:ff'iciaf Plan for the Aurora Planning Area is hereby modified by the modifications set out in Schedule 11 A" attached he:reto and order. ENTERED o. a. No ... .tf.?..?..:r. ........ . fof10 No. ••••• <e'i ............... . JUN 1 4 1979 I \ '11" ;:1 ,., ,.· ' ·-,_, Referral /19: (Page 6 Interim Official Plan) Delete the words "The population increase will have to. be staged to enable a relatively steady growth rate over the_ planning period and 'shaH conform with i'Schedule D ... Development Area Plan" and substjtute the following "Therefore, the population increase wiU have to be controlled so as to ensure a relatively steady growth rate over the planning perj~d". Referral/110: (Page 66) Delete the words "For these purposes this plan includes a staging programme which is indicated graphicaUy on "ScheduleD", "Development Area Plan". Referral III i: (Pages 66, 67 and 68) Reference number eleven dld not specifically' include the first paragraph of clause 2 of Section 9 but in order to make the desired modifications -to the referred parts it is necessary to modify t\'{O words which wiU not constitute a substantive change. (I) Delete the major heading "Development Areas" for clause 2 and substitute the words Planning Districts so that the heading will read "Planning Districts" (2) In the first line following the heading in clause 2 delete the words "Develop- ment Areas" and substitute the words 11 Planiung Districts" so that the line will read 11 Development within each of . the Planning Disticts wiU be • ." ' .(3) Delete the heading "Development Area 1" followjng ·(a) jn clause 2 and sub- stitute the words "Lands within Planning Districts I through ~~~ .. ·------------:-.!::.-: ,.~ i•l (4) In the first line of clause 2(a) delete the words 110eveloprnent Area I and sub- sti tute the words: "Lands within Planning ·Districts l through 7' (5) Delete .the second paragraph of clause · 2(a) which reads as follows: "In addition to t~e presently built-up portions of the Planning Area, De_velopment Area I wiU include those vacant lands where new- development is regarded as infilling and _ · those Jands immedlateJy adjacent to the built-up areas". (6) In the last line of the third paragraph of clause 2(a) delete the words "Develop- ment Area l" and substl tute the words "Planning Districts 1 thiough 7". (7) Delete clause 2(b) and substitute the following: "Planning Districts 6 and 7 Development of Planning Districts 6 and 7 shalf be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A (being proposed Amendment 1/9 now appended to the lnterini OffidaJ Plan as Appendix "A") (8) In clause 2(f) delete the heading 11 Extension of Services Beyond Develop-- ment Areas I and U" 'and substitute the following heading "Extension ol Services Beyond the Planning Districts" and in the text of ·.clause 2(f) delete the words "Development Areas and II" and substitute the words 11 Planning Districts.,. ',- Referral/112: (Page 69) Delete the entire clause 3 Section 9 headed 11lmplementation" and substitute the following: Implementation Development will be implemented and contro11ed by the appropriate zoning to assure the orderly development of the Planning Districts, dep~ndent upon the. ·availability, extension and provision of required services. Schedule C to Interim Official Plan -· (l) Delete the figure 7800 from the carto- gram shown on Planning District 6 on ·Schedule C and substitute the figure 5700. (2) Modify Schedule C by adding Planning District 7 ·to jnclude all those lands shown as areas B and C on Schedule A to propos- ed Amendment 1/9 appended as Appendix A to this decision. Section 9: (Page 66) (1) The foHowing cJause wHl be added to S~ction 9 of "Interim Official Plan11 as clause 4 ... The lands in that part of Lot &4, Concession 1 e~t of Old Yonge Street .may only be developed when capacity is· provided by the York-Durham servlcing.scheme or by utilization of unused capacity fOr the system propOsed for the remaining lands in lot 84, Concession 1, east of OJd Yonge Str:eet. (2) The following clause will be added·to Section ·9 of "Interim Official Plan" as clause 5 -The provisi"ons of Appendix A shall apply only t9 the lands in ·.- Planning Districts 6 and 7. "1 1 I ! • 't I